First weeklong FJR trip w/wifey

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Welcome home, didn't hit any Amish exhausts I presume...

Can you post up a google map route of your ride?
I tried to avoid the road apples...I was mainly successful.

I posted some jpegs from the S&T files I used as a backbone for trip planning purposes. The spotwalla link in post #1 should give you an idea of actual roads ridden. If you want more than that, send me a pm and I will try to get it to you.

Congrats!! Sounds like it is Mission Accomplished!! :yahoo:

It certainly opens up a lot of riding opportunities when your significant other enjoys riding along with you now, doesn't it? ;)

Looking forward to the full RR complete with pillion pics.

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Well, the RR is a few days away...but here are a couple pics from the trip until then.

























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I stopped at the Beallsville Diner (on my way back from camping in WV) 2 days after you were there...just to find out that they are not open on Sunday.

Looking forward to your RR.

So on to the trip report...this trip was kind of a big deal. I hoped wifey liked it...but there was no guarantee after all the gear was purchased, routes "adjusted" for 2-up preferences, and bike mods taken that this would be a success. I also knew that Louanne would be honest with me as to whether this was something she truly enjoyed...or just endured.

For different reasons, this trip just hadn't happened were younger-needed supervision...elderly mom was frail-needed attention. So we would do an overnight trip...but nothing "big" trip.

The overnight and weekend trips didn't "wow" I knew I had to try to make it right as much as possible for this trip. We took a "practice" weekend run with the new "full gear, heated and everthin'" down to Missouri in April. We learned a few thing from that trip...applied those lessons: need shorter mileage days, more "off bike time, more "scenic" opposed to "just curvy". We learned to communicate with the SENA headsets, learned that she needs a "book on tape" to make longer days interesting, she learned about what I like her to do on the bike, I learned that she can lean over as far as I want to without her freaking out. I learned that she does not mind fast (in my mind) cornering. I still dial it back some because of the precious cargo on board...but because of how well the FJR handles, I do not dial it back at much on sweepers, just the slower, tighter turns that I have slowed up on anyways due to my previous run ins with the law of gravity on these tighter roads.

On to the trip...July 14, Saturday am, 0600 Wheaton time, get out of bed, fix the quick breakfast, check radar for storms, load up the Camelbak with ice, and get gear on...leaving at 0715 in the morning sunlight...but not before some "beginning of road trip" photos...

the FJR





my better half two thirds


you get the picture

2012LMFJRTrip003.jpg off we go through the interstates, to the rural US highways to southern Indiana...


It was sunny, but slightly overcast on the way down...but we enjoyed the freedom of the bike and time off together. I love rural scenes...Louanne did well capturing photos on her first try as trip photographer...


...but we knew that storms threatened down south


As we got down to Turkey Run State Park, it was looking like rain...and we had much further to go. But somehow, the rain dripped a little on us, but never hit us hard enough to make us want to put on raingear, just raised the windshield up to full height....that is until close to our destination of French Lick, Indiana. As it rained hard, we decided to check out a most impressive hotel in West Baden, IN. All I can say is wow...

...and this is the "back of the house" view


...front steps view


This place was definitely cool. We would check it out tomorrow if the weather cooperated. On to the motel, arrived 3:45pm after about 350 miles of riding. After unpacking, we hit the exercize room (now THAT is a first on a wheatonFJR trip!), then hit the pool and hot tub. Afterwards, headed for some chow at a deep dish pizza joint. (Had enough left over for a cold pizza lunch the next day).

Wheaton notes: I loved Indiana 43, 450, and 150. Louanne loved the hot tub.

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Sunday- July 15

French Lick, IN to Somerset, KY (near Cumberland Falls State Park) - 225 miles


Well, we had a pretty nice room at French Lick Comfort Suites, but we didn't sleep in tooo much...8am EDT.

French Lick is a small town, but also the home of Larry Bird, the hero of Indiana State...and the Boston Celtics. There was a little shrine/display at the motel lobby...



