FJRF008: Cam Chain Tensioner Survey

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Noticed noise, also diagnosed by dealer (no longer in business) at 30k

dealer said they would order part and call me when it came in so as to schedule the job

after 2 weeks I ordered the part on line and got it in the mail 3 days later. Cost ??? but not too much (new and improved design)

Installed myself (easy job)

Dealer called one month later said part was in ( I laughed and hung up)

up to 76k now no problems yet, no noises ect. all is good.

A – 2005

B – 41000

C – Replaced CCT at home

D – yes

E – no

F – no

G – n/a

H – n/a

I – no

J – insidious onset

K - stayed with OEM

A – 2003

B – 118K km/ 73K mi.

C – When I first heard the chain noise at the end of '09 I ignored it. In spring the bike went in to the dealer for a valve adjust at 118K km/73K mi. and they diagnosed the CCT failure. (The tech had no reason to start the cold bike prior to the adjust and didn't hear the noise until he was finished and started it up.)

D – Yes.

E – Lethbridge Yamaha, Alberta, Canada.

F – No

G – Six weeks. No, really.

H – No

I – No

J – Began randomly.

K - I am confident (hopeful) that the redesign will be sufficent.

A / 2005

B / 19,000

C / Dealer 29,200

D / yes

E / NO

F / no

G / 75 miNutes

H / NO

I / NO

J/ Random, at idle

K/ Yamaha is cool with me

A 2004

B I bought with the noise included at no extra cost - 48K

C Replaced it myself

D No more marbles in the can

E No

F No


H No

I No

J Don't know

K Yami OEM

If you wish to participate in the survey, please indicate

A – the model year of your FJR


B – the number of miles on your FJR when the cam chain noise became apparent

About 75K. Kaitsdad heard the telltale sound and recommended I get it checked out, and then last weekend at the LowCal 250, my riding partner said immediately when I pulled up "What is wrong with your engine-it sounds messed up". I immediately made an appointment with Yamaha of Cucamonga.

C – what action did you take, i.e., replace the CCT yourself, have the dealer do the work, ignore the noise, etc., and at what mileage

Have Yam of Cucamonga replace CCT with new, updated part, which I had previously ordered.

D – did replacing the CCT eliminate the problem, i.e., the chain noise

I have not heard it yet.

E – was the problem diagnosed by a dealer and if so, dealer name and specifics

Bill, the expert mechanic at YOC agreed that the previous one was shot.

F – were there any problems related to the CCT failure, i.e., cylinder head damage/engine replacement

None that I know of

G – if the repair/replacement was performed by a dealer, how many days

Performed while I was waiting during one day, as I had pre-ordered the part.

H – paid for by Yamaha or not/under conventional warranty or Y.E.S

Under warranty by YES

I – have you replaced your CCT more than once, including how many times, mileage at replacements


J – did the chain noise begin randomly, or did it begin following valve adjustment, where the CCT needed to be de-tensioned to facilitate cam removal

I am not sure

K - if you are needing to change your CCT are you confident Yamaha's redesign is sufficient or are you considering replacement with a manual aftermarket design

I trust Yamaha's redesign.

I am very grateful to Bill and Yamaha of Cucamonga, and Kaitsdad and my riding partner Walrus for diagnosing the issue by hearing the noise.

A – 2005

B – 32,000 but no significant noise, just a noticable loss of tension in the spring.

C – CCT replaced by shop I use.

D – Yes and even the little bit of noise I thought had been associated with the common engine noise.

E – Not a dealer but by a motor sports shop: Motorsports Plus, Jeff Fischer, South St. Paul, MN

F – No

G – It took three weeks for the part to come in, but I had access to my bike at any time.

H – Not under warranty. Out of pocket expense.

I – No

J – No chain noise just kept tabs on the tension.

K - Confident Yamaha's redesign.

A –2003

B – 48000

C – I change the chain and chain tensioner by myself after 1000 miles start the noise in right side of the engine.

