FJRF009.2: "Intermittent Ground Wire Connection"

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It sounds to me like each dealer is approaching this recall with a different idea of what will determine if the full harness needs replaced.

On another note, I took my bike in today and the dealer said everything looked okay. So they installed the sub-harness and off I went.

I had planned on waiting a while to bring her in, but my starting system has been acting up and that accelerated my "desire" to go see the dealer. I had a spider bite almost 2 years ago with spider S7 (located above the left headlight) that caused my headlights to fail and the usual wacky odd lights on the dash. I fixed that spider by soldering all the wire together. I could have had the dealer fix that problem, but with my custom wiring I just knew it would be a big fight convincing them that my wiring was not the cause of the problem. So I troubleshot and fixed it myself. I also checked and greased all the other spiders at that time. I reinspected the spiders this spring and they all still looked good, so I wasn't in a hurry to hassle with getting the bike to the dealer.

I still have 1 year of YES left so decided to have the dealer fix the starting problem so that I can get some of my YES money back. And of course they won't let a bike out the door without the recall done, so by default it got taken care of yesterday. No main harness needed - which is a really good thing because I've got a AVCC installed, Stebel Nautilus horn (in parallel with stock horns and powered through a relay), power strip, PC-III and always hot GPS mount. I have nightmares thinking of what the dealer would say about all that custom wiring tied into the main harness they'd be replacing.

About the starter: I determined that the starter relay is bad because I can feel and hear it click when pushing the start button but the voltmeter connected across the power terminals still shows 12volts (indicating that the main contactor is not making connection). The dealer determined that the start button is bad and has ordered a new right handlebar switch assembly. I thought they were full of it, but after checking when I got home - sure enough it appears that it is bad also. So in another week or so I'll have to beg a ride to/from work from the dealership where luckily I can drop off with a night key drop.

I have the Audiovox cruise control installed under the tank, in front of the coolant crossover pipe and completely blocking the wires for the ignition switch. Imagine my concern when I had the ignition switch recall done last year. The Service Manager said he asked for additional time from Yamaha Corporate because of the extra work involved to remove the coolant crossover pipe and move my cruise servo out of the way, and Yamaha agreed. The downside?? Yamaha made him put a note in my file to the effect that "This owner has an unapproved electronic cruise control device installed. Yamaha disavows any liability from its use and recommends its immediate removal."

Regarding the current recall, my bike was in the shop for a blown fork seal, which Yamaha covered under YES as a one-time favor, according to the Service manager, so they did the wiring harness inspection at the same time. Finding no damage at S4, they installed the stub harness and buttoned it up. They completed the replacement of both fork seals, as well as the stub harness, in about half a day.

I have roadrunner's harness installed, and they either didn't notice or didn't care. I assume they didn't notice since you can't see it by raising the tank.
I just got back from the local Yamaha dealer, intending to get the recall work done, and they told me that I would have to foot the bill for any extra time it might take because of the Cruise Control module under the tank. I left with my bike and figured I would just install one of the non-OEM solutions that are available from the folks on this forum. Reading this, I guess it might be worth it for me to try to get the dealer to contact Yamaha about it, but I'm not sure it would help. I don't have a lot of faith in this particular dealership's eagerness to do anything for the customer other than try to squeeze more money out of them.

Maybe I'll try to find another dealership that might be more willing to work for the customer.
What dealer was this?

Delayed reply here because I was out of town for a couple of weeks. It was RideNow in Phoenix. I got my bike back yesterday. I think it took about a week to get done, but I had told them ahead of time that I would have to leave the bike with them for a few weeks due to my travel plans. They did the recall work, did not have to replace the harness, and I was not charged anything. Bike seems to work as well as it did before. They didn't mention anything specific about the Cruise Control in the service report, so I am assuming it was not an issue.

I guess the moral is that if you don't like the service you get from the dealer, call Yamaha and politely ask for their help.

They said a week, but I'm betting probably more like 2 weeks.
Be a good bet. Still waiting on mine. I week, 2 days and counting. My only salvation is the temp has been about 104 EVERY DAY that it's been at the stealership, so I'm not bitchin' too much... yet. Supposed to be ready Friday.

Called today and they are still waiting for the harness to arrive. Will be entering week 3 after Saturday.

