Engine sounds a little bit rougher below 1600 RPM

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Jul 28, 2008
Reaction score
Middle of Sweden, Jämtland
Ever since the beginning of my ownership of my 06 I’ve had this little rougher sound from the engine at 1600 RPM and below. It’s not present at higher RPM’s. The transition from sound to no sound when going from low to higher RPM’s is very distinct, at 1500 RPM it’s present and at 1650 RPM it’s completely gone. It’s hard to describe but the sound reminds me of something else moving in the engine. No matter if the clutch is in or out or the temperature of the engine. I bought it with 5600miles on the meter and now at 14000miles the sound is the same.

I thought it would be wise to ask you guys.

Update! The sound actually reminds me a bit of an old (broken) automobile water pump :unsure:

Thanks in advance,


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Perhaps the cam chain tensioner.
Ok but is it normal then? The sound is not very loud and I haven't verified this behaviour on any other FJR. Maybe it’s completely normal and I’m way too sensitive to “strange” sounds... :unsure:

Is there anyone else who has this behaviour?


It's not normal, but has to be evaluated as to whether it is getting worse or it's something that you can live with. The Forum has experienced some problems with CCTs (but whether this is your problem would have to be determined). It's hard to diagnose over a text-ed forum without hearing the noise.

This family of Yamaha engines is fairly noisy. That you are aware of the noise is good, but don't stress about it. It's been there since you got the bike, so hasn't apparently gotten worse. A cam chain tensioner will get louder over time and is most noticeable coming from unloaded to load, (noisy at idle or unloaded, quiet under load). That noise will come from the right side of the motor up front. It's very obvious to anyone that's heard it before.

You're noise is at a very low rpm. You spend very little time there when actually riding the bike. Ride and enjoy your FJR. If the noise changes or becomes more pronounced, then you'll have some indication that perhaps it should be investigated further. Until that point, accept it as just a normal noise for your bike.

If not for the clutch in/out comment, I'd guess it's gear rattle from the transmission. Normal noise for low RPM/high torque scenario. The noise increases with increasing torque and higher temperatures. Sounds kind of like there are rocks in the box.

But since it happens with the clutch level pulled in, it must be engine related, not transmission. FJR engines have a bit of a high pitched whine to them. I think this is attributable to the two balance shafts.
