0. Make certain you have a good seat. if your butt hurts after 2-3 hours the rest of the day will be no fun.
1. Get up, early, and ride a tankful before breakfast. then take a nice break. In my experience by the end of the day you don't even remember those miles before breakfast; it seems like your day started after the meal.
2. take music, I prefer an Ipod or XM with speakers in the helmet and earplugs in my ears. Even without the music earplugs will reduce fatigue.
3. have water , lip balm, and ibuprofin where you can reach it while driving.
4. use sunscreen or you'll burn your nose off your face.
+1 sunscreen & lip blam
Get you some nylon underwear (or swimwear) and that will cure the potential monkey butt. I always try to find some "long" trunk style speedo's from Academy to wear as underwear like this: https://www.academy.com/index.php?page=cont...0690-03157-5647 - Allows your butt to slide around in your jeans...
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