Final gear oil leak on my rim

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Jul 1, 2010
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I noticed a leak that appears to be coming from one side of the round gray plastic thingy that goes around the final drive gear assembly or the pumpkin. I guess this plastic thing is a oil seal? I inspected the side where oil is seeping out and noticed that there's a play there indicating a tear around where it meet the metal cover. After cleaning oil splatter on the rim, I check the gear oil level and it is at the top. I guess the leak is really tiny amount although it appeared big the way it's all around the rim.

Is this something that can be replaced easy?

Jeff is referring to your possibly over applying grease on the splines itself when you installed the wheel.

same thing happened to me and it was " overly greased splines "
way better than the alternative I must say
I hope that's the case for me as well. I'll take some oil out and see. When I took the filler bolt out, there indeed was too much oil that it trickled over.

I saw your thread about front shake. I have the shake around 50 mph. Have you resolved this issue?

Check out your owners manual for the correct oil level in the final drive. It will be right at the lower threads of the filler bolt. If some trickled out, the oil *might* be a little full but probably nothing to be concerned about. Better idea, as many have said, is to pull the rear tire, clean and lightly lube the drive splines. You'll probably find excessive lube on them.

Regarding tire wobble or shaking. Shaking around 50 and on coast down is pretty typical with some brands and worn out cupped tires.

