FJR is a workhorse (Photo's inside)

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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I know my load is "small" but I just got my bike about a month ago. I'll check in with a new pic several weeks from now and hopefully it will have increased!

Hutch you and Pierre have got to stop with with the avatar's ( Edit I mean go yes go that's it)

For the AMA weekend at Barber last April. Tent, chair, sleeping bag, laptop, camera with flash and 2 lenses, rain gear, sneakers, ball caps, towel. Oh, yeah: clothes.


These bikes are workhorses. My brother and I took a trip last June through several northern states. We didn't have a lick of trouble with our rides.

Here is my ride all packed up. Doesn't look like much but the amount of room is substantial on this mount. The goal was to keep the trunk as empty as possible so I had room for whatever came up. Kept my cowboy hat in there. The seat pack carried the tent, stove, plates and other camping stuff. The green roll is my REI inflatable pad - don't leave home without it. The black roll is my 20deg bag. I kept the maps and other handy things in the tank bag.

Parked at the road side rest stop at Monitor Pass, Wyoming.


My brother and I stopped to look at this beautiful piece of iron on the way into Duluth Minnesota.


Damn it!! Three weeks is too short for a vacation, I want to go again! :yahoo:

With a little careful thought on where to tie things down, the possibilities are almost endless what you can attach to an FJR for that trip.
