FJRChik's 1st LD trip on a bike

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Nice ride report. Too bad I couldn't be there....too much going on with the Custom Home I'm building.

You have done a great job with the Pics.

Thanks for sharing.

Alrighty, last day of NAFO has myself, Duff and Nelly going to Rocky Mountain National Park. I know a ton of NAFO attendees did this ride so I won't beat it to death here. I was so happy to be back on the bike after 2 days off. We headed out of Golden on 6 which was a very cool road.

I was surprised how quickly we were seeing mountains with snow on them.


Heading into Estes Park, a cute little town I've been to once before.


The view from the major pulloff inside the park. Squeezer was behind me in line to pay at the park entrance and then Minuteman ended up behind me as we were winding our way up the road. Everyone pulled off to enjoy the view.


And we were all pretty happy to have missed this little rain cloud.


And we continued on, with the scenery changing as we passed the treeline. Every time I thought we were to the top, we weren't. I was very impressed with how high up most of the road is. It took you up quickly and you stayed up there for awhile.




Where's Duff in his yellow and black jacket? He just over the top of the hill.


And these are my last 2 pics of the ride as my battery died and I didn't have my spare on me like I usually do. That sucked.



I found it to be very comfortable up there even though the temp was in the 60s. We didn't have a lot of sun but it really didn't feel that cold. For my $10 I also saw a herd of reindeer right next the road, sorry no pics.

We then headed out and was trying to pick up the pace when I noticed my poor Geeps (GPS) was hanging sideways on the stemstand. One of the screws was loose so we found a little park to pull into and broke out some of Duff's tools and we were able to fix it. With everything now secure and the sky getting darker, we needed to make some serious time. We got back on the road and then found the construction. Hello Mr Asshole Construction Worker. :construction: But that's Duff's story so I'll let him tell it if he chooses. I just took my helmet off to make sure they knew I was female and shortly thereafter I was free to go. :spruce_up: Seriously though, I didn't cause the trouble so I shouldn't have been held. I took off and met up with Duff and Nelly a short time later, they were only 6 miles behind me after his chat with the Park Ranger. A quick fuel up and we were on our way. Right into the rain on the best part of the whole trip. Berthold Pass. I can now say I've done twisties in the rain and my Pirelli's stuck like glue.

Back at the hotel for the group pic, a quick shower and then onto dinner. And then my last responsibility for NAFO, the Evil Embarrassing Contest. Tires were up for grabs this year, as was some husband's hinders.

The wives were ready :yes: :


The husbands were too :whistle: :


Here they come, blindfolded, looking for their husband's derriere! I don't think the guys enjoyed this at all! :swoon: (Thanks to Doug C for taking these pics with my camera, since I couldn't)



Well that round netted about a half dozen couples as these ladies are very observant. Now we need to identify another body part and make this a little tougher. So we opted to go with the nose. The ladies were blindfolded again and only allowed to use the tip of their finger to feel the guys' noses.


This round got it down to 2 final ladies. So it was down to a lightning round of Paper, Rock, Scissors to determine the winning couple.


2 rounds of the same outcome and we had to turn these ladies around so they didn't face each other anymore. And the winner was....

Mr. & Mrs. Hawk Pilot, locals from CO :clapping:


And with that, the drinks were on and the rest of the evening was spent splitting time between the bar and the parking lot. I'd like to give a big thank you to the 4 of you that left shots of your nether regions on my camera. I expect that y'all are going to be very very nice to me in the future as I know at least 2 of you who don't really want these shots to be seen. :dribble:

So here's a few of the last pics of NAFO and the fun and frivolity we had.

It was great to see Quigley again and no, Gun's hand isn't really touching me. It was an optical illusion...yeah, that's it! :p


Don't piss this guy off either or he shoot lasers at you! :lol:


My favorite crash king, Chick and the evil eyes guy:


Me and my Oklahoma homie, Okierider


Skooter and Beeroux, performing an Al Bundy, discussing earth moving topics


And that's it! I went home the next day and really enjoyed my solo ride though Colorado and into New Mexico. Trinidad to Ratone is very very pretty. After Ratone I played tag with Phil and his son Eric for awhile and then we finally hooked up and headed for Amarillo. We found MBottoms and Nosecone there and crashed with them. Dinner at Cracker Barrel and off to bed cause we were beat from the wind and heat. Up early and out on the road in the rain, home by 1 pm on Monday. Thanks for the company guys!

And that was my first LD trip on my FJR in a nutshell! :yahoo:

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Nice Pics Chik

I liked seeing the Royal Gorge. I was out there 5 years ago with my brother and 2 sisters. All of us did a 4 day trip on our Motorcycles and the Royal Gorge was a stop for us. Those pics brought back some memories. We didn't drive our bikes on the bridge though. We walked. And we didn't have a kid throw up on the way down the tram. EEEEWWWWW.

