Final Drive cap?

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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2005
Reaction score
Joshua Tree, CA

On the very top of the final drive is some sort of chrome cap. Looks to be non servicable from the outside, and possibly held in place by a pin from the inside.

Mine is weeping a tad, and I need to fix that.

What is this cap and how do I fix the weeping?



Senor Beeroux,

I've just dug through my shop manual - and while I've found three different diagrams showing that cap - none of them identify it, or what it is.

Perhaps a breather cover?

I'm trying to get to Yamaha's on line parts fiche - but it appears to be down at this time - I'll keep hunting.

My understanding is that it is a vent/breather. If it is "leaking", I would suggest that you have too much gear oil in there. Mine leaked once after just being filled (overfilled) and cruising at a high rate of speed for a substantial length of time.

Canadian FJR

My understanding is that it is a vent/breather. If it is "leaking", I would suggest that you have too much gear oil in there. Mine leaked once after just being filled (overfilled) and cruising at a high rate of speed for a substantial length of time.

Canadian FJR
+100.........our friend from Canadia is correct! Definately the breather(that's why it's on top)....and if gear lube appears, I would guess the final drive is overfull also. :rolleyes:

I buy thats its a breather, but unless you put the bike on its right side, how can you overfill the final drive?

I just fill it till its up to the fill hole, never weeped before.

Maybe my bike is getting old.<G>

Anybody got some "FD Depends"?


GZ, some of us actually clean our bikes :dribble: so we don't notice the vent buildup and the accumulated dust. :D

In fairness, I have noticed some accumulation, especially in the summer heat after a long spirited ride. It was never enough to cause "alarm". I surmised it was froth vapor and I just wiped it off. I'm assuming that's what you're seeing on your bike.

Pretty much "vapor", over 60K since last "wash".
I'm guessing it's nothing to worry about.

It is nothing to worry about.

Particularly given your riding environment and history. :D

To confirm, just take a rag and a little PJ-1 cleaner to the area under the cap and clean it up. Then observe the area over a period of time (say, a couple thousand miles) to ensure you don't see any soot build-up at an unusual rate. Pretty sure you won't... you're likely fine here.
