FJR pilot patches

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Hey there,  I'm the sucker that took this on last year....  :D
I did loose a couple $$ on the last one, but no biggie, I did it for you guys anyway!

Enough time has past and with all the new owners I could make up a new patch but would only want to do one version to keep cost down to a minimum.

With the forum admins blessing, we might want to put "" at the bottom insead of "In Thrust We Trust"  After all, this THE place where most gather now.

I'd buy AGAIN....especially if they said "" on them.

Hey, then we could all buy leather vests to put our patches on like the HD crowd! That'll be cool!


Hey, then we could all buy leather vests to put our patches on like the HD crowd!  That'll be cool!
I'm not sure why, there's no real connection here, but the thought of the Village People just came rushing to me when I read that... :blink: :blink:


I am in for a prepay. I wouldn't want you to take it on the chin again. Whenever your ready to get the ball rolling just pin it.



Ok, here is some additional info. This is the proof I have come up with but nothing will be done with the part without the admins blessing. I also have not decided which color the fjr will be. The dark silver (as in the pic) shows up great, but most of the new commers will want the blue I imagine. The blue looks nice (sample on the first page of this discussion) but it dosen't have much contrast.



If we can drum up 50 needed patches the price is $5.10 my cost. I would like if everyone could include $3.00 per order to cover:

A: PayPal fees ($.50-$1.00 per payment)

B: The hard cardboard shipping sleeves

C: Postage

D: My time ~$.25 :D

I have to give the patch suppliers 4 weeks time to produce them, :blink: just like last year. I will wait 10 days from now and then order the required amount. I don't get another price break until 100 patches ($.50 less)

If you are ready to order, send payment to [email protected] (remove the dashes)

I will put you on the list to receive them and email you in exactly 10 days and then later when I receive them and ship them out. (should be sooner than the 4 week wait)

OK then.... have at it folks, I might not do this again next year :bleh:

How does one go about getting a pushpin to hold it at the top for the next 10 or so days?


I really like the blue and the "In Thrust We Trust". Maybe just add the

I know "picky, picky" :rolleyes:


Alex, this is just a thought. If you wanted to make the bike blue you could make the road white with a dotted line down the middle.??


Alex, this is just a thought. If you wanted to make the bike blue you could make the road white with a dotted line down the middle.??
Now why didn't I think of that last year.... the doted line is a great idea! I'm 80% sure I'll settle with the blue bike anyway.

Here you go:


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PRICING:If we can drum up 50 needed patches the price is $5.10 my cost. I would like if everyone could include $3.00 per order to cover:
I'm kind of $8.10 per patch?

I'd buy another (silver FJR) patch (I have one of the original ones) if it said on it.


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I'm kind of $8.10 per patch?
If you just want one, yes, otherwise it is:

(number of patches X 5.10) + ($3 PER order)

2 patches would run $13.20 and so on.

How does one go about getting a pushpin to hold it at the top for the next 10 or so days?
Let me get with the other admins for a little pow-wow. I am sure it won't be a problem.

As far as pinning the thread, no problemo, but I will probably have you start a new one.

Stand by........

ITS GOTTA SAY  In Thrust We Trust!!
I liked "Scream if you wanna go faster". :D

How 'bout a poll? Kinda like "I'd buy a blue one" and "I'd buy a silver one"

Maybe we can get enough interest to do two different colors. Then a group buy before the patches get made, so nobody loses out if people flake. Prices get determined by how many people play. ???

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If you need them to be prepaid ....lets get a group buy together, that way no one (Alex) will end up being out of pocket & lose money....I'd buy patches & stickers....if they're available B) ...