Packed up after breakfast, and went to the West Baden Hotel to take a tour around the inside of the hotel as well. The place was originally built in the "Gilded Age" late 1890s near hot springs...when everybody was thinking that hot springs cured everything that ailed ya. It was a spa for rich people...but it was built of wood and burnt down after the turn of the century. The owner decided to gamble and rebuild...this time in brick....the results were outstanding! However, the depression came and everything shut down. To make a long story short, some people with a vision (and a source of money) took to restoring the place...and here it is...


It is a 5 or 6 story cylinder with rooms at the perimeter facing in to the atrium or to the out to the world...very impressive and beautiful.





We also walked around the outside "wrap around" porch entry




Snuck a picture of Louanne in...


So, we decided to head on...should have better roads today, not a lot of corn country.


Farm between West Baden and Paoli


So while we are getting a late start, and taking an impromptu tour of the hotel...a sneaky Kentuckian stalker was heading up the roads of our published route...checking Spot as he went. We were headed south on IN 37 (another good road) when up ahead I see an doubt about it. Just before we get there, the FJR turns into a parking lot...then follows us as we head south on the road. Well, this is a no doubter, someone from the forum was giving us a little courtesy escort...but I had no idea who...

It was E.T.! (Eric) He found us north of English, IN.


He rode with us on our route...I LOVE IN 62 and 66. This photo is in Leavenworth, IN at an overlook at the Ohio River.


He had come a long way and run the Indiana roads up and down several times...wondering if we were ever gonna get our lazy butts going. E.T. is one of my new found FJRForum buddies from last fall at the Hooterville ride. He rode a long way into Kentucky as well...eating lunch with us. Little known to him, we had out pizza in a box, and I chose a gas station parking lot to eat it. Not very nice for someone travelling all that way for us. He walked across the street and got a sandwich and came back and ate with us. Thanks E.T. for the friendly ridealong...that was nice.

There are a lot of horse farms around the Louisville area...



Louanne and I had a great ride into Kentucky as well...loved KY 49, 70, and 84...definitely fun rural 2 laners.






We arrived in Somerset, KY in the late afternoon, early evening and swam and worked out again! (This is getting to be a bad habit)

I loved the roads...Louanne loved the hot tub! We both enjoyed being together...and alone.

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Monday- July 16th - "non-motorcycle" day. ;)

Well, I built a couple of non-riding days into the week, so as to do other stuff, like hiking, lounging by pools, relaxing...just not riding to another destination. Having these in the trip were a must for Louanne...and they turned out pretty fun as well. I basically didn't want Louanne to grimace when it was time to actually do a day's ride. Our plan on this day was to visit Cumberland Falls State Park and do what there is to do there....Louanne had never been there, but I had been there as a kid with my parents...and more recently with last years EOM. As anyone from last year's EOM can attest, KY 90 at the park entrance is a very fun although we it was a "non riding day"...I still had 20 miles of rip roaring curves to negotiate to get to and from the park. :yahoo: I think I planned that very well. ;)

Well, Louanne didn't want pictures of her with "helmet head", so she asked me to take a photo at the beginning of the we are at the motel parking lot, getting geared up...


The sky was a beautiful morning blue as we passed the Cumberland River outside Burnside, KY heading east to the Park...


So after an invigorating ride, we arrived at the Cumberland Falls Lodge/Restaurant...


We stash our suits in the FJR bags and get into our hiking gear, and head inside, we ask some questions, get a hiking trail map, and head to the back porch for a look at the view...


Louanne spied a moth on the patio...


there was a bit of bird watching as well what with a bunch of goldfinches flitting about the bird feeders...


...and a young raccoon trying to figure how to get some seeds...


We then headed down the trail to the Falls...




After lingering around the falls, we decided to find out what trails we could hike on in the area. We settled on a substantial hike (for us) to a small falls on the other side of the river. Since we had only had the motel breakfast many hours earlier, we were feeling a little lacking in energy, so chose to get a little something from the food stand by the visitors center. Yes, the ever nutritious hot dog did the trick. :) We hiked 4 miles, up and down hills, on that hot dog...and needed every bit of it. I was pooped after that hike. But it was so worth it...we got to a different view of the river and falls...