I take mine in this morning; we'll see! Most of the staff at my little Suz-Yam dealer are great, but the manager - and the one that called me - is kind of a dick so I'm aprehensive as to what they'll say (and want to charge extra) about all my farkles and extra wiring.

I did ground everything separately so shouldn't be an issue - I'll just be glad when it's over.

I take mine in this morning; we'll see! Most of the staff at my little Suz-Yam dealer are great, but the manager - and the one that called me - is kind of a dick so I'm aprehensive as to what they'll say (and want to charge extra) about all my farkles and extra wiring.

I did ground everything separately so shouldn't be an issue - I'll just be glad when it's over.
Well, that was painless, and even the manager was like my best buddy this time! The mechanic came out and wanted to know what that was on the back of the bike (aux fuel tank), and it drew some shop attention with all the farkles and lights. After it was done, mechanic told me one of my aux light wires is frayed - good info to know - where it goes under the cover for the battery.

Grounding fix recall done! Changed both engine and rear end oil when I got home and it was good and hot...

Well, just my luck. I went in for my recall this morning on the first day of what was supposed to be a week of solo motorcycling bliss, but no love for me, my connector is already in meltdown. Damn, I should be in Nevada right now, not sitting at my keyboard. Plus, the harness for the AE is on backorder. I'm just glad it didn't bail out on me while Jenny and I were on our trip in July. She was along for all the fun I/we had when my 06 became what was quite possibly the very first spider failure while we were on our summer trip in '07. I prefer my trips with her be all about great scenery and good times, not looking for a U-Haul.

Good thing I'm a pretty easy going kinda guy, it would be tempting to think the FJRs don't love me as much as I love them. If there is a potential failure on a small percentage of bikes, you can count on me to have it. After a couple of tickers, TPS failures, kickstand switch failures and two spider bites I'm thinking in my case, the CCT is a definate maintenance item at about 50k.

Dropped mine off this morning , brought the wife out for breakfast & did a little yard work & phone rang , bike is done with no problems. :yahoo: Rode it home & now have to put all my crap back on. :p

Plus, the harness for the AE is on backorder.

Yep, been waiting a week and a half already for an AE harness. I think Yammie got caught with their head up their... as they should have been prepped for the demand of amount of harnesses they needed. I think they thought the quick fix would solve the recall problem.

Let's think about this.... say 2000 units per year ( conservitaive estimate ) x 4 years, = 8000 bikes. Assume a simple 5% failure rate, why are there not 400 harnesses in a warehouse ready to ship ? :angry:

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Just curious about the time frame of the repair. The letter stated 3 hours. My Dealer Columbus IN Yamaha has had my 08 Fjr a week and still not done.

What has been the average time kept for repair if I may ask??

Bad thing is I leave for vacation (motorcycle trip) at the beginning of next week all pre paid and now might not have a bike to go on !!!!

This may be the last of Yamaha for me, only after buying 7 new bike's in the last 8 years.

Just curious about the time frame of the repair. The letter stated 3 hours. My Dealer Columbus IN Yamaha has had my 08 Fjr a week and still not done.

What has been the average time kept for repair if I may ask??

Bad thing is I leave for vacation (motorcycle trip) at the beginning of next week all pre paid and now might not have a bike to go on !!!!

This may be the last of Yamaha for me, only after buying 7 new bike's in the last 8 years.
Update, called dealer today, they (Columbus IN Yamaha/Kawasaki) said they still had not got to it. So I went and got it, last time ever going there for anything...... Bunch of idiots

Just curious about the time frame of the repair. The letter stated 3 hours. My Dealer Columbus IN Yamaha has had my 08 Fjr a week and still not done.

What has been the average time kept for repair if I may ask??

Bad thing is I leave for vacation (motorcycle trip) at the beginning of next week all pre paid and now might not have a bike to go on !!!!

