I don't particularly enjoy the schedule I've set, but it's the optimal for me
I will admit that when I saw your avatar on this list I thought "sweet! a picture-taker-extrodinnarie will be riding with us!"
I am very tempted to pull off a BBG to get out to Vancouver quickly. I could maybe be ready/willing to ride on Sunday... I'm not making the decision on the BBG until Thurs/Fri of this week. I need to get a 2nd witness in the PDX area. The trouble I might have with that is my departure/arrival time. I haven't decided if I want to leave at midnight (Fri/Sat) and arrive midnight (Sat/Sun). If I do that getting a witness might be difficult and riding the last leg of the trip in the dark would be tricky. My other thought is to start around noon, but I'd be riding through some really hot weather to start
I have the WHOLE WEEK up there. I don't have to just ride on the 2nd. This route/day combo is just one route that I can't wait to ride. If other days work out for other people I'm more than anxious to go. I might be 2-up for one of these rides, so the going might not be as spirited.
Scheduled Rides - all are welcome
July 2 - 8am meet, 9am kickstands up - Haden Island McDonalds - has anyone saved a GPX file yet?
July 3 - same place & time, different route? GPX file?