D – Yes, inmediatly.

E – No, the problem was detected by myself.

F – No

G - I change the tensiones and chain by myself in tree days

H – No

I – No, I am ride my FJR 38000 miles after fix without noises

J – Randomly

K - Manual aftermarket design is my future choice

A – 2003

B – 40000Km

C – replace the CCT & chain myself by manual type

D – eliminated the problem

E – no from reading here

F – No

G –

H – paid for! not under conventional warranty or Y.E.S

I – 1st time

J – began randomly, de-tensioned at cct end screw

K - highly consider replacement with a manual aftermarket design

This survey is strictly informative. Please, let’s keep it that way.

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A – the model year of your FJR 2006

B – the number of miles on your FJR when the cam chain noise became apparent 85K kms

C – what action did you take, i.e., replace the CCT yourself, have the dealer do the work, ignore the noise, etc., and at what mileage Myself @ 95K Kms

D – did replacing the CCT eliminate the problem, i.e., the chain noise Yes

E – was the problem diagnosed by a dealer and if so, dealer name and specifics No

F – were there any problems related to the CCT failure, i.e., cylinder head damage/engine replacement No

G – if the repair/replacement was performed by a dealer, how many days

H – paid for by Yamaha or not/under conventional warranty or Y.E.S No

I – have you replaced your CCT more than once, including how many times, mileage at replacements No

J – did the chain noise begin randomly, or did it begin following valve adjustment, where the CCT needed to be de-tensioned to facilitate cam removal Randomly, cold starts

K - if you are needing to change your CCT are you confident Yamaha's redesign is sufficient or are you considering replacement with a manual aftermarket design Confident

I don't think Yamaha will ever do anything, but given the number of responses, it is clear the original part is poor.

Here is my info:

A – 2007

B – 7500

C – shop replacement at 8000

D – fixed it completely

E – by me and this forum

F – none

G – Marietta Motorsports (independant shop Marietta, GA) 2 hrs

H – out of pocket

I – only one replacement from original

J – noise begin randomly

K - imanual replacement from original APE off Ebay $49.

A. 2003

B. 38000 miles

C.So far ignored it. 42000 miles

D. N/A

E. Not yet

F. N/A

G. N/A

H. N/A

I. No



Hope to get help from dealer . Has been verry helpful so far .

A – 2005

B – 43000 miles

C – Replaced the CCT myself 5/31/10 with the new auto CCT.

D – No noise now.

E – No

F – Thankfully no.

H – $88 out of pocket.

I – 1st time

J – An ever so slight noise after a trip at idle & being spooked by tales of grenading engines (during the EOM) by another FJR rider on my trip. Mine was probably OK, but the risk scared me! :unsure:

K - The new design seems to to have significantly more tension than the 5yr old one I took out, although I may consider the manual CCT if this new OEM CCT **** out down the road.

By this crude method (measuring the amount the CCT compresses the test spring) I'm wagging about an 8.3% increase in tension (near the max extension) on the new part vs my old one that was still working.


For you guys that thought changing the CCT was difficult, all I can think is that you probably haven't worked on cars much B) cause I was seated in a lawn chair for part of this exercise, no contest with the level of difficulty compared to accessing some car parts IMO. :rolleyes:

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A –2005

B – intermittent excessive noise around 8,000 miles, would come and go and was told it was normal

C – replaced at 46,705 mile valve check by dealer on 3/10/2010, they found it would kick back and stick in the retracted position allowing excessive chain slack

D – replacement with the redesigned CCT has eliminated the problem so far, i.e., the chain noise

E – D & D Cycle of Quincy,Mi 49082 diagnosed at time of valve check

F – no engine damage, caught in time due to FJRForum disaster experiences if I continued to believe noise was 'normal'

