Error code 211 after mouse infestation

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Well-known member
May 13, 2011
Reaction score
Stockton, CA
My '11 has been inactive for about 3 weeks. Today I tried to start her up and no go. Battery was good, but I saw a couple of errors - 41 and 21. Found a mouse nest under the seat, pretty disgusting, but saw a nest of sorts under the tool kit area . One error indicated an open in the lean angle sensor & I found a chewed wire coming from that sensor. Fixed it but still get a 21 code, and no start. The code charts I see indicate either a side stand error or coolant temp sensor problem. Anyone have some insight as to which problem it might be? I haven't been able to find another chewed wire, and the airbox is clean.

Frickin' mice...

Just for giggles, does your neutral light come on when the shifter is in neutral? When you reset the codes, do any codes come back? If the tip-over sensor is shorted or open the engine will be unable to start and unable to drive.

Does "no go" mean it cranks but doesn't start or it won't crank. Umm, if it won't crank, check that red Run/Stop switch on the right handlebar....

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Just for giggles, does your neutral light come on when the shifter is in neutral? When you reset the codes, do any codes come back? If the tip-over sensor is shorted or open the engine will be unable to start and unable to drive.
Does "no go" mean it cranks but doesn't start or it won't crank. Umm, if it won't crank, check that red Run/Stop switch on the right handlebar....
The starter cranks just fine, but it won't fire. Since I fixed the wire to the tipover sensor, that code (41) is gone - just the 21 remains. I'm sure there must be another chewed wire, but so far haven't found it. Thanks for the help, guys - much appreciated. Fricken mice...

Your fault history says you have Fault Code 21 Coolant Sensor - Open or Shorted. This means that you can go to diAG 06 and see what the temperature sensor is really seeing, the display should be close to ambient in ºC (at least that is what it is on my Gen I). If the sensor really has a bad wire the reading will be wwaayy wrong. Even if you have this fault, your FJR should still be: Start - Able; Drive - Able.

While you are in the diAG mode, go to the actuator code for the coils and see if you can hear the spark plugs firing, then check the injectors and the fuel pump relay. If all these work then there is a good chance that your FJR is coincidentally in a flooded condition. Trickle charge the battery, then hold the throttle wide open and crank the engine in short bursts. If it sputters even once it is telling you that it is flooded and will eventually start.

If you don't want a cat, get one of these (Jack Russell Terrier Terror). While it may cost you your sanity dealing with the dog you won't have *any* rodents.


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Your fault history says you have Fault Code 21 Coolant Sensor - Open or Shorted. This means that you can go to diAG 06 and see what the temperature sensor is really seeing, the display should be close to ambient in ºC (at least that is what it is on my Gen I). If the sensor really has a bad wire the reading will be wwaayy wrong. Even if you have this fault, your FJR should still be: Start - Able; Drive - Able.
While you are in the diAG mode, go to the actuator code for the coils and see if you can hear the spark plugs firing, then check the injectors and the fuel pump relay. If all these work then there is a good chance that your FJR is coincidentally in a flooded condition. Trickle charge the battery, then hold the throttle wide open and crank the engine in short bursts. If it sputters even once it is telling you that it is flooded and will eventually start.

If you don't want a cat, get one of these (Jack Russell Terrier Terror). While it may cost you your sanity dealing with the dog you won't have *any* rodents.

I wet to the diag mode, and the 06 indicated a temp of -22 (ambient temp was condolences to those of you in the Upper Midwest). Still can't find another chewed wire. Trying to decipher the wire color code is a real challenge - the colors on the Gen 1 diagram doesn't match some of the wires in my Gen 2. The mouse nest was right around the lean angle sensor and the ECU, so that's where I've been looking for wiring damage so far to no avail. Lots of wire bundles down there.

The temperature reading @ 06 is wrong but shouldn't cause a no run condition.

Coolant Temp sensor: Black/Blue = signal ground(1) Green/White = ECU connection. If the B/Bl wire is chewed it could cause most or all the engine sensors to stop working, you need to go through all the engine sensor values via diAG. The B/BL wire runs around the whole engine, if it is chewed at one point, everything down stream will stop working.

(1) This is an isolated ground which may not be the same as battery or chassis ground, it is used by the ECU to help get a clean signal from all the sensors. To measure the voltages you will need to measure directly across the B/Bl & G/W wires, not battery or chassis ground to the G/W wire.

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After going nuts trying to find a chewed wire under the ECU, In desperation I lifted the gas tank, and lo & behold - another nest with 3 more chewed up wires right on top of the engine. I now know where the coolant temp sensor lives. After splicing & insulating the wiring and cleaning up the ratshit, she started right up with no error messages! Just goes to show you that persistence and being a cheap bastard can pay off. Many thanks, Ionbeam for your help. Hope that storm doesn't hurt you too badly. I'm going riding tomorrow - supposed to be about 70 here...

A fella I used to work with who "grew up on a farm" swears that on the tractors they disconnected the battery on there would be no mouse wiring damage.

On any they left connected they would have issues.
