Face shield fog reduction

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Tried the shampoo and shaving cream tricks. They lasted all of one day. I ride every day, so that wasn't a viable option. Pinlock is the only thing I've found that actually works, day in and day out, 365 days a year.

Whatever you try, don't even consider wasting your money on Zook. Completely and utterly worthless crap. Might at well as piss on a twenty dollar bill and flush it.

I don't get it. How did it only last one day? (being serious here)

Do you clean your face shield inside before every ride or something? :unsure:

I put the shampoo on the inside of my HJC modular helmet's face shield on the way back from EOM in late September and it is still working now. Because we don't have many bugs anymore I haven't had to clean the inside of the shield since then, and the one application is still doing its thing.

Hmmm... I wonder if it varies by face shield brand / material.

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Same here. Shortest was 2 weeks. It's going on that long right now, and not even wisping, much less fogging.

It's rained twice during that time, and temps have ranged from 40 to 75. Ridden every day.

Also HJC . . . . .

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No idea. Maybe it was the stuff I was using. Worked the first day. Second day it fogged worse than having nothing. Put the pinlock on and never worried or had to think about it again.

Tried the shampoo and shaving cream tricks. They lasted all of one day. I ride every day, so that wasn't a viable option. Pinlock is the only thing I've found that actually works, day in and day out, 365 days a year.

Whatever you try, don't even consider wasting your money on Zook. Completely and utterly worthless crap. Might at well as piss on a twenty dollar bill and flush it.
Damn straight..

I've read that the pinlock adds glare at night due to the added layer of plastic. Is this not true? Bad enough I have to wear glasses under my shield...
Fred I do get some weird light artifacts because of the two pieces of plastic but you get used to them and they don't blind you or make riding dangerous. I ride with sunglasses on during the day and I don't have a problem with it. Then again it bug you. We are different on what we can tolerate.

@nd winter using the Pinlock system. Nothing to say except it just works. If the insert doesn't stay in place when you close the shield you need to adjust the little pins, 1/4 turn was enough for mine. No fog down to 38 degrees even when wearing a Turtle Fur neck warmer pulled up far enough to cover my mouth. Works better than any of the anti-fog wipe on/wipe off formulas I tried and I have a small box full of them.
