FJR Windscreen vs. Birds and other Foreign Objects

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Aug 21, 2008
Reaction score
Columbia MO
On a recent windscreen change I noticed that the adjustable screen is secured with 7 nylon screws.

Fortunately, I've never hit anything bigger than a big, fat, juicy bug with mine but am interested to learn how the Yamaha engineered adjustable screen has held up against former feathered friends (RIP) and other foreign objects and at what estimated impact speeds?

I hit a Turkey Vulture while riding in AR. Didn't step off but Knocked the screen of with almost no damage. Duct taped screen to passenger seat, bought metal screws at Ace Hardware in next town, went back on with no problem. I haven't replaced the metal screws with plastic-gotta do that. BTW any good substitute plastic screws rather than OEM. Ian, Iowa

The screws don't pop because of a bird strikes, dove pummelings, or snakes fallling from the sky including, but not limited to this one:


They do pop off, as designed, because of Skooterg strikes.

Rarely, some windshields (CeeBaileys in this case IIRC) fail because of no strike whatsover (make your own judgment about the rider), but the screws stay intact.


They can handle a lot........... just don't throw odots or Bust's prostate massager at them... anything

that BIG ..... would definitely do some damage..... jmho.....


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I can attest the screen mounting will handle birds up to robin sized, even as they leave a red smear on the plastic. Duck, pheasant, grouse or larger? I think the screws would snap. I'd rather be replacing screws and even the screen than all the adjustment arms.

A piece of a semi tire hit mine on the way to Park City and stuck between the shield and the Laminar Lip. Everything stayed in place except maybe a mess in my shorts. :rolleyes:

Never mind killing two birds with one stone-how about two bikes with one bird..took a large crow in the shield in the down position-then it smacked me in the visor, cartwheeled over my head and nailed my riding bud [who happened to be riding a Blackbird] in the chest and was still there when he stopped. Hell of a shot-almost cleaned me off the bike but no damage anywhere. We did find a carwash where we hosed the guts and crow shit off each other..

Never mind killing two birds with one stone-how about two bikes with one bird..took a large crow in the shield in the down position-then it smacked me in the visor, cartwheeled over my head and nailed my riding bud [who happened to be riding a Blackbird] in the chest and was still there when he stopped. Hell of a shot-almost cleaned me off the bike but no damage anywhere. We did find a carwash where we hosed the guts and crow shit off each other..
That was a good one!

...a large crow...nailed my riding bud [who happened to be riding a Blackbird]
LMAO!!! Oh the irony!

Had a close call with a pigeon. The air cushion at highway speed was enough to push the little bugger before contact, so the contact was light. Left a feather behind on the screen, though.

Hit a sparrow sized bird in Montana at a somewhat elevated speed...Took the little guy on the upper left, almost at the top of the screen. My riding partner who was following, said the only thing he saw was feathers. I ducked down and missed most of the bloody parts. For reference, the screen was a CB +4,+2 on a Gen I.


I hit a Turkey Vulture while riding in AR. Didn't step off but Knocked the screen of with almost no damage. Duct taped screen to passenger seat, bought metal screws at Ace Hardware in next town, went back on with no problem. I haven't replaced the metal screws with plastic-gotta do that. BTW any good substitute plastic screws rather than OEM. Ian, Iowa
Yamaha screws are about $2.25 each. One thing I noticed on the metal screws is that they tend to loosen probably due to the vibration of the bike. It's probably a good thing to go w/ plastic screws.

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I can attest the screen mounting will handle birds up to robin sized, even as they leave a red smear on the plastic. Duck, pheasant, grouse or larger? I think the screws would snap. I'd rather be replacing screws and even the screen than all the adjustment arms.
"Designed to fail." That makes sense. Hope Yamaha thought of it first.

These screws are pretty strong, however you have to be really careful with them when it's cold outside.

I was changing out my windscreen when it was about 40 degrees outside, and I must have broke 3 screw heads.

Now, I keep two or three metal hardware screws in and use the nylon ones for the rest.

I don't think you have much to worry about! I hit and killed a robin at about 70 mph. Knocked the crap out of it as evidenced by the huge splat on the windshield. No issue, except for the clean up job. :puke:

Now deer are a different story!! When I nailed and killed Bambi last year, three of the four "pot metal" struts that hold the WS assembly broke off. But, the screws stayed in place!


I don't think you have much to worry about! I hit and killed a robin at about 70 mph. Knocked the crap out of it as evidenced by the huge splat on the windshield. No issue, except for the clean up job. :puke:
Now deer are a different story!! When I nailed and killed Bambi last year, three of the four "pot metal" struts that hold the WS assembly broke off. But, the screws stayed in place!

Your story is revealing -- the screws are stronger than the windscreen lift assembly. That's good to know.

I watched a turkey vulture cartwheel off JeffAshe's bike, that was quite interesting. I got lucky one time leaving for work, I closed my visor and as soon as I dropped my hand some red colored bird hit me right in the middle of my face shield. I couldn't imagine the outcome w/o the visor down.
