Final drive gear oil

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Recusant Infidel
Nov 5, 2010
Reaction score
San Clemente, CA
Having read the archives here, the spec on, and the myriad of stuff in the outer darkness of the Internet, it seems like there is more danger from the Large Hadron Collider than from using the 80w90 gear oil that I use in the Hondapotamus.

Any dissenting opinions?

Until the Collider starts spewing little black holes I think you are safe with Brand H gear oil. After the Collider starts making black holes your gear oil won't matter ;)

My opinion is that this is not a Technical discussion,
and will soon be moved to a more appropriate place.

My opinion is that this is not a Technical discussion, :no: and will soon be moved to a more appropriate place. :rolleyes:
Darn FNGs, always lost in space.
I now see the error of my ways: when I did my archive search, I was already on this forum page, so it returned threads in this page. Had I been on the main page, it would have returned me to the correct (NEPRT) page.

"We apologize for the inconvenience."

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AFAIK, a person can't start a topic in NEPRT, that status has to be gifted by an Admin.

"You cannot start a new topic"

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Until the Collider starts spewing little black holes I think you are safe with Brand H gear oil. After the Collider starts making black holes your gear oil won't matter
Yeah, but... The micro-sized black holes created by the Collider are just going to evaporate before they eat the world. (At least according to Stephen Hawking )

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Perhaps my impending banishment will be averted since I don't remember seeing any LHC/black hole threads there in NEPRT.

If only I could do something about the thread title...

My Yamaha service mgr. told me to use AMSOIL. He said that's what they've been using for several years, with no problems. He said they use AMSOIL for all their service work, motorcycles, jet skis, outboard motors, whatever comes through the shop gets it. I'm sure Yamaha and Honda's oils are great and will do the job but it's $$$$.

AMSOIL has a small but loyal following. I have no reason to doubt that it is good stuff, nor to question the validity of anyone's recommendation.

BUT my question wasn't about a brand. I was enquiring about viscosity.

My Yamaha service mgr. told me to use AMSOIL. He said that's what they've been using for several years, with no problems. He said they use AMSOIL for all their service work, motorcycles, jet skis, outboard motors, whatever comes through the shop gets it. I'm sure Yamaha and Honda's oils are great and will do the job but it's $$$$.
Ask your shop manager to do that work at the same price as the YamaLube product recommended in the factory service manual. Otherwise tell him to take a hike.

Amsoil is a multilevel marketed product. There is no question that it is a good product, but when it goes through a multi-level markup, how is the final user ever getting a "good deal?" The good deals are for all those middle people doing the marking up (who do not add anything of value to the end product).

Think about this and then tell me how I am wrong.

He's getting a good deal because he doesn't have to change his oil every three thousand miles.

Think about this and then tell me how I am wrong.

You may not be wrong, but you need to get your 'mind right' Freddie-boy! C'mon! Amsoil has been refined to an *extra* high level since its Carpetbagger 'do all' tonic roots after the Civil War.

Hell with Amsoil's extended intervals, maybe you can only change your pumpkin oil when you change your battery, instead of changing the battery when you change the pumpkin oil...According to master Odot anyway.

Brother Bret, look closely at the Owner's Manual I gave you when you purchased Miss Lucy Liu, nee Lucille, from me. Back on the service interval pages you will see she has had only Inuit virgin seal oil in her since she was brand new!

I buy it from odot's Uncle Nanook at PO Box U812 in Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories, Canuckistan once every six months, when Nanook comes in off the Arctic Ice of the Beaufort Sea; expensive yes, but no final drive gear oil is better for our Yamaha FJR 1300's!

Nanook is on the right and young Nephew odie is in the middle! Handsome lad, even back then!


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Brother Bret, look closely at the Owner's Manual I gave you when you purchased Miss Lucy Liu, nee Lucille, from me. Back on the service interval pages you will see she has had only Inuit virgin seal oil in her since she was brand new!
I buy it from odot's Uncle Nanook at PO Box U812 in Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories, Canuckistan once every six months, when Nanook comes in off the Arctic Ice of the Beaufort Sea; expensive yes, but no final drive gear oil is better for our Yamaha FJR 1300's!

Nanook is on the right and young Nephew odie is in the middle! Handsome lad, even back then!

Ah, that explains why it was in such good condition and had the slight fragrance of the ocean.

I fear that the newly lubricated pumpkin will be wearing a frown, now that it has been infused with mere petroleum product.
