Experienced road rage this morning.

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I run in to idiots like that during my 20 mile commute to work occassionally. I use a Scala Bluetooth in my helmet and just say "911" in to the microphone. On the 2 times that I've called they have responded very quickly. Remaining calm and accurate goes a long way toward them believing your story. Be safe!

I'm not gonna defend what I said on the other post but I will state I shouldn't have said that prior. What I meant was I wouldn't have let those unruly bikers push me around. I highly doubt I would actually run someone off the road. So that statement is a regret on my part cuz it seems others here are putting it back in my face.

Regarding karma -- first, I didn't run someone off the road. And even with my saying that doesn't justify what that moron did this morning. Second, I did nothing wrong this morning. I wouldn't have followed the guy if I didn't feel right about it. I trust my inner instinct and it has served me very well. Should I have not confronted this guy? Well, he did tried to kill me..... Now the police has his info on file.

I'm highly considering now a helmet with comm capabilities.

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We all say things that if they were applied to ourselves with the vigor implied we wouldn't say.

To see such an example with no real consequence is a priceless lesson to us all.

I only marvel at the wonder of the incident and am provoked to self examination (not an opportunity for the merry pranksters out there).


So that statement is a regret on my part cuz it seems others here are putting it back in my face.
Nobody needs to put it back in your face...you posted it on the Internet. It's permanently out there for all to see, now.

I'm highly considering now a helmet with comm capabilities.
Consider a bullet-proof vest, too. I mean, so long as your "inner instinct" keeps leading you into situations like this you'll eventually need the vest.

You'd have gotten a lot more satisfaction out of having the police confront him instead of you. And to an outsider that didn't see what he did and only saw your actions you become the psyco, and may have gotten them called on you.

However " tapping your brakes to back him off", are you kidding me. If he made even just a slight contact with you, you'd be dead! You can't do that on a bike, and shouldn't even do it in a car! There might be a biker behind the ******* behind you, and he gets caught up in a big mess. Think about it. Chain reaction BAD!

Maybe a head butt with the helmet on would of been in order.... since he didn't care!

Following this type of person to thier destination can be a serious mistake. But since you now know where to find the car, get a horse syringe and some skunk oil from a feed store and squirt it between window and rubber on the door into the car. It will total out the car as it can't be cleaned out. Do it on a really hot day t maximize.

At least I heard this works.

Hm..........time to start packing maybe?
Start packing? I do, but a confrontation only gets someone killed, and then you have to prove you didn't escalate it. And you did by following him and confronting. Oh, and he could have a weapon too, and instead of you being dead because he run you off the road you are dead because he shot you. Better to get a license plate number and discription of the car and person driving and pass it on to the boys in blue. I was a LEO for many years and I'm telling you it's not worth it unless you are, at that instant, protecting yourself or someone else from being killed and you have no other choise.
I dont know, the second the guy started using his car as a deadly weapon, I think he is fair game for self defense. He repeatedly tried to run him off the road. Now i wouldnt suggest following him home, just cappin his ass right there and then on the freeway! Personally I would just run away from that kind of crap jes sayin it is prolly defensable :rolleyes:

However " tapping your brakes to back him off", are you kidding me. If he made even just a slight contact with you, you'd be dead! You can't do that on a bike, and shouldn't even do it in a car! There might be a biker behind the ******* behind you, and he gets caught up in a big mess. Think about it. Chain reaction BAD!

Either total engagment with deadly force or freakin run away

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Maybe the police won't give him a ticket for road rage, but I would think if you got hold of a lawyer, they'd stir it up a bit. I can't imagine that you cannot press charges on the guy for attempted murder, and even if they got dropped right away, maybe it will at least scare the guy into realizing that that he can't mess around with a 3500lb deadly weapon and get away.

That sort of thing should at least end up on his permanent record, I know if I was going to rent my property to that guy, or hire him in an office, or whatever, that I would like to know if he has something like that in his past. As near as I can tell, there's not much difference between him doing that and him pulling out a gun and popping a couple shots off at you.

