Feeling a little poor this week

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May 2, 2010
Reaction score
Kent, Washington
I am working on an event this week in Redmond, WA (outside of Seattle) with many of the worlds top CEO's, members of the US Government, Royalty, Billionaires and even an Oracle from Omaha . There are roughly 100 attendees at this event. Most I would say are drinking coffee, water or juice during the Summit. Since this event needs to run like clockwork, if we are running behind, the producers of the event take time out of the break to bring the event back on schedule. Lets to the math... 140 people (100 attendees & 40 support staff / cops / body guards / Secret Service). Out of the 140, lets say 100 are men. There are 2 restrooms. We have 15 minutes... that's two long lines. And for me, a middle class American... it just feels a little awkward standing in a urinal line with some of these guys. I can only imagine some of the side conversations going on in this room...pretty amazing.

I am working on an event this week in Redmond, WA (outside of Seattle) with many of the worlds top CEO's, members of the US Government, Royalty, Billionaires and even an Oracle from Omaha . There are roughly 100 attendees at this event. Most I would say are drinking coffee, water or juice during the Summit. Since this event needs to run like clockwork, if we are running behind, the producers of the event take time out of the break to bring the event back on schedule. Lets to the math... 140 people (100 attendees & 40 support staff / cops / body guards / Secret Service). Out of the 140, lets say 100 are men. There are 2 restrooms. We have 15 minutes... that's two long lines. And for me, a middle class American... it just feels a little awkward standing in a urinal line with some of these guys. I can only imagine some of the side conversations going on in this room...pretty amazing.
No matter how rich they are they still have to put there pants on one leg at a time and wipe there own A## like the rest of us..lol

Is anybody checking for distance and volume?

Watch out for the guys that stand in line for the lower urinal on purpose.

"Brrrr, water's cold"

"Deep too" :p

I am working on an event this week in Redmond, WA (outside of Seattle) with many of the worlds top CEO's, members of the US Government, Royalty, Billionaires and even an Oracle from Omaha . There are roughly 100 attendees at this event. Most I would say are drinking coffee, water or juice during the Summit. Since this event needs to run like clockwork, if we are running behind, the producers of the event take time out of the break to bring the event back on schedule. Lets to the math... 140 people (100 attendees & 40 support staff / cops / body guards / Secret Service). Out of the 140, lets say 100 are men. There are 2 restrooms. We have 15 minutes... that's two long lines. And for me, a middle class American... it just feels a little awkward standing in a urinal line with some of these guys. I can only imagine some of the side conversations going on in this room...pretty amazing.
Redmond, WA you say.... Hmmmm.. This weekend you say....

Did you ever consider how much shit you could get in for advertising this in a place with such a questionable group of people,..I mean the security risks??? We shall send people,...Damn where's my rolodex...

Kidding of course..

But remember people are watching...It's a big puter world

In fact now that i think of it regarding the whole homeland security thing you'r pretty much nuts! And even being from middle of nowhere PEI Canada. This thread should be canned.

If i'm over reacting and off the wall. Tell me to shut up.



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Redmond, WA you say.... Hmmmm.. This weekend you say....
Did you ever consider how much shit you could get in for advertising this in a place with such a questionable group of people,..I mean the security risks??? We shall send people,...Damn where's my rolodex...

Kidding of course..

But remember people are watching...It's a big puter world


Naw.. it's all over the news here in Seattle. It's just closed to the media. Trust me... I know when to keep hush on these high caliber events. It's an annual event... year 14 I believe.


There are events though which I have to sign my life away... this isn't one of them.

I am currently backstage with my tip jar out :lol:

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Guess i worry too much, just so many crazies out there.

Shit now i'm worried about my rolodex comment, Will i have dudes in blue suits at my door toworrow AM :dribble:


Speaking of which! there is guy at work who actually tex's on his phone while doing his business. This week he came into the crapper with his laptop. Geeeeeez! :blink: ADDICTED? You tell me.

Guess i worry too much, just so many crazies out there.
Shit now i'm worried about my rolodex comment, Will i have dudes in blue suits at my door toworrow AM :dribble:

No, no - you're NOT paranoid!

But everyone IS out to get you.

Carry on.

Well crap..... I knew there was someplace I was supposed to be this weekend.

Maybe next year.

