First long FJR ride

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Well-known member
Jul 9, 2005
Reaction score
Sedona AZ in the Village of Oak Creek
Bought my 2005 FJR with ABS last July (2005). I have taken a lot of short rides since then. Last week, I got a break and rode from KC to Amarillo and back just for the hell of it (1200 miles) over three days. Got back yesterday. The wind on the way down was unbelievable and so was the sand storm outside of Pampa, Texas; that is another story. The return was wonderful; perfect riding conditions. I was impressed with the FJR's high speed stability and comfort. You can cruise flat out all day; the thing just wants to go faster and faster. Very pleased with my choice of bikes. 600+ mile days are easily within reach on this jewel in any decent weather. Rock solid.

Thats exactly how I felt on my 05 when I got it, I went on a 600 mile ride the next morning, and now anything under 250 miles is called my short trips.

I still have the stock seat and it is ok. after about 100 miles it starts to get a little un-comfy. :angry: I had corbin on my comcours it was comfy all the time.

Bought my 2005 FJR with ABS last July (2005).  I have taken a lot of short rides since then.  Last week, I got a break and rode from KC to Amarillo and back just for the hell of it (1200 miles) over three days.
And I was thinking this would be another "06 first ride report".

So, how many miles do you have on yours? You might have BrunDog beat.

The stock seat leaves a little to be desired. I do plan on adding some D&D bar risers and getting a more comfortable aftermarket seat, but haven't decided which way to go on that. Once I figure out what to do to listen to my I-pod without wind noise, I may be home a lot less often. Currently sitting at around 2800 miles on this bike. Cleaned it up real nice and gave it some TLC yesterday after the long ride. I always learned, don't love anything that cannot love you back, but my FJR is an exception. It's truly a privilege to own and operate such a fine machine.

Hey Gang! When I picked up my '05 last april, after putting break in miles on it, I did put a corbin seat on the bike. Then went out on a 8 day 4 state ride, about 1700 miles. Really love the bike still! I'm happy about the seat change too. One year later, 14,000 miles of happiness. The seat has been the only change. Everything else is aok for me. Mark.

Parnel and I are on the same pace, I just clicked over 15k wtih my 05. I got a corbin and I like it better than stock but I cannot say it is comfortable all day long. I want to get a Russell or Maer (I always get that spelling wrong).

Sandstorm??? Oh no! I bought a brand new car and on the way home from the dealer a sand storm kicked up and thrashed my paint with thousands of chips. I hope your FJR made it through better than my car!