...and we got to a nice little falls called Eagle Falls...



...and after the hiking in the heat of the day, we both sat down and let the cold water cool us.


We met a couple where the husband had just had knee replacement surgery in April, and his other knee was bad! He was hiking over rocks and long and short series of steps. Having had knee surgery, I don't know how he did it. :eek: We also met a little turtle hanging out in the rocks near Eagle Falls...



Well, after lingering for a while at the little falls, we headed back...and after all that walking in the humid heat...we got ourselves an ice cold chocolate soft serve cone. No photo...but believe me, that was one of the best cones I've had in a long while! :yahoo: Cooled us down, very rich and tasty...hit the spot! :)

So...we heard there was a swimming pool at this park, so we headed over there and, being a Monday...we about had it to ourselves!

Just lingered there, doing some laps, pulled Louanne around, enjoyed watching the young bucks showing off at the diving board...can you say cannonball! :D I'm not much of a pool guy, but it was refreshing...and knowing Louanne was enjoying it was enough for me. However, as you can glimpse a little bit in the photo, the sky was dark with moisture...and after awhile it started lightning and thunder...which was a daily afternoon occurrence on this trip, so that ended the pool time.

We were getting hungry, so we ate supper at the lodge. Great food there...topped it all off with the warm Cherry Cobbler with vanilla ice cream. Mmmm Goood! :clapping:

We then headed back to the barn on the bike with drops falling as we were getting out gear on, and getting going on the bike. It came down rather hard at times, so the ride pace back to the barn on KY 90 was a little more sedate. :D

Crossing the Cumberland River on the way back to the barn...


Wheaton notes: I liked Rt 90 and the Cherry cobbler, we both liked the creamy chocolate ice cream cones, Louanne liked the pool. Actually for the first time, I heard Louanne say, "nice road"! on Rt she's getting it. :)

For a non-riding day, it was pretty spectacular...

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Tuesday - July 17, Somerset, KY to Breaks Interstate Park in Virginia - 218 miles


Although Monday's festivities included very little riding, there is an abundance of great roads to ride in the area, as well as between Cumberland Falls and Breaks, VA. That's why it pained me to take more of a direct route...but if the weather allowed, I did plan an excursion or two. I also knew that there would be some great roads as we approached I would get some licks in, no matter what, at least at the end of the ride.

However...the weather did not cooperate. It was overcast...which was good, because it kept the heat down...but it was bad, because the clouds got more threatening with every mile. I loved KY Rt 92 heading east, but the heavens started dripping, and it was time to decide whether to put rain gear in now, or wait for some shelter. I waited. That was a mistake.

Thinking that a gas station (and it's canopy) must be ahead as we get near to a US highway, I waited. There was no canopy...and it was a steady rain now. There was no place to stop right away on this highway, so as soon as a sidestreet came up, I pulled over out of traffic and we donned raingear. First time on this trip (we just had liners on the the night before). And we got soaked as we did this. Not good. Oh well. So we soldiered on wet under the rubber rain gear...and I was praying that it kept on raining. No way did I want the sun to come out and heat us up in this rain gear...atleast not for awhile. So we headed along on a major highway...making the best of it...Louanne did not complain. Atleast we learned a few things from that incident...and next time would be better. The rain stopped for awhile, but then it started again in I skipped a spur on the route that I have heard about, Hwy 160 (between US 119 and US 58) ...that is super twisty as it goes up and down the mountain. I didn't want to try that for the first time, 2-up in the we headed towards our destination.

