My problem with these devices and the associated technology (GPS locators and so on) are their insidious nature. "Camel's nose under the tent." Record 30 seconds of data? Why not three minutes, three hours, three days, three years...? Memory is cheap. The data from these devices can be, has been and will be subpoenaed when a defendant or plaintiff, or prosecutors or defense attorneys want it, which they always will. Insurance companies are now offering financial incentives to customers who attach data recorders to their vehicle. If these are built-in, can they demand to scan your data before writing a policy? Will past indiscretions be used to establish a "pattern" of reckless driving? And, of course, the NSA (not political, just fact) has routinely overstepped their authority regarding monitoring citizen communications. It is easy to not trust the motivations of those who advocate for data recording...or any other type of electronic monitoring of our behavior. If it's imposed on us, it's not likely for our personal benefit.