First tire change

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Apr 10, 2008
Reaction score
Acushnet, MA
Here are some pic's of my first tire change. I will be dropping it off at the stealer tomorrow to have it swapped out with my new PR2 from the group buy.

And to think the wife and I went for a two hr. ride last Sunday! :blink:

Not bad mileage IMO

Reasembled and waiting for the new tire to be put on.

Now there's a bike that's gonna steer differently tomorrow!!!!

And I think that's a record for -021 front tire life. (Although much of that seems to have been afterlife!)

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Good choice going with the PR2's...You're gonna like-um. Might want to change them a little sooner next time though. ;)


My BT's went 7000 miles then the front one bubbled up, back looked like it had another 1000 or 2 left, front tires was wearing uneven then like I said it bubbled up. I went with the Pilot Powers,wanted the better grip verses mileage.

Holy crap, Dave. That's taking Yankee frugality to the limit!

Are you doing the back one at the same time? It must be pretty close to needing to be changed too.

Holy crap, Dave. That's taking Yankee frugality to the limit!
Are you doing the back one at the same time? It must be pretty close to needing to be changed too.
Well i was going to try and get another couple of K out of the rear. I will definately change it before i head out to the Cats & Dack's ride which I hope to attend. It was nice to go to the site and get the info on changing it out. Man those brake calipers just clear the rim when trying to pull them off. $47.00 denero to mount and balance at the dealer steeler. The tech said the tire hardly needed any weights.

Now that I have pulled it apart I think I will be making my own balancer. If you buy the tires from the dealer they don't charge for balancing. I know I would pay at least a $100.00 more for the same tires. And oh yeh I guess I do have some of that yankee blood in me even though I was born in the south. (LA)

Dude, I got 3k before a goofy mid- ridge appeared. Dealer replaced for free with same tire.......3k later the BT021 looked the same as the last. Dealer gave me a free different brand tire. Can't believe you got just about 10k out of that....safely.

At first I was like, 'Yeah Baby!', finally somebody else who uses ALL their tire. And then I realized it was the FRONT tire. Holy shit, dude. Even 'I' have never let my FRONT tire get that bad.

You one crazy mofo, who is really going to appreciate what a new front tire will feel like.

At first I was like, 'Yeah Baby!', finally somebody else who uses ALL their tire. And then I realized it was the FRONT tire. Holy shit, dude. Even 'I' have never let my FRONT tire get that bad.
You one crazy mofo, who is really going to appreciate what a new front tire will feel like.
Calling BULLSHIT right here and right now on this little Pearl of Wisdom. November 31, 2004: Mexicali/US Border Crossing, Baja Norte. El Pendejo's front tire looked just like 08FJR4ME's front tire and he still had to ride it thru Yuma back to Phoenix!

I'm getting ready to spoon a BT021 on the front, but what I really need to know is, where those tools tidied up for the photo op, or do you really place the tools down that neatly while working? :huh:

Now run out in the garage and put a jack stand under that front axle or a fork before the jack leaks overnight and you find your bike on the ground in the morning :)

Wow! That tire is shot I'm guessing about 1500 miles ago would have been a little more prudent time to replace. I hope you enjoy the PR2 I think thats what I will run next.

Now run out in the garage and put a jack stand under that front axle or a fork before the jack leaks overnight and you find your bike on the ground in the morning :)
A+on the above. Almost happened to me, but I did have blocks of wood under front forks. Next morning forks were setting on blocks & jack was all way down. Good thing I always strap the center stand tight to keep it pulled forward or it still might have went down. 1 1/2 ton jack went into trash & I'm not sure my new 2 1/2 ton Sears jack is any better.

My 1st (and last for sure) BT021 has less than 3k mi on it & it's shot. So much for dual compound. My BT020 fronts last about 15k mi.Later,,, De :rolleyes:

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If you're ever perusing a junkyard, try finding a small screw driven scissor jack from a compact car.

They don't back up.

I'm getting ready to spoon a BT021 on the front, but what I really need to know is, where those tools tidied up for the photo op, or do you really place the tools down that neatly while working? :huh:

I'm voting tidied.

Although if you look at that suspiciously vacant and clean space his bike is parked in... :blink:

Oh yeah, that's how neat my garage is too. :rolleyes:

My 1st (and last for sure) BT021 has less than 3k mi on it & it's shot. So much for dual compound. My BT020 fronts last about 15k mi.Later,,, De :rolleyes:
BT-021 front is not dual compound, and the consensus of most is that it's probably the worst tire you can put on the front. I haven't used one based on that advice here, but I'm on my second 021 rear, got 11K on the first when it started showing shiny bits.

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You guys must have tough roads where you are, people can call this bullshit if they like; but on my oem 021's i got a little over 12,500 miles on 'em b4 I switched to PR2's, and they still had life. My first set of PR2's I put 15,800 miles on 'em. Now the second set of PR2's that I literally just had put on 2 weeks ago, I found a frigging nail in the rear. First puncture for me in 29,000 plus miles, grrrrrrrr.

but I plugged it with my stop & go tire plugger kit and filled it with the slime compressor, and away we went. love being prepared for shit, thanks to this forum I know how to be. This is the tire kit I carry for plugging. lonley road lifesaver

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