US 119 was fun as it headed over the mountain...glad the lightning wasn't out then. After we got down off the mountain, we gassed up and got out of our raingear in Whitesburg, KY, and ate at a McDs there as well...checking the radar on the tablet. We headed on into Clintwood, VA and got stuck behind a line of cars waiting for an accident to clear...a VA State Trooper directly in front of me. So I knew there was not going to be any sort of passing to the front of the wagon train. Oh well, there's still plenty of road left...uh oh, looking in the FZ-1 mirrors, I see another Trooper directly behind me as well. Okay, so we head a few miles and the VA Trooper in front of me turns right onto VA 63...the Trooper behind me does NOT turn. :( So he escorts me all the way to Haysi, VA...about 6 miles from Breaks, where he stays east on VA 83, as I take VA 80 north to the Park. I got the most out of those 6 miles that I could! :D Best 6 miles of the day! :yahoo:

We checked into the State Park facility, with it's requisite 1960s decor...but enjoyed the view. The view out our back patio is great at Breaks.




We got settled in...and hung stuff up to dry. Then we hiked around the park to see where the water facility we were going to visit it tomorrow. So we hiked a bunch around the park...and then we got back to the room and relaxed. Louanne relaxed by reading...her favorite pastime...if by a pool or on the beach, so much the better. Here, the scenery off the back patio would have to do...


I futzed around with getting chargers going for SENAs and cameras and whatnot. But most of all just watching the fog and twilight roll in...



Another day done...a few lessons learned...a few corners carved...another few miles on life's journey.

Great report so far Wheatie! Keep it coming! Breaks was a pretty awesome spot...and full of thieving animals, lol.

Please tell your wife that helmet hair is like a badge of honor...or something (says the guy who keeps his head shaved). ;)

July 18 - Wednesday

This is not to be a riding day. I know I posted up a superdeeduper route in post #1...but that was just a fantasy of mine. I knew I wouldn't catch it on this trip...but would definitely use it on a future trip (It was loaded up in the GPS just in case, though). I'll be back in this area many times and will use it then.

The plan for this day was to have a nice breakfast in the lodge restaurant that overlooks the gorge, get info. on the hiking, do a little hiking, then hit the water park/pool which is brand new starting this summer.

Just a note on Breaks, we discovered that there was no wifi, as promised on their website, when we got to our room in our lodge. I specifically made sure they had it spelled out on their website...they did. We called up from our room...and they said it was down...they were "in between suppliers". I don't require it on most trips, but with this trip with wifey, I wanted wifi for a weather check, and a pool at each place we were at. I was very disappointed in this issue, as "pop up" thunderstorms were happening every day, and affected our daily planning. I have tried to get some sort of satisfaction regarding this, but have not yet had a return phone call from Breaks. So although I love the nature around the park...this issue riled me up as I paid extra money to stay at Breaks and it's water park as opposed to staying in a chain motel. In retrospect, I would stay in a chain motel, and make a day trip to the park.

Anyways, we did have a great pancake and bacon breakfast with coffee overlooking the impressive gorge, then set off to do a little hiking. And by that I mean very little. Unless you go really rugged, the trail consists of 4 spur trails off the park road to the 4 overlooks, which are really spread out from each we would ride the bike to the spur trail and hike the short (< 1/4 mile) trail to the overlook. The overlooks were spectacular...




Louanne snuck one of me in there...


We then headed to some more overlooks...


Can you spot the railroad tunnel?




looking south and west...


After all this overlook watchin', it was time to head to the pool/water park. Although it was a sunny blue sky when we woke up, it was getting more overcast...hoping it is just a passing cloud. We paid $8 a piece to go into this little lazy river kind of park...but the sun never came back out. In fact it started sprinkling...then raining...then the thunder came and it was everybody out of the pool. With dark clouds overhead, we asked the pool dudes if they could check local radar to see if this was just a passing thing. They had no idea what website to go to :D after awhile of them futzing around, Louanne pointed them to one...and sure enough, this was no passing we got on the bike and got back to the room just before the downpour came. :(

The weather was not Louanne read her books, and I exercised my TV channel flipping muscles, as there was no neenernet to argue on, and no cell service to call up my 100 bestest buddies and chat the day away. ;) In the early afternoon, we braved the sprinkles and walked over to the restaurant for a big lunch. After that, I took a nap and waited the day out...then about 5:00pm, Louanne had an idea...the weather was clearing up, how about us going out on a motorcycle ride? We could call the kids at home at some place that had cell service, and find a twisty road. She asked if if I could come up with a route. I smiled. ;)

As the rain lessened, the fog in the gorge started clearing up and tufts of clouds would grace the rock faces of the formations...



