Etymotic In-ear-monitors

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Where did you guys order yours? still has mine on backorder. I think they want me to pay the price increase. They screwed up my order and were out of the ER6i's at my price.

On perpetual back order. And pissed off. :angry03: :angry03:

Well, I was wrong. The price is back down to 89.95. And still not in stock, although the website says usually ships in one to two days.....



Comp-u-plus... yes, they charge a bit for shipping, but they got them to me quickly, and they are worth the effort. Feels like the people are singing inside my head. Makes me shudder to think I could have been waiting alongside you all this time for Don' to get off their *****.... <_<

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Thanks for the tips, guys. F1Fan has the best deal going besides the deal. They want $9.95 for regular ground shipping. Kinda salty, but at $84.95 for the units, the $5 net ain't gonna kill me.

I just emailed to customer support to chew some ass. If they had real phone numbers, I'd be on them like flies on stink. Grrrrrr.....

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Don't even get me started on Don''s customer service email support... I'd tell them what a pisspoor organization they were, and that I'd wish them well in bankruptcy, and I'd get a form letter response. Shake their dust from your boots, and never look back...

Yup, got the form letter. Sorry, **** you. I'll bet if I re-ordered the earphones I'd get them in three days. What a cluster ****.

Ordered from Erwin Computer (through a Yahoo transaction site). Hopefully the earphones will be here next week.

I ordered a high speed USB for my computer, too, when I originally placed the order. shows it shipped on the 7th and the 16th. Lost. I told them to stuff it.

Sad thing is that I've ordered a few things from them and never had anything like this happen. Guess I was lucky. 'Til now.

Thanks guys for pointing down the right path.

I can't win for losing. Got an email from Erwincomp that my order was Charlie Foxed. Seems that if you give them a shipping address different from the cc billing address, it kicks the order out. What up with that? Jheesh. Had to call them and talk to a rather rude fellow about my order. What a prick. Anyway, got it straightened out. That site won't be amoungst my first choices from now on, either.

Hope these phones are worth the (minor) headaches.

Now that all this has happened, the order will probably show up in the morning. Any bets?

I ordered from Comp-U-Plus. I paid the extra $14.95 for the fast shipping but I had NO idea how fast it would be. I placed my order on 8/2. UPS tried to deliver them today, but I was out riding with my old Koss earbuds :( UPS will be here before 10:30 AM tomrrow and the Koss set becomes my girlfriends :D

Can't wait to see how these sound under the Shoei RF-1000. The Koss are OK, but I get a ton of wind noise.


For cryin' out loud! You've been tryin for over a month to buy these earbuds. It's one thing to try to save a few bucks on an item, but how much has this ordeal cost you in time and frustration? I got mine from Compuplus a few weeks ago (5 days from NY to NM), and have been enjoying them since. May be time to bite the bullet and anty-up. Hell, it's only money!

Hey, it ain't THAT big a deal. I still have the Radioshack in the ear plugs and they are OK. I kinda went on vacation there for about 12 days in the middle of all this, too. SWEET!

I also bought a Clarity Aloft headset for my plane that I've been using flying and on my bike. It has a music input. The engineer/phd that designed the Clarity Aloft headsets knows all the guys at Etymotic and Shure. He says it's all grea/similar stuff, but of course his is better. And it should be for 5 bills. Lemme tell you, those phones ROCK. And they are VERY comfortable in the plane, light as a feather with great sound and good attenuation.

I usually wear a noise cancelling headset (LightSpeed) while flying, but my mellon is so big I get crushed noggin' syndrome. The CA headset, like the Etymotics, are in the ears, with a wire ear loop for support of the electret noise cancelling boom mic. Now I just need a cell/2way adapter and I'll be set. bike and plane with one set!

Once I get the ER6i's, I'll decide which one I like best and retire the others. Than again, maybe I'll just keep all the toys. The $5 shipping net cost was not the biggest issue.

The Etymotics shipped today from Erwincomp. UPS tracking has been initiated, but there's no details yet.

Still waiting for to confirm my cancellation and issue the credit for my lost merchandise. This is starting to reak of that Paypal problem Slap was having. YIKES!

Still waiting for my replacement tire, too. That's coming from LA, so it'll probably be the end of next week.

Woe is me... guess I'll just mow the grass. Oh wait, my Husky is broken and I'm waiting for parts on that, too. Sigh....

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Woe is me... guess I'll just mow the grass. Oh wait, my Husky is broken and I'm waiting for parts on that, too. Sigh....
Sounds like you have plenty of downtime to work on the plane.....unless you are waiting on parts for that too? :lol:

Don't even go there. My engine is 3 months past due. Supposedly, all my parts are there and he is assembling my engine this week. He's told me that 4 times.

I did order my EFIS at OSH, so I am waiting on that, too. Then I can begin doing some serious wiring.

Also waiting on wing parts from the kit manufacturer. My control surfaces are supposedly in his shop. Been waiting for those for over a year. I bought my EVO kit pre-production, so the taper wing was still in developement. Now the control surfaces are in their third generation and production is consistant. I get a finished production set, instead of an interim testing set. Hopefully worth the wait. They sure looked good at OSH.

I'm so used to getting things in two or three days, that if something gets delayed to a week, I get my panties in a bunch. Am I spoiled or what.

Etymotics will be here monday.

Oh, and my problem with Erwin was that I was shipping to an unconfirmed address. I thought it WAS confirmed. It's my freakin dental office. Only been there upwards of 20 years. And the credit card is supposed to show that alternate address. Duh. Guess my office should have bought the earphones for my patients to use. That would have made things simpler.

Got my ER6i's from Erwincomp today, as expected.

I went to to look at cameras, and noticed that ER6i's are featured on sale again. Wonder if they actually have them, or if they are just going to piss off hundreds of buyers? Selling air? Morons.

Time to go ride and check out the tunes! WOOHOO!!!

(Wish they weren't that gay-assed white....)

I had a set of Koss The Plug earphones. They were nice, but did not cancel enough of the wind noise IMO. I have since ordered molded earplugs through Kieth on $200.

I have not used the molded ones yet, but ordered them because a buddy I ride with absolutely swore by them on our last ride to Arkansas. He said the wind noise was completed cancelled out and he could hear his XM on a very low volume setting. Works for me!


Well, what do ya think? Worth the wait? Glad to hear they finally showed up. I was about ready to send you mine!........... :lol:

Yeah, like you were going to let go of yours. Likely story... :p ;)

I just got back from a little loop to the ATM and back on the scooter.


The music could be a bit better, maybe fuller, but I was testing them with my ZEN, not my XM, which is what I use most of the time. So far, anyway. But the sound quality over all is EXCELLENT and the noise/wind suppression is GREAT! Almost TOO GOOD!


Me likey!

Worth the wait? Well, that was kinda sucky. But definitely a great piece of equipment. Now these guys all need to bring the price down to about $30. THEN I'd be extremely extremely happy. As it is, I'm only extremely happy. :D :D :D

Just bought 2 of these things for use with my AutoCom Active 7 intercom. I agree that they do sound great and they are comfortable (haven't used them on a long ride yet)! Easier getting the helmet on with these in, little more difficult getting them off though. I gotta figure out some way to control all the doggone wires with this system. I'm a less is better person and it seems like I've got wires all over the place. Lead from the main box, lead for the helmet, lead from the helmet, and then gotta attach the ER-6i lead into the lead that attaches into the helmet! And don't you know, to use the ER-6i's takes a special lead - $42 from Kieth (at 15% discount). I love my wife dearly and want to talk with her, but I sure hope I can figure out how to make this less painful.
