FJR Top Box ( Impressed) Givi is good stuff but

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I have the Yami Top Box and think it looks like crap on the bike. I'm an impulse buyer and ordered it at the dealer when I bought the bike.(no shopping around for me) I think the Givi looks way nicer esp when color matched. If I had it to do again I'd save $600 - $700. Like I said, impulse buyer. As it is, between the side bags and the Corbin Smuggler I have plenty of storage and the topbox spends most of the time under a towel on a shelf in the garage. The smuggler was another $800 but I love it and find it to be the handiest storage solution for everyday riding. I think the best looking part of the topbox is the mounting plate. I can live with that hanging off the bike full time.


Your (Wicked Webby) bike with color matched Givi looks awesome. Nice to know there is someone on the forum who can do the paint job. I have the OEM trunk and I like that look too. Maybe I can afford both.....................

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If I can show off my 3rd love:



Gotta love that Blue...Well I do anyway :clapping:

Your (Wicked Webby) bike with color matched Givi looks awesome. Nice to know there is someone on the forum who can do the paint job. I have the OEM trunk and I like that look too. Maybe I can afford both.....................
Thanks Rondo777 and Mbrinitzer !!!!

Sport the Givi 46 case looks sweet too!


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Sport the Givi 46 case looks sweet too!

Wicked Webby,

Thanks; and ditto to your's. They are great lookin bike in nearly any color; aren't they!

Now I'd like to add the Brake light kit to the Givi. On that note, has anybody found a kit to light the whole red tail section of the GIVI box (not just the 4 red reflectors near top center)?

Some nice pics of beautifully dressed FJR's

I have the whole (all across) led light in my Givi box. This light has the taillight function, brake lights and L/R signals. I bought it here:


I have seen that kit and do like it; however, I am hoping someday in the not too distance future that they (or somenone else) develops a kit that would integrate ALL of the red tail reflectors and not just the four dots. Maybe I need to go into business for myself??? Shouldn't be to hard. The question would be the production cost vs. the retail value. Not sure If any money could be made selling them.

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Hmmm...Must be different for the 46. The kit they sell for the 52 runs the whole light bar as you described on the 52..


Thanks!! I was on the fence too between the 46 and 52!! I liked the way the 46 looked from behind a little more. I liked the extra storage of the 52. I liked the fact that the 46 could come with a color matched lid specific to my 07. I liked the way the 52 looked from the side a lot more. I also liked the way the 52 had more color showing(top part)when looking at it from the front of the bike. So........

2 for the 46

3 for the 52


Equals the 52

Oh ya, If you are going to order one to paint, get the Black gloss finish(or any gloss finish)... Don't get the matte finish as it is a lot harder to prep for paint(some say you can't paint the matte finish at all but I don't know that for sure). Remember, Garauld here on the forum does great paint work, and his prices are fair. I don't remember for sure but I think someone here said that one of the Suzuki blues that you can get the 52 in was a close match to the Yami blue. Can't say for sure though.



I think I paid around $125. It came with the long led light for both sides and a quick disconnect plug with a control box that allows you to hook it up for tail lights, brake lights and signals. Got mine last year. On a side note, I only use it in the tail light/brake light config. I didn't like the delay it had from the control box when using the turn signals it was kinda misleading to other riders the way the tail light reset itself.


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2. There is too much wasted spaceThe useful volume is about 75% of the outside dimensions
I don't know whatca been smokin, but I'll have one?
Open up the OEM trunk and take a look. The inner case is like 2" smaller on each side than the outer shell.

Yesterday I was getting the bike ready to ride, and I reached up into the garage joists to pull the OEM trunk down.

This is what it looks like if you "Open up the OEM trunk and take a look"


Some of the wasted space is on the sides, but most of it's in the back.

It looks like about a 25% difference though doesn't it?

I don't know.....
I like my GiviE52.....


To each his/her own I suppose.....

...well, I feel better now. Just ordered a 52 for my '08. I like the way yours looks. I'll post a pic when mine gets here. (if it ever stops snowing in it is right now... :dribble: )
