Excellent Deal on Clearwater LED Lights

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Skip at Clearwater installed a set of the LED lights on my 2009 FJR today. He did a good professional job installing the lights on my bike and replaced a couple of missing pieces of mounting hardware from a sloppy ignition recall fix. The lights are now mounted on the sides of the fender and look really nice like they belong there.



A few months back I posted about my LED front lights (mounted low, on the axle) that had just been developed--invented and manufactured by Forum member FJRGlenn. See original post here about these Clearwatertm lights. To introduce them to the FJR world, Glenn offered Forum members a good deal on a group buy. Quite a few of you took advantage of this offer, and they've been very well received. (BTW, he also donated TWO sets of these lights as fundraisers, one at WFO and one at EOM, proceeds going to the "Tyler fund."

They've also been improved from the "Gen 1" lights, thanks to FJRGuy and MEM (see posts 59 and 60 in the linked thread). He developed a switch that ties the brightness to the high-beam switch, automatically dimming them to whatever level the rider chooses when you go to low beams, and back up for high. It's a good idea, since they're very bright at night and can often result in getting "flashed" by other drivers when at full power. Because the world is not fair, he named the switch the "ME-1," not the "Guy-1." Tough luck, Jeff.

I went out there today and he installed the ME-1 switch on my bike, since it came along after I got my lights. From now on, though, the ME-1 will be part of every package he sells.

Anyway, THE POINT OF THIS POST (and there IS one), is that Glenn decided to offer ANOTHER special on his lights to Forum members for the Christmas season (tell your spouses). The list price is $475 for the set, all brackets, harnesses, etc. included. The special is, he's offering the same deal as the introductory group buy price, $400, and if you can get to his shop in Rancho Cordova, $475 installed. Installed right. (His normal installation price is $100; the local BMW dealership is quoting $150.) Glenn will have a booth at the "International Motorcycle Show" in San Mateo on Nov 20-22, and invites everybody to check out the lights and say hello. Hope to see some of you there too.

EDIT: Crap, I just looked at this post again and realized I did a typo or had a brain fart. The $400 price for this deal INCLUDES INSTALLATION if you can get here, not the $475 I posted. Sorry.

ANOTHER EDIT: This deal is good through 1/31/10!
Hi Mike,

Just wanted to say that I was glad you made the original post on the Clearwater lights. I just had a set installed today,Glen Skip and the rest of the crew are a professional and friendly crew. I'm very pleased with the install the light look like they belong,if anyone is considering making a purchase this is a quality product with great customer service.

Glen honored the group price which say a lot in my book.



Interesting...as you say, yours are mounted at the fender mount point, rather than the brake caliper mount point, as mine are.

Did you choose this, or is that what they do on the '09s? It was never mentioned when Skip installed mine, but I would have chosen the current location (caliper), because I want them far from the headlights.

Interesting...as you say, yours are mounted at the fender mount point, rather than the brake caliper mount point, as mine are.
Did you choose this, or is that what they do on the '09s? It was never mentioned when Skip installed mine, but I would have chosen the current location (caliper), because I want them far from the headlights.
I happen to have the answer on this one. They wanted to find a more universal mounting, since they're putting them on lots of different bikes now. The original mount you and I have was specifically designed for FJR measurements and other bikes also needed their own unique design. It made it tougher for them, and any dealership that happens to sell them, to stock all the appropriate parts. On FJRs, they are now mounting right into the front fender mounting screw hole--just ahead of the forks--with a longer bolt and I believe a short spacer. I think this setup offers all the advantages of the caliper mount (turns with the front wheel, separated from the headlights, etc.). Of course, the bright white light also distinguishes them from the headlights. The newer mounting position may protect them a bit more than the center-of-the-wheel caliper position, too, but that's just speculation (should you happen to, um, leave your bike parked somewhere and a stranger comes along and pushes it over).

