FJR Computer swap for Seq EFI?

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Feb 28, 2011
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Does anyone know of a company which makes a replacement computer for the FJR (2005) to convert the fuel injection to sequential fuel injection? I'd like to get 45mpg from this thing! I get 35mpg from my car, I rather my motorcycle hit a higher mark.

For example:

Or this:

I assume there is a camshaft and/or crankshaft position sensor so setting the timing for injector activation/deactivation should be easy.

Thanks all,


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I have no problem getting 45-50 out of my 03 as long as I don't ride like Fairlaner. I have a PC3 and staintune exhaust.

To anser your Question,I don't there is an aftermarket puter and I always thought the injection was sequential.

Even if there were a conversion, how much would it cost, and based on your riding habits, how long would it take you to make up the cost in fuel savings?

Does anyone know of a company which makes a replacement computer for the FJR (2005) to convert the fuel injection to sequential fuel injection? I'd like to get 45mpg from this thing! I get 35mpg from my car, I rather my motorcycle hit a higher mark...
If you fill your FJR with 10% ethanol gas, use premium fuel, let it idle until warm, drive mainly in city traffic, regularly run over 6k rpm using only first and second gear -- or conversely, never run over 3k rpm using solely fourth or fifth gear, your standard practice is to accelerate hard in large, wide-open bursts, maintain low tire pressure, have installed a 'barn-door' windshield, have the O2 sensor disconnected, travel extended time over 80 mph, never allow your engine to run in the closed-loop mode, have a Power Commander installed and/or regularly carry 400-600 lbs of rider and gear your gas mileage will be low. If you do none (zero,not an iota) of these things, yet can't get 40 mpg then there is likely to be something wrong with your FJR.

Before re-engineering and rebuilding your FJR, what does your actual driving profile look like for the duration of one entire tank of gas? And, what gas do you use? If you are willing to trade driveability with retrofitted, inappropriate fueling systems, first try adding a throttle stop that limits throttle travel to 3k rpm and ADD a stronger throttle spring so it is harder to open the throttle.

There are no other substitute ECU's for the FJR. You can install a Power Commander and remap the fuel table to deliver less fuel across the entire rev range until the FJR gets too hot to ride or lean knocks, then enrichen it again just enough to get over these problems.

Even if there were a conversion, how much would it cost, and based on your riding habits, how long would it take you to make up the cost in fuel savings?
I didn't read the OP to want to save money, just get better gas mileage, at any expense.

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If I recall correctly the Power Commander does not allow for an O2 sensor. The two I listed have lambda sensor inputs and use them to ensure you don't run rich or lean. Lean would be very dangerous... There's nothing like detonating a spark plug and shredding the engine with the ceramic which breaks away as a result.

Disconnecting the O2 sensor would result in Limp Home Mode and with it a basic fuel map. Wouldn't do it (unless the sensor was bad and causing problems). All of the miles (the whopping 500 miles) I put on were in combination city/highway driving. I do not jack rabbit start. I am not carrying much weight (I weight a little under 190 and do not use a top case).

I do use premium as the dealer said I must use 91 and 93 is the only thing which meets that lower limit (Gulf used to sell 91 but no more with the 4th grade). The compression of this engine is low enough that I don't have to have as high a percentage of cyclic octane (Cyclic octane is more stable under compression than straight chain) but I have not tried lower octane ratings yet (I have only put 500 miles or so on the bike, remember).

I would say it is the city riding which kills the fuel mileage and sequential injection would help to resolve that problem. 35 was the mileage I was told by other FJR owners they were getting and it's what I got on three full tanks.

See the paragraph next to the photo of the left side of the FJR engine (it claims 39MPG for the FJR). 35 is very close to the claim they make and right at the claim they make under the picture of the FJR on the right (34/45).

I do not smell fuel in the exhaust and there is no trouble code so I don't think the O2 sensor needs replacing, but it can't hurt (and if bad would be responsible for the lower fuel mileage). What is the resistance or voltage reading supposed to be for the 2005 FJR at the O2 sensor? I have a 88VA Fluke multimeter and can easily check it.


If you do none (zero,not an iota) of these things, yet can't get 40 mpg then there is likely to be something wrong with your FJR.
So, if I'd done many of those getting 23.5 mpg on one leg of a rally in Nevada where Skooterg and I had closing velocities in excess of 250+ mph...this is abnormal? How about the 52 mpg I got the day after the rally limping home sub speed limit because I'd worn my tire down to the steel belts...that abnormal too? :huh:

I wish somebody would research and publish the irrefutable fuel economy of this FJR thing. These squishy reported mileage numbers are just not right! Maybe this sequential thing will finally resolve this age old problem once and for all! ;)

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The FJR does not have enough horsepower for 250+ mph.
I didn't say my bike went 250+ mph. That would be crazy wrong.

