Rode until 12/1 then we got 18" of snow with the obligatory salt and sand -- end of season. Several commutes to work were below 20 degrees, in the dark. I was able to get a few weekend rides in before the $#it hit the roads.
Heated grips, ahamaY, Touring coat with Hein Gerike wind/rain liner in addition to the quilted liner, Hein Gericke mesh pants with wind/rain liner, Gaerne ST Dry Boots and fairly lightweight gloves so the heat from the heated grips can soak through, chin spoiler from my Arai helmet deployed. Note that the Gaerne boots are more comfortable than my sneakers and completely waterproof.
Heated grips, ahamaY, Touring coat with Hein Gerike wind/rain liner in addition to the quilted liner, Hein Gericke mesh pants with wind/rain liner, Gaerne ST Dry Boots and fairly lightweight gloves so the heat from the heated grips can soak through, chin spoiler from my Arai helmet deployed. Note that the Gaerne boots are more comfortable than my sneakers and completely waterproof.
