Hey, it ain't THAT big a deal. I still have the Radioshack in the ear plugs and they are OK. I kinda went on vacation there for about 12 days in the middle of all this, too. SWEET!
I also bought a Clarity Aloft headset for my plane that I've been using flying and on my bike. It has a music input. The engineer/phd that designed the Clarity Aloft headsets knows all the guys at Etymotic and Shure. He says it's all grea/similar stuff, but of course his is better. And it should be for 5 bills. Lemme tell you, those phones ROCK. And they are VERY comfortable in the plane, light as a feather with great sound and good attenuation.
I usually wear a noise cancelling headset (LightSpeed) while flying, but my mellon is so big I get crushed noggin' syndrome. The CA headset, like the Etymotics, are in the ears, with a wire ear loop for support of the electret noise cancelling boom mic. Now I just need a cell/2way adapter and I'll be set. bike and plane with one set!
Once I get the ER6i's, I'll decide which one I like best and retire the others. Than again, maybe I'll just keep all the toys. The $5 shipping net cost was not the biggest issue.
The Etymotics shipped today from Erwincomp. UPS tracking has been initiated, but there's no details yet.
Still waiting for Buy.com to confirm my cancellation and issue the credit for my lost merchandise. This is starting to reak of that Paypal problem Slap was having. YIKES!
Still waiting for my replacement tire, too. That's coming from LA, so it'll probably be the end of next week.
Woe is me... guess I'll just mow the grass. Oh wait, my Husky is broken and I'm waiting for parts on that, too. Sigh....