FJR Pillion Riders

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Jul 15, 2005
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Have not seen anything from the other "ladies" regarding comfort on the FJR. Or is this a mens only site ?


Have not seen anything from the other "ladies" regarding comfort on the FJR. Or is this a mens only site ?
We have a few around here somewhere. :p

I think we have about a half a dozen with FJR's some with non-FJR's whose hubbie has an FJR and some pillons.

Thnx for the welcome !! I just read so much about the riders, their height, their gear etc. and wonder what the pillions think, tho I know most riders prefer to ride one up ! Except Howard (or so he claims)


I hope I got the question right. We went from a full touring MC to the FJR, and the wife was concerned about rear seat comfort. Happy to report she said her leg position on the FJR was more comfy than the Venture. She's about 5'7" if that matters.

Or is this a mens only site
By no means. It's just that women, by nature, have better things to do. Such as, acting like grownups. :) It's a tough job, but somebody has to do it. In Brenda's case (5'7"), her knees complain after a while in the saddle but otherwise she is very comfortable with the moved-back Givi box and pad. I just can't seem to get her to stand up and overcome her fear of falling off due to peg failure or some other such nonsense. So, she's restricted to straightening out her legs from time to time.

My wife frequent rides with me. She's not very big and finds the FJR comfortable. I did have to lower her pegs and put on a backrest.

My wife likes to ride with me so I have been buying motorcycles with an eye to sporting for me and comfortable for my pillion. When I was last shopping for a bike I narrowed my choices down to about half dozen or so then packed up my wife and took her to all the dealerships so she could 'try on' all the bikes. In two trips we were down to the FJR and the ST. After two more trips to two dealers and as much seat time as we could manage, wife says, "FJR". Whatta Good Wife :)

I have since put on a Rick Mayer seat, lowered pegs, foot guards and Yamaha trunk. Wife did not want the back rest on the trunk. For longer trips I installed FSR radio in our helmets. In colder weather GW notices that a Laminar Lip mounted on the ahamaY windshield gives her adequate weather protection.

GW's horse kicked her in the knee years ago, wicked surgery, result is a bum knee. Feejer has been the best bike for her knee so far. She has problems getting on, especially with the trunk installed so we have two different get-on procedures. One, she gets on from the -right- side. Took me a while to get used to the weight on the wrong side :eh: Second, she gets on first and slides back onto the passenger seat then I get on. It took a bit to work this out so it went safely but this is the fall back after a long day.

We have quite a number of 14+ hr days under our belt. The joy is in the journey --- while we have extended seat time the miles are usually pretty low, rarely over 600 miles in one day.

Ditto Toecutter. My wife, 5'4" has to stretch her legs fairly often, but her biggest discomfort is the shield. She did a 300 mile jaunt with me with no camplaints about the stock seat or the factory trunk with backrest pads. I, on the other hand, am dieing on the stock seat. I think I'll try the Russel Day-long saddle and the new Cee Bailey Monsterflow european cut windshield. That should keep us both happy.

@Grumpy - How did you lower the pillion pegs? My wife and I both have a smaller shoe size, so there would be room for us without causing a conflict over peg space. Is there a manufactured farkle, or did you customize your own?

Have tried having her get on the bike while its on the centerstand? If you are tall enough to plant both feet flat it might work well for you,

My wife sat on an FJR and exclaimed "This is GOOD!" We went out and discussed the possible purchase for a couple of hours, how we would pay for it ect, and she went in and bought it! (what a good woman! :D ) We have ridden through Colorado over a long weekend.(1000 miles) She says she loved the ride, struggled some with the heat. (105 @ 5:00 p.m) I am putting on some cruiser pegs with the hope that will help my riding comfort. (She on the other hand says she could ride all day.) I am hoping that will give the wife some room to stretch her legs out too.

My wife has not been able to put more than 150 miles on a bike (any bike I have ridden) . Her complaint is buffeting, not wide enough seat ("these seats are for skinny models"according to her). She likes comfort and I don't even think a goldwing will work for her. Right now the longest trip will be for 120 miles. She has done several 380 mile days on the FJR, Concours and a 1200 goldwing and alwats she ends the ride saying at least now I remember why I want to trailer the bike to get here. Sometimes you have to know the limitations of your pillion

My wife considers the FJR her bike as much as mine, and rightly so, even though

she only rides on the back. The bike has 16,000 in one year and shes done all

but the trip home from the dealer and service trips, we have done over 500 in a

day with no problem, the key is frequent rest stops, her legs are good for 120-150

without stopping, so even if shes fine we stop every 100 or so, even just a 15 min. break does alot of good. Right now bike is at the dealers for new tires and some goodies and she is one crabby wife when the bike is gone....LOL....


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Maybe I must clarify a bit, I have been a pillion for quite a few miles in my life. (Us Safricans speak funny and I am not even blond !) I actually just wanted to give the FJR a pat on the seat for being such a comfy steed. The best for me is the suspension, we have some dodgy roads at places here in SA and previous bikes had the teeth nearly shattering, but Jack rides it like an old pro !!! (Therefore his name, Jack, because he feels Jack Sh*t about a few bumps!

Nice to know other ladies enjoying the lesser preferred spot of pillion.


Have not seen anything from the other "ladies" regarding comfort on the FJR. Or is this a mens only site ?
Can't help you much- Lorri doesn't mind riding pillion, if her bike's laid up... but since she learned to ride this past spring, she'd rather ride, even if I'm going to be lazy and drive, so my only comment is that I've taken to hiding the key to my FJR...

Thnx for the welcome !!  I just read so much about the riders, their height, their gear etc. and wonder what the pillions think, tho I know most riders prefer to ride one up ! Except Howard (or so he claims)Lynda
My wife likes to ride pillion and I like her back there. We have a intercom system setup and that makes a world of difference. With kids and work etc, sometimes I think the only time we really get to ourselves is on the bike. She does not have much interest in riding her own bike, and the few times it has come up as a possibility, I have discouraged the idea. Not because I don't think she should, but we also ride dirt bike, and frankly her riding skills are not ready. I'm a strong believer in new riders spending a fair amount of time on a dirt bike before heading to the street. For one thing you learn how to use the controls effectively in an environment were the obstacles are not moving. On the street the trees are all made of steel, have wheels and are aiming for you.

Hi Lynda - so that's how the ZAPillion comes about. As an ex safrican now many, many years in the land of Oz, nice to hear the accent again.

As regards lowered pillion pegs - see BikeJohnny - they supply quality FJR items
