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Mar 17, 2010
Reaction score
Grover Beach, Calif
OK - maybe I'm just jealous. You guys have been keeping the FJR a secret.

I don't own an FJR yet but I ran into a guy that owns a BMW 1200RT and a FJR. When I tell him I'm looking at buying one

he talks me into going for a ride with him. He's in love with his BMW and really trys to direct me to it. I ride the FJR first for

about an hour over twisty hilly country. I'm a cruiser rider and I effortless made the transition. Soon we are blasting through

the hills at 70-85 mph. I came up on a car at 65mph dropped down to 4th and rolled right up to 90mph. This much fun should

be illegal - wait - it is. :yahoo: I loved it. Then he wanted to switch bikes so I could really see how good the BMW is. I didn't

care for it. The BMW is quiet and well behaved but the thrill was gone. Kinda like driving a sports car versus a sedan. :blink:

Anyway - I love the FJR - now if I could just find one. I guess if you told everyone about the FJR then everyone would get one

so I'll have to keep the FJR secret.

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OK - maybe I'm just jealous. You guys have been keeping the FJR a secret.
You just weren't talking to the right people :yahoo: :yahoo:

I see a bunch of performance awards coming your way :yahoo: :yahoo: :rolleyes:

So why haven't you purchase one you yet, you had the rest of the day to get the "dirty deed" done.

OK - maybe I'm just jealous. You guys have been keeping the FJR a secret.
You just weren't talking to the right people :yahoo: :yahoo:

I see a bunch of performance awards coming your way :yahoo: :yahoo: :rolleyes:

So why haven't you purchase one you yet, you had the rest of the day to get the "dirty deed" done.
I think that's why he had me ride the BMW all the way back even after I told him I didn't car for it.

He saw the grin on my face and knew he had to get me off the FJR or I'd be gone on his bike. :clapping: :rolleyes:

OK - maybe I'm just jealous. You guys have been keeping the FJR a secret.
Jeez...we've been shouting the news to anyone who'll listen.

In fact, many of us have belonged to 5 FJR websites (some are gone, some are very inactive). Many of us have multiple tens-of-thousands of miles on ours. Maybe we were too busy riding to tell you. :dntknw:

I suppose we could have come to your house and forced you to listen to us..... :unsure: you need us to direct you to the "For Sale" area of the forum? :blink:

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:yahoo: Try 5th. to 3rd. and nailing it. Ya just gotta love it.

Try carrying the front end when going over a hill. :yahoo: :yahoo:

OK - maybe I'm just jealous. You guys have been keeping the FJR a secret.
I don't own an FJR yet but I ran into a guy that owns a BMW 1200RT and a FJR. When I tell him I'm looking at buying one

he talks me into going for a ride with him. He's in love with his BMW and really trys to direct me to it. I ride the FJR first for

about an hour over twisty hilly country. I'm a cruiser rider and I effortless made the transition. Soon we are blasting through

the hills at 70-85 mph. I came up on a car at 65mph dropped down to 4th and rolled right up to 90mph. This much fun should

be illegal - wait - it is. :yahoo: I loved it. Then he wanted to switch bikes so I could really see how good the BMW is. I didn't

care for it. The BMW is quiet and well behaved but the thrill was gone. Kinda like driving a sports car versus a sedan. :blink:

Anyway - I love the FJR - now if I could just find one. I guess if you told everyone about the FJR then everyone would get one

so I'll have to keep the FJR secret.
Sell yer soul and join the club!Yeah, I tried to drink the BMW Koolaid too, (I had an R1200ST) but it didn't work on me either. It's like I was missing something all the other Beemer people saw? Clunky tranny, goofy switch gear, no thrill... Used, an FJR is half the price and twice the thrill of an R bike! Great therapy, I highly recommend one.