It was actually that trip that made me decide to get the FJR. I had my V-star, and going through the roads out there I was scraping the foot pegs constantly. I could hardly lean into the curves. I told myself there has got to be a better bike for this type of riding. A year and a half later I had a FJR sitting in my garage. Thanks for the memories.


Hi FJRChik I really enjoyed riding vicariously with you ! thanks and I hope to do a LD Ride - by myself - one day ..... I guess this makes me FJRChiclet ;)

Thanks for the great comments everyone!

I forgot to add my link to the rest of the pics on my website. FJRChik's pics here.

I also forgot to post total mileage at the end of my last post. Unfortunately, I screwed up on the last day of the trip and accidentally reset my trip meter after filling up in Amarillo. I was just a little pissed! So by my best estimates, it looks like right at 2400 miles. Shoulda been higher considering how long I was gone, but 2 unexpected days off will do that.

All in all, it was a great time and I really enjoyed having the best of both types of riding - getting out there by myself for a while and then meeting up with friends and riding with them. I'm already contemplating my next trip! Labor Day weekend perhaps, maybe finally making it up to MN? Guess I better hurry up and make some money so I can go play again!!

Hey 'chik, I wanted ta tell ya, after ya asked me about the 3rd time if my wife was with me on this trip, I was thinkin' hmm... :hehe:

(And phil was thinkin' the same thing)

Little did I know of your "entertainment" plans for the evening....

Oh well, it was fun ta think about.... :thumbsup: Thanks!

I'll buy the next rounda' SC an DP...


Luv ya!

Hey 'chik, I wanted ta tell ya, after ya asked me about the 3rd time if my wife was with me on this trip, I was thinkin' hmm... :hehe: (And phil was thinkin' the same thing)

Little did I know of your "entertainment" plans for the evening....

Oh well, it was fun ta think about.... :thumbsup: Thanks!

I'll buy the next rounda' SC an DP...


Luv ya!
Yeah, I know I had ya goin, but your so damn cute I couldn't resist!! :lol: Was great to see ya again, along with soooooo many other SFO peeps!! Man, you guys were there en force! Way cool. Now we all need to go to Bikes, Blues and BBQ together!! :D

And I'll take you up on that drink too, no doubt!

I've been tossing the idea around. I don't know anything about it other than when and where but I know a lot you AR and OK guys go, so I was starting to think about it. If I'm still here (meaning the house hasn't sold yet) I should hit it while I can!

I've been tossing the idea around. I don't know anything about it other than when and where but I know a lot you AR and OK guys go, so I was starting to think about it. If I'm still here (meaning the house hasn't sold yet) I should hit it while I can!
It's a major goofball mostly Harley rider get together... That one dude, Jesse James? came once. BFD..

I don't normally go...But I'll do it fur you!

We could prolly get sum giggles outta jus' watchin'...

Seriously, if you're thinkin' 'bout comin' up send a PM.

We gotta extra bed an Stacy loves guests!

I've been tossing the idea around. I don't know anything about it other than when and where but I know a lot you AR and OK guys go, so I was starting to think about it. If I'm still here (meaning the house hasn't sold yet) I should hit it while I can!
It's a major goofball mostly Harley rider get together... That one dude, Jesse James? came once. BFD..

I don't normally go...But I'll do it fur you!

We could prolly get sum giggles outta jus' watchin'...

Seriously, if you're thinkin' 'bout comin' up send a PM.

We gotta extra bed an Stacy loves guests!
PM sent. Thanks Russ!

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What a great report FJRChik! Glad you had such a good first solo trip. Cheers to ya!

Pic's, what pic's? Nice to meet ya too! :D

Kudos FJRChik for your LD ride. I've been riding for 43 years and the longest ride I've done without a lengthy break (several hours) is the Daytona 200 MC race. It is ride reports like yours that inspire me to "air it out" abit. It is never too late.


Excellent job Michelle!

It would have been fun to go but having had surgery 7-15-08, I wouldn't have been good company.

The surgery has done wonders so it was worth it regardless. I'm just not riding until October.

Ramona and I, with another couple, drove to Angel Fire for an extended week in May.

We turned north at Tucumcari and took 104 to Santa Fe, NM. It was a good diversion from the Interstate.

I really enjoyed the pictures as I used to live in Colorado and spent a lot of time near Golden.

Back then, there was a place called "Applewood Stables" and we would ride horses on top of the South Mesa overlooking Golden.

Now that you've been "on the road" there will be no stopping you.
