FJR Killer?

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Thanks, but no thanks. Although I do believe Toecutter said he was gonna ditch the FJR as soon as a 200 MPH tourer came along... here you go Toe! :D

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Large barge, outfitted with QE2 engines. Platform not designed for the brave new mission.

Scotty, I asked for warp 7! Aye captain, the engines are at warp 7; it's just that they are no longer attached to ship...

Where can I try one :dribble: :lol: :rolleyes:

Hmmm, interesting, but not at $42,500. And it's a bit on the heavy side. The quest continues.

Need more positive prophetic thoughts....maybe define the parameters better. Cool how this surfaces a mere four days after I said that though....

Top speed 212 MPH... holy crap.
They must have some really long lorries Down Under to need that kinda top end. But before ya get too excited about that chrome tomato, keep in mind she's got a 66.5" wheelbase and weighs 792 lbs dry. Not exactly svelte. I'm trying to imagine how fast it would swap ends if ya got on the gas coming out of a corner.

Nice dragstrip bike anyway.

I'd love to see one negotiate a mountain pass in the Alps.... B)

Like a friggin' Greyhound bus on a rollercoaster :D


World's fastest barc-o-lounger! Let's see the SO take a nap on the back of that!

But wouldn't it be fun when the youngsters on sportbikes surround you at the redlight?

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Wonder if I could get that motor in my Magna? Probably not enough steel left in America to reinforce the frame:D

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Lessee if I got the conversions right:

244 Hp, 231 Ft. lb of torque, top speed 212 Mph. A Buick with Balls! It would a blast to see one pull top end on a 'Busa or R1... :lol:

Lessee if I got the conversions right:
244 Hp, 231 Ft. lb of torque, top speed 212 Mph. A Buick with Balls! It would a blast to see one pull top end on a 'Busa or R1... :lol:
Yeah, as long as it was in a perfectly straight line, and Mr. Hippity Hop didn't scamper out onto the road and make you swerve... be like steering the Titanic at that point. :eek:

Lessee if I got the conversions right:

244 Hp, 231 Ft. lb of torque, top speed 212 Mph. A Buick with Balls! It would a blast to see one pull top end on a 'Busa or R1... :lol:
Yeah, as long as it was in a perfectly straight line, and Mr. Hippity Hop didn't scamper out onto the road and make you swerve... be like steering the Titanic at that point. :eek:
Groo, truth be told the GL is a very good handling machine for it's weight and wheel base. I was faster on the GL than on the VFR, believe it or not. That low CoG goes along way in the handling department and with 200+ Palominos... well, I'd have to put in a supply of Depends! :blink:


You're probably right, but I'd still be nervous about a bike that heavy, going that fast, if you ever had to swerve... the highside would be one for the ages... probably throw you across the Grand Canyon...

Naw, I want something more comfortable and flys!


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Looks like the bottom of that aircraft engine is about an inch or less off the grass... hope you don't hit any bumps.... :blink:

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