"But officer, I didn't aim for him, I was just trying to scare him, and hit by accident. I really didn't mean to kill him"

Instead of running away, just pull over. You could be killed trying to escape him. If they stop and come after you you can defend yourself however you like! Kinda like he coulda when YOU followed HIM home. ;)

Instead of running away, just pull over. You could be killed trying to escape him. If they stop and come after you you can defend yourself however you like! Kinda like he coulda when YOU followed HIM home. ;)
yeah I guess I meant get away by whatever means seems most appropriate for the conditions. Sure I might stop too.

I dont know, the second the guy started using his car as a deadly weapon, I think he is fair game for self defense. He repeatedly tried to run him off the road.
Nope, once he went home and you followed him your are now the pursuer. You are the one who will get put in jail. That's a fact. I may not be an expert on anything but I do know law.

I dont know, the second the guy started using his car as a deadly weapon, I think he is fair game for self defense. He repeatedly tried to run him off the road.
Nope, once he went home and you followed him your are now the pursuer. You are the one who will get put in jail. That's a fact. I may not be an expert on anything but I do know law.
Absolutley! thats why I said he should have whacked him on the spot, not followed him home

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Unless the dude's an absolute idiot he's probably a bit worried right now. You know where he lives and you know his car. Anytime between now and doomsday you could seek your revenge.

I'm for the vigilante idea. Epoxy in locks,tire valve stem removal, cutting brake hoses (OOps, I did'nt mean that one) :eek:

Just beware if you travel the same route. Odds are, you will cross paths again. In that case, I agree with Odot - pack heat. Nothing says "**** you" like a loaded gun blazing.

Of course, be prepared for the consequences. There's always that.

So really, next time that happens, pull off the freeway, find a liquor store, let the ******* ******* get on down the road, go home, drink a few shots, and imagine how you could have ended his existence. At least you get a buzz and stay out of jail.

So really, next time that happens, pull off the freeway, find a liquor store, let the ******* ******* get on down the road, go home, drink a few shots, and imagine how you could have ended his existence. At least you get a buzz and stay out of jail.
hahaaa :rofl:

As I pass him I blow my Fiamm horns at him and then move on down the road.
I think it starts with the idea that a horn is a good idea. If I had my way, the horn button would be connected to activate your own brakes. Horns are pretty useless, except to warn someone that they're backing over you. If you use them in a punitive mode to blast folks you don't like after the event should be over, you're just escalating something that's already gone awry.

So I got behind him and followed his ass to his apt parking lot. I calmed myself down and of course left my helmet on.... then in a quiet but firm voice tell the guy he could've killed me. He said he didn't care. I said you could've killed someone else. He said he didn't care. I said the next time you do that to a biker he's gonna have a gun and pop a cap in your ass... He said he didn't care. I drove away and circled the block. The guy moved his gay-ass volkswagen bug down the block but I still found it.
As others have pointed out, you're pretty much asking for it here. Threats about guns in my neck of the woods can lead to your own arrest.

In the business, the official term for something like this is that its "A Two Moron Problem." A one moron problem can be solved because the non-moron will cut his losses and walk away. In a two moron problem, there is no solution because both people are self righteous, indignant, and sure they've been wronged.

Maybe tomorrow will be better. The bullet proof vest idea is a good one... that, or a general relaxation of tensions.


The vigilante **** is for cowards. !! There's a great book out there a few years now called "Armed Response". It clearly outlines a sucessfull "self defense" shooting. This wouldn't have passed.

If you had pulled over, and he stopped and came after you BLAMMO! You'd have had every right, because once you stopped you'd have no way to defend your self. Your doors don't lock, and you got no windows to roll up. You couldn't run because it was to dangerous.

And remember the first person in a case like this to report it to the police is viewed as the victim. Its just how it is. I think this guy deserves a good ass kicking but I still don't think he deserved to be shot. Everyone no matter how much of an ******* they are has someone that loves them, or at least depends on them. Just like you do. If you take a life, you can't give it back unfortunately. People heal from a good beating though!

Just go back, find the car and put a note on the windshield. "I know where you live and we will get even, *******. This was a nice car." Then forget about it, he won't.