G – downtime was about two-three weeks due to parts wait

H – paid for out of pocket, 4 year Y.E.S. contract had expired without use

I – CCT was replaced just the once

J – chain noise began randomly, engine had never be touched except for oil, filter and spark plug changes

K - I'm somewhat confident Yamaha's redesign is sufficient, but I'll be keeping an ear on it

A – the model year of your FJR- 2006

B – the number of miles on your FJR when the cam chain noise became apparent-N/A

C – what action did you take, i.e., replace the CCT yourself, have the dealer do the work, ignore the noise, etc., and at what mileage - 58000- Had the bike in the shop for valve check/adjustment, after talking with mechanic decide to replace with Yamahas new part # call it perventive maintance

D – did replacing the CCT eliminate the problem, i.e., the chain noise - N/A

E – was the problem diagnosed by a dealer and if so, dealer name and specifics -N/A

F – were there any problems related to the CCT failure, i.e., cylinder head damage/engine replacement _ N/A

G – if the repair/replacement was performed by a dealer, how many days N/A

H – paid for by Yamaha or not/under conventional warranty or Y.E.S - work not done at Yamaha Shop

I – have you replaced your CCT more than once, including how many times, mileage at replacements

J – did the chain noise begin randomly, or did it begin following valve adjustment, where the CCT needed to be de-tensioned to facilitate cam removal - N/A

K - if you are needing to change your CCT are you confident Yamaha's redesign is sufficient or are you considering replacement with a manual aftermarket design - We'll see how the new part number for the CCT works out.

A – the model year of your FJR- 2003

B – the number of miles on your FJR when the cam chain noise became apparent-24,xxx

C – what action did you take, i.e., replace the CCT yourself, have the dealer do the work, ignore the noise, etc., and at what mileage - 24,xxx- replaced part myself

D – did replacing the CCT eliminate the problem, i.e., the chain noise - not sure yet, lost timing when CCT was removed, my mistake

E – was the problem diagnosed by a dealer and if so, dealer name and specifics -N/A

F – were there any problems related to the CCT failure, i.e., cylinder head damage/engine replacement - jumped a tooth, in the process of retiming

G – if the repair/replacement was performed by a dealer, how many days N/A

H – paid for by Yamaha or not/under conventional warranty or Y.E.S - no

I – have you replaced your CCT more than once, including how many times, mileage at replacements-no

J – did the chain noise begin randomly, or did it begin following valve adjustment, where the CCT needed to be de-tensioned to facilitate cam removal - randomly

K - if you are needing to change your CCT are you confident Yamaha's redesign is sufficient or are you considering replacement with a manual aftermarket design - We'll see how the new part number for the CCT works out.



C-Noise started on trip about 200 miles from home. Rode home, then took to dealer.

D-Dealer replaced the Cam Chain,Tensioner,and Guides.Quiet as ever now.

E-Problem was diagnosed by dealer. Said my FJR was the loudest he has ever heard.

Dealer=Roseville Yamaha,Roseville Ca.Service Mgr.=Zac Mickel ( Zac owns a FJR himself and really knows these bikes).

F-No other related problems and have rode 2,600 mi since replacement.Engine is as quiet as ever.

G= -Dealer made repairs in 2 days.

H-Paid for by Y.E.S

I- Once

J-Noise started randomly.

K-I am comfident Yamaha's redesigned Tensioner is a good replacement.

A. 05

B. 55K???

C. Replaced CCT meself. 55K

D. Yup

E. Nope

F. Nope

G. N/A

H. Nope-coulda pushed for YES paying for replacement, but that would have involved a dealer workin on Frank

I. Nope

J. Random-coulda been there for a while, intermittently, at idle. Posted failures prompted action on my part.

K. Either way, factory replacement fine. I think. :unsure:

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A – 2006

B – since birth

C – replaced with APE Manual tensioner

D – Yes. Never ran this quiet.

E – No.

F – No.

G – N/A

H – No.

I – No.

J – No. Present from birth.

K - N/A


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