Just awesome sights...


And as we were getting ready to leave on the ride, I heard bird sounds in the air...I looked up and saw a pair of peregrine falcons flying by with their characteristic call. How neat is that! :clapping:

Well between 5pm and 8pm, we were out and about on the FJR, headed over to 80 to 83 to 460 :yahoo:

We found a place to stop and call the kids and see if all was well as we had no phone or email for two days. Everything was fine they said. :lol:

We stopped at a grocery store to buy some fruit to have for a light supper as we had had a late, full lunch. So we continued south on 460 to 19 west to Honaker, where we gassed up and then hit 80 north back to Breaks. I really enjoyed 80. :rolleyes: I came up behind a car doing the speed limit uphill on a straightaway so I did the natural thing and passed him before the upcoming curves started. Of course, as soon as I did that, this little beat up compact car, driven by a local, speeds up above the limit and decides to have a run at me. Now I will make no bones about my passes, I make them short and sweet, but I do not speed dangerously down the straights...I go about a plus 10 and enjoy the curves however fast is safe and comforatable. But I did wick it up a little bit as I wanted to keep a space cushion between this car and whatever his unknown intentions were. I did not get baited into entering corners too quickly, but I did enjoy them. :yahoo:

Louanne, oblivious to what was happening behind, was saying that that was about as fast as she was comfortable on the bike, and that she hoped that David (our son) did not ride that fast. She called it "Mark's thrill ride". Of course she did. All in all, it was a nice little 100 mile loop. B)

I have no idea what the dudes in the car were doing, but they did speed up on the straights to get closer...all this after barely going the speed limit before I passed them. People like that make me nervous, and I like distance between my bike and the metal of their car.

Well, we got back to the room and watched the fog roll into the canyons...pretty spectacular.

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July 19 - Thursday

Breaks, VA to Marietta, OH...via Rt 16, the Steel Arch Bridge, Hawks Nest State Park and Kanawha Falls.


Unlike the route shown in the map above...we did jog east from Breaks on 460 to 16 north to hit the touristy spots mentioned above. I thought Louanne would enjoy those spots and that it would break up the day a little bit before heading to Charleston, WV and blasting up the Interstate to Marietta. It did add some mileage to the day, but I thought the tradeoff would not be in too much extended time on the road. It turned into a 336 mile day, which is not too bad, but long for Louanne.

Now this is not a proper route, as a proper route would take three days to get from Breaks to Marietta...but such are the compromises you must make on a trip like this.

The day broke and it was really foggy in the we dallied a little bit to let the fog clear.

Here's a photo of our Lodge Motel for the two days (great views, but no innernet though)


Obligatory 60s paneling and decor in the rooms...


The view of the path from our lodge to the main lodge/restaurant


Talked complained to the reservations clerk on the way out, she didn't say much...


We headed down on the great roads from Breaks over to 4 lane sweeper heaven US 460. It has a 55mph speed limit, but just +10 on that road is pretty enjoyable actually...and we never got stuck behind being a four lane highway. Didn't have to worry about tickets from passing. They have these annoying signs on the 2-laners in VA that say you are not to pass if the yellow line is on your side. Can you imagine that...someone passing on the double yellow? :rolleyes:

So we took Rt 16 on up north...and Louanne didn't have her camera out much that day...she was listening to the book on tape. But 16 was awesome as ever...kind of follows a lot of rivers and RR tracks as it winds through little mountain hollers and towns. We passed Coalwood, WV...home of the Rocket boys. It's amazing that a Nasa scientist came out of that little depressed group of homes along this forgotten WV backwoods highway. :clapping:

We got up to the bridge and it was hot!...It was sunny though...heat was the price of sun these days. :)


We then headed over to my favorite spot...Hawks Nest State Park at the overlook has some great views. But we saw none. They had closed the overlook as they were installing a handicap ramp...I presume some railing may be down or something. Anyways...I was bummed that Louanne wouldn't get that view.

