Sorry guys, no 2016 for me.
I decided to experiment with the dip switches. The #7 switch, which is the Tach Source Select was Off. That means it was set to ECM instead of Coil. Flipped that back to On and that was consistent with
this install. Took it for a ride and now the cruise is rock solid. It made a huge difference and sets almost instantly. No idea why it was off and maybe I've been running it wrong the entire time. But I'm sure that tightening stuff up only improved the functionality.
When Wayne checked his, he said he just had switch #1 and #4 on, which were the same as mine were at Tech Day. And I got my CCS from him, so it makes sense that they are already set the same. I'm just not sure why his isn't acting up and mine was. Oh well, it's working now!