Escort Radar Detector rain cover

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I use the LegalSpeeding 8500x50 cover. Totally agree on the crappy material they use and the ridiculous price tag (for what it is/costs to make in China, like everything else).

I have the RD mounted on the RAM RD magnetic plate, so the only way to use the cover is by slicing off the folded over edges all the way around the cover. This way the cover sits over the RD and over the RAM magnetic plate. The RD is held in place with the metal plate supplied with the RAM mount. I use a velcro strap to hold the cover on, but a rubber band would work too.

In the past 4 years that I've used this setup it's been exposed to a lot of different severity rain storms and never caused me any problems with the RD getting wet enough to fail, at most the bottom of the RD plastic might get damp, but certainly not wet enough to enter the unit...

I run legal speeding.. Notched a rectangular hole, e.g. enlarged it, so StarComm cables don't get mangled. Still water proof (enough). I prefer it to saran bags cause when it starts raining, it takes just a little water and the escort's are toast. I lost one in only a bit of weather.

Once you lose an Escort 8500 to rain (and it's easy to do!), the overpriced rain cover seems cheap as dirt. Escort doesn't repair water damaged units for their usual $59 price. Instead it's more like $150 or higher.

However, a prominent online motorcycle vendor is locally based in my area. I recently asked the owner to inquire from Legal Speeding if their Escort covers were available. The answer is NO. They are no longer carried.

I am seriously considering having some made with some minor modifications to improve the problems noted in this thread.

Looks like I have a market. :)
Jeff you should totally do it. If I was making it i'd do it out of some form of softer and more flexible material than the one they use. You could sell them cheaper and still get good ROI.


Never mind the pixxies. I got impatient (as I am wont to do) and just had my way with the thing with an X-acto knife, as suggested. Here's what I ended up with:

Cut the slot in the side of the cable area


Now the cover piece fits on without bending-up the $50 cable. But it now has an open area under the cable in addition to the original round hole. I'm not sure how much water ingress will result. In the past, before cutting the new slot, I would stuff an earplug in the cable hole to try and prevent excess water getting in. Maybe I'll do something like that here too?


FWIW, I have glued a piece of plexiglass to the bottom of the legal speeding bottom piece to make it flush and flat, and stuck the power plate ferrous metal plate to it, so the bottom half of the LS box is magnetically attached to my RAM Power Plate.


I also have another metal plate stuck to the bottom of the RD, so I can stick it to the power plate without the LS box on sunnier days.


When the LS box bottom is stuck to the Power Plate, there is only a little magnetic field that passes thru it, just enough hold the RD in position while being cabled up. Not enough to hold it securely if the top of the LS box were to blow off. So I use a nylon strap and buckle to secure the whole shebank to the plate. You could make and use velcro straps instead. I just happened to have the buckle straps laying around.


Took it for a test ride yesterday afternoon. It was threatening to rain, but never did. I do not have any problem manipulating the controls (except the volume and on/off rotary switch) with the RD in the LS box. I can use the two top buttons and the mute button in front just fine. Oh and the cable seems happier now that it is going straight into the jack.

Thanks for the idea.

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You might wrap that plug and hole with some blue painter's tape. I know it won't be as water tight as silicone :rolleyes:

BUT it is easily removable and will slow any rain intrusion.

You might wrap that plug and hole with some blue painter's tape. I know it won't be as water tight as silicone :rolleyes: BUT it is easily removable and will slow any rain intrusion.


I have one at home that doesn't work with my 9500. Send me your info and I will mail it to you when I get back on Thursday.


FWIW, my hole is bigger than Fred's :unsure: and I've not had any water intrusion, even during several frog stranglers. I imagine if the rain was coming in sideways it could be a problem; for most normal rains, no issues.

Why can't Fred just buy a friggen $6 90 degree extension for the end of the damn RD cable? :unsure: Sheesh. Time to send Fred a little love note.
That's a stereo adapter which doesn't work all that well with the mono socket of the Escort RD. I've used stereo plugs in a pinch, but over time they tend to give trouble and lose connection.
Yeahbut, In 50k+ on two bikes, same cable, same RD, I've never had an issue with it.

Plug dimensions are identical between stereo and mono, only difference is the mono has one ring conductor vs the two rings for stereo -> so the RD mono socket uses only one of the rings on the stereo plug.

Actually, I had included Silly Putty but removed it just before clicking Add Reply. Ya never know when I may need to ask for help or need a favor. Like bumblebee hose...

Being very frugal, i made a small box out of plexiglass, open in the front and back. Works well and allows me to reach the controls on my Escort when I want to change a setting or adjust the volume.

If the box is open front and back, how does it keep the rain off the RD? :unsure:
Good question. My RD is mounted on a shelf. The back is protected by the windscreen and the top of the box is large enough that it overhangs the RD a little bit in the front. It does get an occasional drop of water on it, but it works.

I run legal speeding.. Notched a rectangular hole, e.g. enlarged it, so StarComm cables don't get mangled. Still water proof (enough). I prefer it to saran bags cause when it starts raining, it takes just a little water and the escort's are toast. I lost one in only a bit of weather.
Interesting. Mine has been wet countless times with no issue. Unfortunately, the last crash caused some issues so off to Escort for the $59 repair in which I got a new antenna and speaker.

Though not 'ideal', I've never used anything. I simply take it off the magnetic mount and put it in the tankbag when it's raining hard enough for it to get wet. If it's raining that hard, I really don't need it then.

I use the 'mute' button a lot. I can't imagine having it in some cover where I can't use that or even the 'dim' button or even have it mounted where it's not in easy reach.

I have no problems at all using the mute, dim, mode select, or even A and B together to change which bands are being monitored, all through the Legal Speeding flexible plastic cover, and with riding gloves on.

I see that Legal Speeding doesn't list the cover for the Escort anymore so I'm watching this thread to see who "steps up" and fills that void.

