FJR insurance

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Hi all. New owner of an '06 1300A (#372). I have my insurance with Dairyland. Called them this afternoon to add the FJR to my policy. $419 for full coverage with $250 deductible. In in VA, 61 YO and no recent tickets.


Check the fine print in your Geico policy. It's my understanding the Geico MC policies limit the rider to 500 miles in a 24 hour period. There are certain Long distance Rallies that won't let you run their event if your insured by Geico. This may or may not be a concern to you.
And they (GEICO) ask if you use or own a radar detector. If for any reason they discover you have one (ticket note, etc.) they will cancel your insurance and deny any pending claims on vehicles they cover (even if the detector was in a vehicle they don't cover). They say it's for falsification of your application. It's been mentioned before that GEICO also helps some PD's with their radar gun purchases.

I have Dairyland and it just dropped again this year. Now it's $245 a year for full coverage (100/300/50) with 250 deductible.

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Full coverage on the '05 for year-round riding in Oregon. Have American Familyinsurance with $500.00 deductible. Have all my autos and house insurance with them. Total annual premium is $374.30. Renewal time is coming up. We'll see if they try to pull a fast one on me and up the premiums.

Check the fine print in your Geico policy. It's my understanding the Geico MC policies limit the rider to 500 miles in a 24 hour period. There are certain Long distance Rallies that won't let you run their event if your insured by Geico. This may or may not be a concern to you.
Since I am currently shopping for insurance on the bike I pick up tomorrow...I emailed GEICO last night about the mileage question. I received the following reply:


We do not limit our riders on the miles they operate their bikes per day.

There are no limitations.


Kim Rushing

GEICO® Motorcycle Representative


So far, they are the cheapest I have found, but still waiting on a couple more quotes to come in.

I got a quote from progressive for almost $900. They also said they changed the rating from a touring bike to a sport bike. I called my allstate guy and got a quote of $285 for the same coverage for a year. Good bye progressive. Everett ps my st1300 was only 185.

You guys really got me wondering about this. Even though I don't have an FJR just yet, I thought I'd better check with my agent and see what they were classifying the FJR's as. American Family, 250 deductibles, the extra insurance to cover all the add ons and plastic (even factory placstic and windshield is not covered by there full coverage insurance, you have to get the extra coverage of that) = $385 per year. More then I pay now for my FZ6 by just short of twice, but not as bad as some of you guys are being told.

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Check the fine print in your Geico policy. It's my understanding the Geico MC policies limit the rider to 500 miles in a 24 hour period. There are certain Long distance Rallies that won't let you run their event if your insured by Geico. This may or may not be a concern to you.
Since I am currently shopping for insurance on the bike I pick up tomorrow...I emailed GEICO last night about the mileage question. I received the following reply:


We do not limit our riders on the miles they operate their bikes per day.

There are no limitations.


Kim Rushing

GEICO® Motorcycle Representative


So far, they are the cheapest I have found, but still waiting on a couple more quotes to come in.
That's good the hear, I didn't have any personal experiance but I had heard about Geico from what should have been a reliable source. :huh:

The responses beg the question:

Why would you need that much UM coverage if you have really good health insurance? If i get hurt in any MVA, my health insurance picks up the bill. I tend to ride alone (or occasionally with a family member who is also covered by my work policy). My out of pocket expense is limited through that policy. why would i need extra?


I can see why i may want to have a good amount of coverage in an accident where i'm at fault and cause injury. But i do feel like my chances of inflicting a large amount of damage to a cage and it occupants is minimal being on a 500 pound motorized bicycle.

Someone want to explain to me what i'm missing here.

P.S. - this was a great thread and extremely timely given all of us anteing up for insurance on the new bikes...thanx again.


The responses beg the question:
Why would you need that much UM coverage if you have really good health insurance? If i get hurt in any MVA, my health insurance picks up the bill. I tend to ride alone (or occasionally with a family member who is also covered by my work policy). My out of pocket expense is limited through that policy. why would i need extra?


I can see why i may want to have a good amount of coverage in an accident where i'm at fault and cause injury. But i do feel like my chances of inflicting a large amount of damage to a cage and it occupants is minimal being on a 500 pound motorized bicycle.

Someone want to explain to me what i'm missing here.

P.S. - this was a great thread and extremely timely given all of us anteing up for insurance on the new bikes...thanx again.


You would need UM for personal injury. If your medical pays all of your medical and you broke your kneck an were Paralized from the neck down. Who would pay for your loss of income. Living expenses for 30 years etc. I won't. UM is a whole lot more than medcial! If the guy doesn't have ins. and your out of work who pays your salary. Your Screwed! Get the the UM.


as far as not being able to do much damage to a cage with a bike. Think about this. I insured a bike 20 years ago. He never touched a thing, but he caused a car to swerve and hit a semi, which in turn ran into a car killing three people from different families. The semi and car burned up. Total Property damage 1.3 million.(semi loaded with Electronic) The biker had 100,000 Personal property damage coverage. He filed bankruptcy and still lost everything he had. Car, house, etc. and he still faces personal injury losses later from childen injured in the crash, he caused but was not a part of!


I know it's a one in 100,000 chance, but if your the one. Kiss it ALL goodby, everything you ever worked for!