This may be the last of Yamaha for me, only after buying 7 new bike's in the last 8 years.
Update, called dealer today, they (Columbus IN Yamaha/Kawasaki) said they still had not got to it. So I went and got it, last time ever going there for anything...... Bunch of idiots
Good call. For the next dealer, make sure you have your ducks in a row - read up and be informed BEFORE you call them and find out if they know what the hell is going on. Reader's Digest version: First thing the dealer has to do is inspect your wiring harness. If your wiring harness is in good condition they will install a jumper. This is a relatively easy procedure. Many dealers already have the part on hand in the shop (something you should ask) and those that don't should be able to get it in a few days if they order it right away. If inspection reveals that your wiring harness is damaged then it will need to be replaced with an updated harness. This could take a LONG time as word is those replacement harnesses are out of stock and months away from being readily available. So you will want to discuss with the dealer ahead of time your options of getting your bike back while waiting for that part. I know this is a long thread, but there is lots of good info in it that will help you understand the issue and what questions you need to ask your dealer.

Has anyone with a Brodie harness installed went in and had the recall done yet?

I looked through this thread and couldn't find an instance, but may have missed it (old eyes).....
I'm scheduled to take mine in tomorrow. I PM'd Brodie to confirm that if I disconnect his harness at S4 and re-install the spider and black cap that the bike would still run with no issues, which he confirmed. My intention is to have the recall done, then disconnect the recall harness at S4, plug the Brodie harness back in, and leave the recall harness in place disconnected.

I didn't want to go down the road of trying to explain to the dealer all about the Brodie harness, nor did I want to ignore the recall as I'm sure at some point that might come back to bite me during resale or future work.

I'll let you know how it goes but I expect no issues. The dealer indicated he had the recall harnesses so I expect to get the bike back Thurs of Fri (he's doing plugs and TBS too).

Well, went without a glitch. Dropped the bike off Wed night, picked it up on Thursday. Recall,plugs,TBS, all completed. Went back in today to hook the Brodie Harness back in and completed that. All is well :yahoo: :yahoo:

Has anyone with a Brodie harness installed went in and had the recall done yet?

I looked through this thread and couldn't find an instance, but may have missed it (old eyes).....
I'm scheduled to take mine in tomorrow. I PM'd Brodie to confirm that if I disconnect his harness at S4 and re-install the spider and black cap that the bike would still run with no issues, which he confirmed. My intention is to have the recall done, then disconnect the recall harness at S4, plug the Brodie harness back in, and leave the recall harness in place disconnected.

I didn't want to go down the road of trying to explain to the dealer all about the Brodie harness, nor did I want to ignore the recall as I'm sure at some point that might come back to bite me during resale or future work.

I'll let you know how it goes but I expect no issues. The dealer indicated he had the recall harnesses so I expect to get the bike back Thurs of Fri (he's doing plugs and TBS too).

Well, went without a glitch. Dropped the bike off Wed night, picked it up on Thursday. Recall,plugs,TBS, all completed. Went back in today to hook the Brodie Harness back in and completed that. All is well :yahoo: :yahoo:
I have a question or three... I bought a harness from Brodie for my 2008, but I have not yet installed it.

Now that I got my recall letter, should I...

A. Get the recall done and skip the Brodie harness?

B. Install the Brodie harness and then have the recall done?

C. Get the recall done and then install the Brodie harness?


I have a question or three... I bought a harness from Brodie for my 2008, but I have not yet installed it.

Now that I got my recall letter, should I...

A. Get the recall done and skip the Brodie harness?

B. Install the Brodie harness and then have the recall done?

C. Get the recall done and then install the Brodie harness?

Option C, Get the recall done and then install the Brodie harness.

I have a question or three... I bought a harness from Brodie for my 2008, but I have not yet installed it.

Now that I got my recall letter, should I...

A. Get the recall done and skip the Brodie harness?

B. Install the Brodie harness and then have the recall done?

C. Get the recall done and then install the Brodie harness?

I agree, Option C. The concensus is that the Brodie Harness is a much more robust and thorough fix to the problem.

Adventure Motorsports, Monroe, Wa installed the Ground Wire Junction at the same time they performed the 8000 mile service on my year old 2009 with 8275 miles. I had called them two weeks prior to let them know I had a recall letter so they had ordered the parts then. Installation added 20 minutes to the 4 hours scheduled for the 8000 mile check. John Edgar, the Tech who did the work also took the time time to check all the rest of the ground junctions and apply dielecric grease. No overheating or burning found anywhere. I was concerned because I rode all last winter and through our wetter than normal spring. No concerns over the Eastern Beaver relay harness I installed to provide power to the Hella Supertone Hones mounted in the stock position. Commented on how neat the installation was.

