Seems like a good idea to me. The bags are designed well, carry a lot of stuff without looking huge on the bike, and the mounting system is unobtrusive, simple to use, and effective. If they offered the FZ1 (and FZ6) in the US with bags and fairing my daughter would be placing an order.
The .ws site has some pretty clear piccies. Looks like they are indeed the same bags as the FJR. Ugly brackets, though. I suppose you could get the brackets from Europe and add the bags domestically.
I had a 2001 FZ1. Thought about loading it up until I saw a picture of the European FJR1300. But no bike in America. I prayed and low and behold I got one. I found the FJR went out of the stable more than the FZ1 so I sold it. Load up an FZ1 and I don't think it would handle the same. Its a naked sport bike not a sport tour. But I guess the FJR would be on the touring side of sport and the FZ1 would be on the sport side of touring. Shoot should have kept the FZ1.