Go ahead. Save the $25.00 and loose it all. I've seen it happen!

If your my client and don't buy UM from me you sign a form stating that I suggested the Max. UM and you turned it down. Then you can't sue me saying I didn't do my job in selling you the UM!



Thanks for the advice. that all makes sense. i'm not sure where you getting your 25.00 pricing but progressive is adjusting my numbers up by about 30% when i go into the higher coverages (from 100/300 to 250/500 for bodily injury and UM). and thats with a 500 deductible. I tend to do 100/300 on my auto's. Are you recommending to go to 250/500 on UM and keep the others at 100/300?


sorry, don't mean to step on CK's toes---I'm in insurance claims, been doin it for 25 years--100/300k on any liability insurance these days should be considered minimum coverage. You want to protect your finances and future-- you better carry a minimum of 1 million. This can be accomplished several ways, usually the most economical is to secure an excess or umbrella policy. I have one that covers me for liability either on premises--home/property or due to an accident--thats my fault either on my bike or driving (any) of my vehicles, it covers both me and my wife. Have your agent get you an umbrella quote it's not very expensive! ;)

Been getting quotes for the last two days. I have a clean record (at least for the last 3 years) and the FJR will be my first bike (yea, yea). Anyway, everyone I called wanted at least a 1000 or more a year. Just got off the phone with State Farm...363 a year. Even my crappy Allstate group wanted a grand and said it may be more.

So: age = 40

Illinois resident (we usally get raped)

State Farm will be my insurance company (beat my current car rate to)

I may just trasfer everything to them.

I called all the suggestions here and some more that havent been listed in these threads. It realy does depend on location. I know that if I moved across the state line to Wisconsin my auto insurance would be half (did it once).

I did read somewhere onetime that Illinois is the only state in the US without an auto insurance cap.

Never hurts to call around.

We do not limit our riders on the miles they operate their bikes per day. There are no limitations.
Check how many HOURS in a day they limit you, though. Typical GEICO weasel-wording. Ask them about owning a radar detector.

I've had State Farm for my whole life (no pun intended). Only claim I ever filed on anything was about 13 years ago when a fire that started in the apartment below ours decided to mess up 2/3's of our stuff. Zero other claims, including 3 decades of cage driving.
State Farm wanted close to $1000 a year! I mean, yeah, I'm a born-again motorcycle newbie, but still....

I did some online checking around at various insurance vendors and I was able to get Progressive for $543/year. BTW, Geico wanted over $1300/year. You gotta check around a lot since all the companies seem to base rates by your location in addition to your bike, experience level, and other mysterious intangibles.

I also figure that after I get a year of riding under my belt, and keep my record clean, I'll shop around again and hopefully get a better deal.

PROGRESSIVE QUOTED ME $1330.00 FOR A YEAR...I AM SHOPPING AROUND...cant believe the difference in what you got and what they are tellin' me...i bet they have reclassified these FJR's as strick sport vice touring...oh! what ya think?

I posted a while back because I was looking to purchase an Fjr. I called my insurance company today which is progressive and they want an additional 700.00 a year to insure a new Fjr. The insurance on ny warrior is about 250.00, what's up with that. I am planning to close the deal as soon as one is located here in the Chattanooga. I don't know if this makes a difference but the person giving the quote said that the Fjr is classified as a sports bike instead of a sports touring bike. Any suggestions? Would it help if I had the Vin. #?

Look you bunch of numbnuts...I've been an insurance agent for 30 years and it's all a crock of dung!!!! All this what happens if this happens and then that happens as far as I'm concerned is idiot sales BS the insurance industry has brainwashed insurance agents to use for years...

Personally, I carry Liabilty only,,,NO UM, NO PIP, as it's a rip off its it's over $ 20 which it is.....Liability only runs me around $90\yr......And Yamaha Financial will accept it as they don't require full coverage....No compare the difference between $90 and $900 with a $500 Ded which your agent will then tell you not to turn in a claim on unless your out of pocket another THOU or two...

Pay your $90 and don't look back....

everybody has a story. here's mine...

been with progressive for YEARS AND YEARS. bought the FJR and got the word that my premiums would be about $1500. i picked up 3 dumb speeding tickets last year. nobody's fault but mine. still it seemed exorbitant. and i carry the 500/1M liability coverage, collision/comp at 500/250 ded, and all the other assorted and related. as the bike goes down in value, i will drop the collision.

called my agent, and apparently safeco is getting into the MC insurance biz. whatever. all i know is i got the SAME exact coverage, plus better on "extras" ($3K), and premiums are just under $800. then with the multi-bike discount, added hol's magna and the total package is just under $900.

i don't work for safeco and i don't care what you spend where. but sentry and american family and progressive were all around that $1400-1700 mark, and you can guess whose card is in my glovebox now... safeco does rate the feej as a touring bike.

good luck


I had the Progressive quote about a year ago in the $1000+ range for a $500 deductible living in Eastern Washington and was very unimpressed. I think from this board I received a suggestion about Ride West Insurance and was pleasantly surprised to find 100/300 coverage with a $250 deductible for less than $400 a year!

Nice folks to talk to.

Probably factors was area living being Tri-Cities/37 years old/zero tickets. I'm sure individual results will vary.