Took the "short" way home to Mercer Island via Duvall, Carnation, Snoqualmie Falls ( with the requisite stop to see the falls and grab a quick snack), then North Bend before picking up I-90 to head west to home. Beautiful day on a bike that has brought nothing but a smile to my face everytime I get on it.


Just curious about the time frame of the repair. The letter stated 3 hours. My Dealer Columbus IN Yamaha has had my 08 Fjr a week and still not done.

What has been the average time kept for repair if I may ask??

Bad thing is I leave for vacation (motorcycle trip) at the beginning of next week all pre paid and now might not have a bike to go on !!!!

This may be the last of Yamaha for me, only after buying 7 new bike's in the last 8 years.
Update, called dealer today, they (Columbus IN Yamaha/Kawasaki) said they still had not got to it. So I went and got it, last time ever going there for anything...... Bunch of idiots
Good call. For the next dealer, make sure you have your ducks in a row - read up and be informed BEFORE you call them and find out if they know what the hell is going on. Reader's Digest version: First thing the dealer has to do is inspect your wiring harness. If your wiring harness is in good condition they will install a jumper. This is a relatively easy procedure. Many dealers already have the part on hand in the shop (something you should ask) and those that don't should be able to get it in a few days if they order it right away. If inspection reveals that your wiring harness is damaged then it will need to be replaced with an updated harness. This could take a LONG time as word is those replacement harnesses are out of stock and months away from being readily available. So you will want to discuss with the dealer ahead of time your options of getting your bike back while waiting for that part. I know this is a long thread, but there is lots of good info in it that will help you understand the issue and what questions you need to ask your dealer.
Hate to bring up your favorite shop. But I called ride now in peoria on ludlow off the 101. Service writer took my info and ordered a harness and sub lead for the bike(said he was going to order harness just in case it needed one). Talked to him a week later had the parts, took bike in waited around for about two hours. All it needed was the sub lead. Went back in a few days later about what i thought were cracks in hub assembly. They told me 700 for a new hub assembly but that they thought I was fine just the way it was. But would gladly take my money if I wanted to replace. IDK maybe I just got the right guy at ride now.

Just curious about the time frame of the repair. The letter stated 3 hours. My Dealer Columbus IN Yamaha has had my 08 Fjr a week and still not done.

What has been the average time kept for repair if I may ask??

Bad thing is I leave for vacation (motorcycle trip) at the beginning of next week all pre paid and now might not have a bike to go on !!!!

This may be the last of Yamaha for me, only after buying 7 new bike's in the last 8 years.
Update, called dealer today, they (Columbus IN Yamaha/Kawasaki) said they still had not got to it. So I went and got it, last time ever going there for anything...... Bunch of idiots
Good call. For the next dealer, make sure you have your ducks in a row - read up and be informed BEFORE you call them and find out if they know what the hell is going on. Reader's Digest version: First thing the dealer has to do is inspect your wiring harness. If your wiring harness is in good condition they will install a jumper. This is a relatively easy procedure. Many dealers already have the part on hand in the shop (something you should ask) and those that don't should be able to get it in a few days if they order it right away. If inspection reveals that your wiring harness is damaged then it will need to be replaced with an updated harness. This could take a LONG time as word is those replacement harnesses are out of stock and months away from being readily available. So you will want to discuss with the dealer ahead of time your options of getting your bike back while waiting for that part. I know this is a long thread, but there is lots of good info in it that will help you understand the issue and what questions you need to ask your dealer.
Hate to bring up your favorite shop. But I called ride now in peoria on ludlow off the 101. Service writer took my info and ordered a harness and sub lead for the bike(said he was going to order harness just in case it needed one). Talked to him a week later had the parts, took bike in waited around for about two hours. All it needed was the sub lead. Went back in a few days later about what i thought were cracks in hub assembly. They told me 700 for a new hub assembly but that they thought I was fine just the way it was. But would gladly take my money if I wanted to replace. IDK maybe I just got the right guy at ride now.
Something's not right here, because according to the 16 page recall notice my understanding is the dealer cannot order the full harness unless the bike is inspected first. It's Yammie that's footing the bill for the harness not the dealer, and it's several hundred dollars per harness. The full harness has been on back order for at least two weeks now, I'm wondering did you actually see a full replacement harness at the dealer while having your sub harness installed ?
