Having never owned an FRJ before, this bike will be a whole new experience for me. Are there any physical therapists in this group with advice about how best to get that back in shape? Jumping on the bike and riding it 2500 miles in the first week of ownership is probably going to be a challenge for this old body but I will be in no rush and can take a lot of breaks. I have ordered one of those sheepskin buttpads to help out the old butt and I will probably use my 30 year old kidney belt that I used the last time I rode across the country. The riding position of the FJR is a bit more aggressive than I am used too, though, so I am not sure how much help the kidney belt will be. Can't hurt, I guess. Maybe I could look for a massage parlor every evening. They at least still have those in Nevada, don't they?
Anyway, any ideas about exercises?