So on we go to the Kanawha Falls...which is a wide stair-step falls...but we were stopped just short of it in the baking sun by a man with a stop paddle. So I'm cooking in the sun, and we are there for awhile, so I turn left into a hotel parking lot, thinking that we might get to see the view there. We didn't, but Louanne took some photos there anyway.


Well, we got back on the bike at got back in the waiting line of cars...I nodded to the left as we passed the falls and Louanne said they were really neat. I had to take her word for it this I had been there before and didn't peek. So we headed down US 60 to Charleston...which is no great touristy road at that section, but it would connect us to the Interstate. Just before we were to head onto the Interstate, we saw some ominous clouds ahead...and knew this same front blasted the Chicago area with 70 mph winds the night before. We stopped at a McDs wifi to see how close and how broad the front was. The front was almost on us...but the front was not too we stuck it out at the McDs...the power went out briefly...but came back on. After about an hour at McDs, we decided that the rain and wind and lightning had subsided we struck out on the wet Interstate for the last 120 miles.

Fully washed and rinsed by trucks as we passed, we arrived at the Comfort Inn-Marietta at 6:50pm. Louanne hadn't ridden with that much water on the road before on a bike, so she was not quite comfortable doing +10 on the wet road. She didn't mention it during the wet ride though. After taking showers and having a nice pint or two of some cold Amber Bock (boy did that hit the spot), we got some food to go from the LOUD restaurant/bar downstairs. Of course it was biker night at the bar and there was all the chrome club parked out front. I think I heard a parrot squak and an "Arghhh" as we passed by...but then again, it was a long day and maybe that was just my imagination. We ate some decent food, then headed over to the pool and hot tub and relaxed after our extended day.

All in all a good day...336 miles...some of them good. All of them ridden.

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July 20 - Friday

We woke up under threatening skies, and ate the hotel breakfast with the TV sharing the tragic shooting news from Aurora, CO. We ate in silence. We had our respectful silence in that room. We continued on our voyage after walking past the gaggle of cruisers parked out front and loading up the FJR. I realized that they might have one big rolling roadblock going...and they might be heading in our I hurridly made the trips back and forth to the room...hoping to get going before they did. Fortunately, we did get going before the pack rolled out...

The curvy way from Marietta to Caldwell, OH - Just up the road in SE Ohio


Although we did not do all of the roads listed above, we did most of the roads before the downpour came.

We headed east on 26, a great road in these parts...once it gets out of Marietta it ends up following alongside a river. Not a lot of elevation change, but a nice curvy road. I love SE Ohio...the hills and scenery and roads draw me here every year. It's gotta be a hard life to live it seems all my favorite riding destinations are that way, but is sure is fun to ride and enjoy the beauty and ruralness that speaks of my favorite times as a youth.

The first break along the Ohio...



the beautiful hills and farms...



Threatening skies, but fun riding on dry roads so far...







Glad I don't live here...


Fleeting look at some llamas


You know yer in SE Ohio when you see these...


horses for Christine...


hilltops on 800...



flying on 255...



Back up the hill on 255


Tributary of the Ohio River on 78


On 556, on the way to Beallsville,


Barns on 556...



We finally got to Beallsville and the diner. It a great place and many motorcycles stop there...


The inside of the diner has a lot of historic photos of the area...I botched a lot of them, but here is one


I botched another photo, but it was a photo of a local kid's school project on "the six from Beallsville". A very sad story. The photos of the six area boys who died in Vietnam. Six from a community of 475. :(

The highest per capita loss of any community in that conflict...Beallsville Six

We enjoyed our lunch at the friendly diner...then continued on. The skies looked ready to burst...and they did. We put our raingear on and took the straighter 78 back to Caldwell vs the 26 to 260 to 78 that we had planned.

We rode 153 miles that day and really enjoyed the good weather that we did have. We checked into the Best Western at Caldwell and enjoyed our fine accomodations...


The pool and hot tub were a fine finish to our day's ride.

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