ARRGH! Technology is passing me by.
I had NO trouble downloading routes for EOM 2011 or Breaks. EOM 2012 page says that the routes can be downloaded to Mapsource. No luck here. It doesn't specify any difference between doing it in MS or Basecamp. I downloaded Basecamp but no luck getting them off the web even with BC. I do get part of a message saying that my browser doesn't support all Google Doc functions. Do I really HAVE to download Chrome? I can't even preview the Google maps of the routes without the map seizing up and getting all spaghetti-ish. Is this because my DSL is slow? Can somebody's 12 year old kid please tell me what I'm doing wrong?
I started my career as an auto mechanic in the early 80's when electronic engine controls were just taking over. I remember the old timers cursing the the new stuff and me thinking "move out of the way you old dinosaur".
Now I know how they felt (karmatic payback?).
EGR, after treatment and DPF are taking all the fun out of diesels. Mutiplex and CANBUS on everything with wheels are making my DVOM as obsolete as my analog tach/dwell meter. There is a shop in town that has a collection of old auto shop equipment-dist tester, VAT 40, the old ignition oscilloscope the size of 2 refridgerators- on display. It sure would be cool to look at if it wasn't so damned high tech in my younger days.
I just got mapsource figured out and am happy with it and my Zumo550. I tried to download an update to my City Navigator North America 2009 and Garmin said that my net connection was too slow. Now I've got to buy a new PC, find an internet provider out here just a little rural of suburbia that can provide something faster than my DSL, and learn Basecamp, so I can find my way around on my m/c? How long can we expect paper map makers to stay in business? Is it a function of age that causes a person to say "I'M CONTENT!-put the brakes all this technological progress"?
Thanks for letting the techno-challenged rant.