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New member
Jun 5, 2007
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Martins Ferry, OH
ADMIN NOTE: Viking is sprint_st. See here.

Yesterday a buddy of mine who was looking to buy a new bike said to me, your FJR is a great bike but when I look at the FJR Forum they seem to be a bunch of dicks. He went on to say that it boils down to they are totally rude and mean spirited and the admins are like the lead sharks. Since I don't spend a lot of time on this forum because I just use it to ask questions about my bike, I thought he was pretty harsh. Now this guy is a pretty laid back, so this surprised me. When I go into some of the recent topics and look at the replies. He was right.

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It definitely can get rough in here. The folks around here that stay around have thick skin, and more importantly don't take internet forums too seriously. FJR owners is an easier going crowd in my experience.

In Tibet, you have to scale the mountains to get to the wise man. In here, you have to tolerate a**holes to get to the information. Just tell your friend to remember that there are always people here willing to answer, even if others are jerks. I always keep in mind that some of the more arrogant were in our situation at one time. Now that they know something, it goes to their head... and they're hardly the teaching type, so it's easier for them to cop a 'tude than help.

v65 is right, any forum is going to have its share, but there's still a lot of good.

Yesterday a buddy of mine..said to me…they seem to be a bunch of dicks. He went on to say…they are totally rude and mean spirited and the admins are like the lead sharks… He was right.
More love added to the Forum conent.

Shhhh. If you listen carefully you can hear a hammer hitting the nail on the head.

Yesterday a buddy of mine who was looking to buy a new bike said to me, your FJR is a great bike but when I look at the FJR Forum they seem to be a bunch of dicks. He went on to say that it boils down to they are totally rude and mean spirited and the admins are like the lead sharks. Since I don't spend a lot of time on this forum because I just use it to ask questions about my bike, I thought he was pretty harsh. Now this guy is a pretty laid back, so this surprised me. When I go into some of the recent topics and look at the replies. He was right.
I was once told, "I don't hear stupid!" With that, I've learned to ignore the B.S. that crops up from time to time.

Also too, I believe we ALL have the tendancy to be rude and 'unkind' and in need of learning a bit of tolerance and humility.

Invite your friend back to sip a cup of joe and talk bikes. I think they'll eventually come to like it here.

Best wishes to his/her choice in bikes...oh, and don't let forums sway their decision.

Yesterday a buddy of mine who was looking to buy a new bike said to me, your FJR is a great bike but when I look at the FJR Forum they seem to be a bunch of dicks. He went on to say that it boils down to they are totally rude and mean spirited and the admins are like the lead sharks. Since I don't spend a lot of time on this forum because I just use it to ask questions about my bike, I thought he was pretty harsh. Now this guy is a pretty laid back, so this surprised me. When I go into some of the recent topics and look at the replies. He was right.
Has to be one of the most boneheaded reasons anyone could give for not wanting to buy an FJR. For god's sakes, this is an internet forum.

Richardo Cabeza

Yesterday a buddy of mine who was looking to buy a new bike said to me, your FJR is a great bike but when I look at the FJR Forum they seem to be a bunch of dicks. He went on to say that it boils down to they are totally rude and mean spirited and the admins are like the lead sharks. Since I don't spend a lot of time on this forum because I just use it to ask questions about my bike, I thought he was pretty harsh. Now this guy is a pretty laid back, so this surprised me. When I go into some of the recent topics and look at the replies. He was right.
Ya know, I thought the same thing when I first got here, but I bit my tongue. I see someone getting dog piled for a question, and it kept me from just blindly asking questions. I learned to search, and if I didn't find it, I learned how to politely ask for help in the search. I am now on the 'dick' side of the forum. I don't have the rocks to start a dog pile on a '2 post noobie' that asks about "what is the best tire".

I haven't read the "welcome to the forum" page in a long time, but if it doesnt say in big letters "enter at your own risk, search for an answer before asking your question. If you bring up a dead horse expect to be dog piled on"

Besides, i think the 'dick comment' ratio is pretty low, one in 20 threads have a dickish outcome?

Viking your friend is right, I posted almost the same commit and got 12 pages of dog pile and attemped ass kickings from this forum. But every once in a while there is good information gained here after waiding thru all the bullshit.

gads talk about childish :rolleyes: I don't give a rats..about how I am treated on a internet forum if I want a FJR, Ford truck or whatever I'm gona buy it! If the guy needs a hug tell him to go to church, this is the internet for peats sake and PS there's a bunch of guys here :glare:


Actually, I think it's sort of nice having a bunch of dickheads around. It tends to keep all the whiny assholes away. Sort of like bug spray. It don't smell the best, but it's better than getting the blood sucked out of you a drop at a time!!!

Viking your friend is right, I posted almost the same commit and got 12 pages of dog pile and attemped ass kickings from this forum. But every once in a while there is good information gained here after waiding thru all the bullshit.

I don't know if you posted the same "commit" or not but I've never seen any "attemped" ass kickings on here.

There are definite cliques here from those who know each other and that tends to encourage dog piling. For an anonymous online forum, I would say for the most part people are pretty respectful of others opinions. And without the wealth of info here I wouldn't be enjoying this bike as much as i do. (of course i'd have a little more cash on hand)

"your FJR is a great bike but when I look at the FJR Forum they seem to be a bunch of dicks." The bike attracts dickheads...that's why we're all "FFJ" owners. :rolleyes: ;) Give it some time before you judge an entire forum, and maybe visit some others.

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My experience with a few different vehicle related forums is this: if you don't want to get "dog pilled" with sarcastic replies learn how to use the "Search" function before asking some run into the ground routine question like "why is the trottle on my 06 FJR so touchy?" Learning to use the "search" function would probably eliminate 75% of the verbal arse kickings in most forums. Granted you've got to give some slack to the newbies - like myself, this is my first sport-touring bike as I've always riden cruisers and aren't acustomed to the some of the specific FJR issues/oddities/funtions/and farkles.

[SIZE=12pt]Ya can't fix stupid...[/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt]Thank you Mr White.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt](edit: I'm joking, no insult intended.)[/SIZE]

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