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I happen to have the answer on this one. They wanted to find a more universal mounting, since they're putting them on lots of different bikes now. The original mount you and I have was specifically designed for FJR measurements and other bikes also needed their own unique design. It made it tougher for them, and any dealership that happens to sell them, to stock all the appropriate parts. On FJRs, they are now mounting right into the front fender mounting screw hole--just ahead of the forks--with a longer bolt and I believe a short spacer. I think this setup offers all the advantages of the caliper mount (turns with the front wheel, separated from the headlights, etc.). Of course, the bright white light also distinguishes them from the headlights. The newer mounting position may protect them a bit more than the center-of-the-wheel caliper position, too, but that's just speculation (should you happen to, um, leave your bike parked somewhere and a stranger comes along and pushes it over).
Thanks for the info! And, I'm not as worried about someone pushing it over, as the defective design on the side-stand. I keep reading about it retracting automatically as people are walking away from the bikes. Hard to believe that could happen any day other than Friday.

I didn't want to suggest that you might do it yourself. . . :eek:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I don't think anyone has suggested the stand "retracts automatically." More a matter of not making sure it's fully extended and the bike's in gear before you do the "walking away" part.

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Hi Mike,

Just wanted to say that I was glad you made the original post on the Clearwater lights. I just had a set installed today,Glen Skip and the rest of the crew are a professional and friendly crew. I'm very pleased with the install the light look like they belong,if anyone is considering making a purchase this is a quality product with great customer service.

Glen honored the group price which say a lot in my book.



+1 on this! Just got mine installed and they made their first save not a mile from their shop on the way home. Some knucklehead in a full size Chevy pick up started a left turn in front of me, slammed on his brakes and left me about 3/4 of my lane available. I'm crediting the save to the Clearwater LED's (my story and I'm sticking to it). Glenn, Chris, Skip all good people to deal with.

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You didn't see the covered up Clearwater logo on the side of Glenn's truck? :clapping: He was just trying to drum up some publicity! :rolleyes:

<jk> . . . I got in on the sale he had last year, excellent product!

Um, wait'll you see the NEW product from Clearwater. I'll be posting on them soon. And I'll be showing them off at WFO, among other places.

Glenn and his crew are taking their lights and some photo equipment out to some dark location this weekend and doing some careful comparison photography to show the brightness. I had mine mounted last week, and tried to take some pictures down in Death Valley but it's hard to get a real good sense of how different levels of lighting compare--at least it was for me and my little Canon snap-shooter. I'll just say these things LIT UP THE NIGHT when I switched them on after dark in unlit, moonless Death Valley. Like the smaller ones, you can turn them down enough to use all the time, in all traffic conditions for amazing visibility. Here's just a little teaser of the new lights next to the small, fender-mounted running light I've been talking about up to now:


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Interesting...as you say, yours are mounted at the fender mount point, rather than the brake caliper mount point, as mine are.
Did you choose this, or is that what they do on the '09s? It was never mentioned when Skip installed mine, but I would have chosen the current location (caliper), because I want them far from the headlights.
I happen to have the answer on this one. They wanted to find a more universal mounting, since they're putting them on lots of different bikes now. The original mount you and I have was specifically designed for FJR measurements and other bikes also needed their own unique design. It made it tougher for them, and any dealership that happens to sell them, to stock all the appropriate parts. On FJRs, they are now mounting right into the front fender mounting screw hole--just ahead of the forks--with a longer bolt and I believe a short spacer. I think this setup offers all the advantages of the caliper mount (turns with the front wheel, separated from the headlights, etc.). Of course, the bright white light also distinguishes them from the headlights. The newer mounting position may protect them a bit more than the center-of-the-wheel caliper position, too, but that's just speculation (should you happen to, um, leave your bike parked somewhere and a stranger comes along and pushes it over).
Glenn also noted he'd rather an improved design which would not require the lights be removed to change brake pads

my Laser Star Bullet Lights (similar and equal to Motolights, but cheaper) are mounted to my fender bolts

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Is the "Erica" lights I heard about when Glenn and Skip installed the Glenda's for me? I've been waiting for them! Now I just hafta figer out how to get another farkle past the Better Half.

