FJR1300AE Delivery

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I didn't ask for my pdp #, but my dealer says I am still suppose to get my AE model this month!! I ordered on 9/28/05!

Best Regards,



Now i'm seriously considering going for the FJR1300A. A dealer close to my house has one that someone did not pickup. Should i get it instead of the AE? I don't know if Mission motorsports was pulling my leg, but there is no way i'm waiting till august for an AE.

What to do, what to do...

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Consider the realities. Apparently, the AE is a power hog, electric-wise. The A would have more juice available to run powered farkles, If you can get past the blueness. ;) The A is also cheaper, but a lot more work to keep pretty.

Or, you could pick up a nice '04, add a PCIII and a shift kit, upgraded stator, and still pocket about 4 jumbo.

If you go for the immediate gratification now, and get the A, how much will you regret NOT getting the AE down the road?

Call Yammy customer service and explain your delimma. Perhaps they can be a bit more specific on the ETA of your AE arrival.

Apparently my dealer did not enroll me in the PDP! :( I called yamaha and they did not have any records for me for my dealer. Which makes we wonder what the heck are they talking about when they are talking about an August delivery date.

I'm going to try and buy the A instead.

Apparently my dealer did not enroll me in the PDP! :( I called yamaha and they did not have any records for me for my dealer. Which makes we wonder what the heck are they talking about when they are talking about an August delivery date.
I'm going to try and buy the A instead.

Just got off phone w/Cypress. All they can say is the mine (Claim #196449) is due in June. No idea on beginning, middle, ennd of month, just June.

Don't really care when mine comes in, keep riding my 05. But it is getting hotter so maybe I'll park it and ride my V11 heh heh

tripletango said:
Don't really care when mine comes in, keep riding my 05. But it is getting hotter so maybe I'll park it and ride my V11 heh heh
Actually I hope tha dam thing comes in before WFO!

Apparently my dealer did not enroll me in the PDP! :( I called yamaha and they did not have any records for me for my dealer. Which makes we wonder what the heck are they talking about when they are talking about an August delivery date.
I'm going to try and buy the A instead.
Did the dealer take your $500 smackers? :( If so, what did he do with it if he didn't enroll you in PDP? :dribble:

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Myself Tripple. I'm not about to show up in Reno on my RT. Warchild would prbably make me park in the employee parking lot. :D

I heard the AE's are going to be reallllyyyy late on delivery.

They have to fix all complaints already logged about the A's.

Didn't the ship sink or run aground somewhere?

Apparently my dealer did not enroll me in the PDP! :( I called yamaha and they did not have any records for me for my dealer. Which makes we wonder what the heck are they talking about when they are talking about an August delivery date.

I'm going to try and buy the A instead.
Did the dealer take your $500 smackers? :( If so, what did he do with it if he didn't enroll you in PDP? :dribble:
I'm definitely out 500 smackers. The best i can figure is he didn't get me enrolled in the pdp and is hoping that between now and August he'll get one? NOT HAPPY :(

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After going back and forth a few rounds with the dealer apparently the PDP was "not necessarily in your name" and it was ordered "by the dealer" and they are sticking to their August/September timeline. I've asked for a refund of my deposit.

Looks like i may be going with a bmw k1200s or k1200gt after all. No matter how good the FJR is, purchasing a bike shouldn't take 8 months and this much hassle.

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