I said closing velocity of 250+ mph.

This is the speed of an object relative to for the math:

If a silver 2004 FJR with a pilot with big ears and goofy grin (let's call him Skooterg) is traveling near Area 51 north on Highway 375 at 135 miles per hour and they encounter a blue 2005 FJR with a pilot with moderate sized ears and shit eating grin (let's call him Ignacio) traveling south on the same highway at 125 miles per hour...their closing velocity would be the sum of their two indicated speeds....125+135=260 mph. 260 is greater 250 the original point of "250+" is valid.

Let's call this event, White Pine Fever and presume both the FJRs had conventional injection systems and never considered changing their bikes to sequential injection. ;)

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The FJR does not have enough horsepower for 250+ mph. getting 23.5 mpg on one leg of a rally in Nevada where Skooterg and I had closing velocities in excess of 250+ mph...
One motor cycle heading east at 125 mph; one motorcycle heading west in the opposite lane, traveling 125 mph. Voila, closing speed of 250+ mph. Iggy's FJR was alleged to be returning 23.5 mph @ 125 mph which is reasonable.

Running Mass Gas with 10% ethanol = 10% reduction in mileage, roughly 3.5 mpg. Running unnecessary octane = reduced mileage, use 87 octane (read the owners manual).

A standard Gen I Zirconia O2 sensor must be heated to >600°F to operate. At an ideal stoichiometric ratio the O2 sensor will be putting out 0.45 V (450 mV) DC. If the sensor is working correctly, the value will fluctuate so much that a digital meter should not be able to display a fixed reading. If a DMM does display a stable reading the O2 sensor is responding too slowly and is defective. The way the FJR operates the engine can run off of look-up tables and not the O2 sensor and there will be almost no perceptible change in mileage but emissions will be improved in a way only important to the EPA.

I don't know how many miles are on your Gen I FJR, but they don't really begin to return best mileage until well over 7.5k miles.

Gas mileage has been taken to a
state in this Forum. GAS can not be searched via the Forum search engine because it is three letters (or less) but MILEAGE is sure searchable and should let you kill a week or two reading what we all get for average mileage, surveys, polls and all other things mileage related. At least you seem to stand out from the crowd and can calculate your true mileage from fill volume and elapsed miles, no joking about this, you are well ahead of the curve here.

Edit: I see Iggy defended his own honor while I was typing, so let me add a DITTO to what he said.

Edit II: Are you open to any solution other than trashing the OEM ECU?

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135mph? Pffft! I prefer "145+"!!!

Yo, chimpdude, don't overthink this. My first 2004 FJR with a PCIII would get 39-43 mpg in 'normal' riding. (NOT at '145+') My second 2004 FJR without a PCIII gets 45-49 mpg in 'normal' riding. Something is 'out of the ordinary' with you or your FJR.

And as alluded to above, go read your owner's manual and you'll find that 87 octane is just fine.

BTW, w/o O2 sensor and operating in open loop mode, it is far from 'Limp Home Mode'. In fact, I doubt you would even notice the difference.

Oh, and while wearing a helmet, my ears ARE NOT BIG!!!

You could understand my confusion as you did not state the 250 was equally split between the two of you (you may have been closing in on your finish line. Closing could very well mean closing in on the end of the race. "This is the speed of an object relative to another object..." But not the finish line, Ignacio? Two objects leave x and y at time blah…. You did not state your starting distances which are relevant nor the time taken to reach the point at which you established you were using energy at 23.5mpg.

You could just as well be traveling 80 and he 170. The expectation that one would interpolate your velocity based on the provided information (which did not answer my question anyhow) is unreasonable. In fact it cannot be done by other analysis without additional information. I still think you were being dishonest with us.

When well known and respected reviewers (Motorcycle USA) say it averages 34/45 it averages 34/45. I asked two FJR owners parked at Starbucks in Northampton mass what they averaged before I bought the bike and they both claimed 35-45 MPG depending on where and how they were riding. The Yamaha Motorcycle website section for the FJR claims 39MPG.

When two people face to face with me, a well respected motorcycle reviewer and the manufacturer of the motorcycle make a claim, I'm inclined to believe it. You ignacio, not so much.

"Disconnecting the O2 sensor would result in Limp Home Mode" If it's not plugged in it's in limp home mode..." If it is reading high or low and tripping a code it enters limp home mode and if it's disconnected it is certainly going to enter Limp Home Mode. If not then the computer does not perform even basic checks on start up (it's pretty hard to ignore the most important data stream in the system being absent).

Ion- No other suggestion except that everyone else gets numbers which reliable sources flat out disagree with those that were made here. Those numbers do not answer my question anyhow.

