VFR Rider
Well-known member
Datel volt meter, seat, throttle lock, communication system, driving lights, GPS, radar detector, top trunk, added brake lighting, powerlets, etc.... The possibilities are limited only by what you want to spend.
ROFL! More work to make the little woman happy than to make the ride :blink:Keep the Special Other happy first rule .
Take her for several rides, then surprise her. Get a sheepskin seat cover it will help a great deal on any bike and your SO will realy love it .Tell her you knew the seat wasn't as confortable for her as it could be so you ordered the cover from Australia just for her .Make sure when you return from the ride there are her favourite flowers inside the house ( get a neigbour's wife to hide them and put them in the hoiuse while you two are riding).Have a nice chineese meal ( or whatever she prefers ) that night, you will be rewarded for all your kindness . She will not be jealous of the money and time you spend in the future with your mistress FJR.When you go on the next ride with her mention the the thottle fix ( when it is a good moment ) cause your arm would find it easier, she will of course agree .When you go home sugest another meal ,and you on way to having a wonderfull time riding with the approval of the SO.
A good reason why I will not remarry. Don't like my bike?... See ya! :lol: