Escort/Valentine Power Plug

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2005
Reaction score
Albuquerque, NM
I'm thinking about purchasing a friend's Valentine radar detector to help him out of some financial woes. I've used an Escort 8500 for some time now and am very happy with it's performance, but would like to have the ability to try both without having to add a second power cable. I've never owned a Valentine before and I've always wanted to give one a try. Does the power conn. for the Escort 8500 have the same pin assignments (or vs./ver.) as the Valentine unit ? They are the same type connector, but I don't know if there is a standard wiring scheme or if they are "brand specific". I know the M/C community is pretty evenly split on which is "King", but I'd like to make that decision based on my own A/B testing. Both will have a home, but the winner will reside on the FJR, the other in my Jeep.

(Please move this topic to another section if you think it doesn't belong here.)

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I'm thinking about purchasing a friend's Valentine radar detector to help him out of some financial woes. I've used an Escort 8500 for some time now and am very happy with it's performance, but would like to have the ability to try both without having to add a second power cable. I've never owned a Valentine before and I've always wanted to give one a try. Does the power conn. for the Escort 8500 have the same pin assignments (or vs./ver.) as the Valentine unit ? They are the same type connector, but I don't know if there is a standard wiring scheme or if they are "brand specific". I know the M/C community is pretty evenly split on which is "King", but I'd like to make that decision based on my own A/B testing. Both will have a home, but the winner will reside on the FJR, the other in my Jeep.
(Please move this topic to another section if you think it doesn't belong here.)
my old escorts used a more common pin type connector. Valentine doesn't. It does have a power plug for car outlets, but it goes into a phone cord. I have never been able to use a regular phone jack wire either because I think the wires are reversed in the termination piece.

My Escort 8500 (and I'm guessing the newer generation Bel) uses a "phone" style power input like the Valentine. I think maybe they're becoming the norm for many detectors these days. I just dont want to plug my Escort power cable into the Valentine and smell smoke!