Um, wait'll you see the NEW product from Clearwater. I'll be posting on them soon. And I'll be showing them off at WFO, among other places.
Glenn and his crew are taking their lights and some photo equipment out to some dark location this weekend and doing some careful comparison photography to show the brightness. I had mine mounted last week, and tried to take some pictures down in Death Valley but it's hard to get a real good sense of how different levels of lighting compare--at least it was for me and my little Canon snap-shooter. I'll just say these things LIT UP THE NIGHT when I switched them on after dark in unlit, moonless Death Valley. Like the smaller ones, you can turn them down enough to use all the time, in all traffic conditions for amazing visibility. Here's just a little teaser of the new lights next to the small, fender-mounted running light I've been talking about up to now:

Both sets of lights showed up on Friday

Here's a discussion for ya'll and I'm gonna ask Glenn in an email as pics of the Kristas (big mirror mount lights) on their web site are both ways:

there's are three LED's in the housing and when mounted on the bracket...either two LED's can go across the top with one on the bottom or vica versa

I can't see that it matters, but what do ya'll think ??? I'll post the Clearwater answer tomorrow when they tell me.

here's both ways to peruse...


My bike's at the Clearwater shop right now getting them (Kristas) mounted and connected. I've had them on what turned out to be a temporary mount since the ride down to Death Valley in March. They stuck them on for me even though the light/mount combination interfered with the motion of my V-Stream. Now I have the right mounts--Top Gun brackets from here. (Indirectly, since I bought them from a forum guy.) Those look like the brackets Mike has too--good sturdy steel ones. The Kristas weigh only 15 ounces (as opposed to almost 3 lbs. for the Solteks), but were still heavy for the aluminum mounts the P.O. had fabricated for the Hella FF-50s I had below my mirrors.

Anyway, I haven't posted a full report on the Kristas yet cuz I didn't want to show pics with the less-than-ideal and temporary installation, but I'll be able to do that pretty soon now. I CAN say, though, that I LOVE these lights. I run them on all the time--day and night. Low to medium brightness in the day for lots of extra visibility, minimum brightness at night in traffic for great visibility but no blinding other drivers, and all hooked into the high beam switch to put everything on maximum when I want to light up the dark--and they really do! I also have the fender-mounted Glendas, and everything's controlled by the same dimmer switch/high-beam combination. I'm afraid no photo will really do justice to how much illumination these give, but I'll try when I report on them. OM took this pic (I LOVE this pic) in DV, but because of the alignment, the headlights look brighter than the LEDs, and that's NOT the case when the bike's coming at you. And at this time I was using the lowest brightness setting.

Sacramento Mike

Down in Death Valley, I was hoping I could compare my setup to one of the guys with the Soltek Fuegos, but Carver was staying 60 miles away so we couldn't compare at night, and Mad Mike and CAJW couldn't make the trip, so I still haven't made that comparison. I don't believe the Kristas give as much illumination as those Solteks do, but to me, the other advantages weigh a lot in their favor--especially the "always on" value (you CAN turn them off) and the low electrical draw.

And here's the newest cool thing from Glenn--somehow, he's connecting the high beam/maximum LED brightness switching to the HORN! So when I have to hit the horn (Hello, moron, you've pulled out RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!), everything goes bright! He told me he could set it up that way when I first picked them up, and since then I've had to use the horn twice for that reason, and both times I thought "man, I wish those lights came up too," so it wasn't hard to decide to tell Glenn when I went back with the new brackets to go ahead and make that change. I can't WAIT to try that out.

Anyway, I'll start a new thread about the Kristas when I get all that done--unless you can do it first, Mike, since this one is really about a deal Glenn was offering last year on the smaller Glendas (which are still damn awesome, btw). FWIW, we mounted mine with the single bulb at the top, but it can't really matter. I'll see some of you in Eureka in July. You're gonna like these.

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