I did not ask for opinions, I asked if there are existing parts which enable my end goal.


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135mph? Pffft! I prefer "145+"!!!
Dude, that's just crazy talk! We would have bought 135....137...maybe 138, but nobody can go 145 for sustained's like eating 50 eggs! What do you're some guy that can ride 1500+ miles in a day? Pfft!

And you're right...your ears aren't big. It's just that your head is really small relative to them. ;)

You could understand my confusion as you did not state the 250 was equally split between the two of you (you may have been closing in on your finish line. Closing could very well mean closing in on the end of the race). You could just as well be traveling 80 and he 170. The expectation that one would interpolate your velocity based on the provided information (which did not answer my question anyhow) is unreasonable. I still think you were being dishonest with us.
Sorry. I thought using "closing velocity" was adequate for most folks and speeds of the two objects was incidental at best. Sorry I couldn't read your mind.

I don't know what this "finish line" you're referring to though is. Sounds like some race I've never heard of.

When two people face to face with me, a well respected motorcycle reviewer and the manufacturer of the motorcycle make a claim, I'm inclined to believe it. You ignacio, not so much.
That's fine....I completely cool with that! The 135,000 miles I put on my first stock FJR with a typical mileage of 36-42 mpg should be completely ignored. Everybody here know that everything I say is complete and utter bullshit already.

Enjoy your stay on the forum. ;)

Moving thread to it's new home.....

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What do you're some guy that can ride 1500+ miles in a day? Pfft!

And you're right...your ears aren't big. It's just that your head is really small relative to them. ;)
'1500+ '?!?!

Double PFFFT!!!.... I prefer '1800+'.............

And my ears are NOT big, nor my head SMALL. I assure you they are quite normal size. It's just that my ears like to stick out a bit more than the statistical mean. ;)

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...When well known and respected reviewers (Motorcycle USA) say it averages 34/45 it averages 34/45. I asked two FJR owners parked at Starbucks in Northampton mass what they averaged before I bought the bike and they both claimed 35-45 MPG...When two people face to face with me, a well respected motorcycle reviewer and the manufacturer of the motorcycle make a claim, I'm inclined to believe it...
Guess that trumps the reported experiences of all the Gen I users that have recorded their experiences here over the course of an aggregated mileage that has to be hundreds of thousands of miles.

I suggested that Mr 'Man do a little reading here in the Forum on what has been well documented and see if this reading from many users over years and huge mileage matches the trusted resource of two strangers at Starbucks. Oh, and a motorcycle magazine that only gets NEW, unbroken in Press Bikes.

Oh, and a motorcycle magazine that only gets NEW, unbroken in Press Bikes.
And that put how many miles on them? And ride them how? Meaning that your typical Moto magazine evaluation ride is not how your typical owner would typically ride. All things being typical of course.

Oh, and the Yamaha service manual has no mention whatsoever of a 'Limp Home Mode'. MM - that term and your use of it does not apply to the FJR.

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I suggested that Mr 'Man do a little reading here in the Forum on what has been well documented and see if this reading from many users over years and huge mileage matches the trusted resource of two strangers at Starbucks. Oh, and a motorcycle magazine that only gets NEW, unbroken in Press Bikes.
More crazy talk from New Hampshire. You must be one of those agitators that spews crazy stuff anonymously with your high post counts and stuff. Next you're gonna trump passion and intuition with facts or sumthin'. We gonna have to vote you onto an island with Starcruiser? :p

And that put how many miles on them? And ride them how? Meaning that your typical Moto magazine evaluation ride is not how your typical owner would typically ride. All things being typical of course.
More of this "fact" jibber-jabber from Arizona....sheesh. Get a job hippy!

Dude's you just don't like the idea of sequential injection. You probably go for that fur-in non-sequential and random injection stuff.

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Sure, ionbeam, that answers also answers the question asked. Those who answered above are strangers and as you and others made clear in my introduction people here like to mess with each other a bit. So you are strangers who admit you'd be messing with me and you don't understand that I would be suspicious? My suspicions are verified by Ignacio moving my question to the useless section of the forum even though his and other answers did not meet the question asked.

Ignoring all else above does anyone have a constructive answer to the question which I asked?

Again I'd still like to know what the readings from the O2 sensor are supposed to be so I can eliminate that as a source.


...Ignoring all else above does anyone have a constructive answer to the question which I asked?

Again I'd still like to know what the readings from the O2 sensor are supposed to be so I can eliminate that as a source....
Without any BS I did answer that question when you asked it. By your standards though, me being a stranger and all, you may have discounted what I said as garbage. You need to do some riding with us New Englanders this summer and broaden the group that you know and trust.
