The very first post was actually at 10:49 a.m. PDT on July 22....a week ago. It wasn't intended to start exactly at 10 a.m. MDT or anything.The first post of this discussion listed a 10am PDT start time, not 9. Am I missing something?
You can't believe everything you read on the internet...The first post of this discussion listed a 10am PDT start time, not 9. Am I missing something?
ABQ is in Mountain time.The first post of this discussion listed a 10am PDT start time, not 9. Am I missing something?
Also seen where folks pull in and switch off spot without sending a final tracking. Last year I think I had a rider I was following...was easy to find as not many from the UK, and his spot stopped bout 5 miles out from the checkpoint. It isn't unheard of for folks to break down or crash so close to the checkpoint so we were a little worried about him. Turns out, he pulled in and switched off spot and ran to check in with the officials. So his spot sat there five miles out till he switched it back on when he left after the checkpoint period.Just wondering if anyone knows why the Spotwalla map for the rally folks still shows them scattered all over ABQ intead of all in the parking lot at the Sheraton?
There were some Nat. Park boni in the 2011 and/or 2013 IBR and the requirement then was to snap a pic with rally flag and maybe bike with the Park entrance sign. No requirement to enter or pay any fees. Then again, maybe your route takes you through a park and out the other side . . . pay up and ride then.If the Rally Masters require Park Stamps then that limits the riders to about an 8 hour window each day for most parks, which is kind of head explody when you think about it.
As mentioned here, it may not be just "parks", but at least also include "monuments" as well. It could also include others--we don't know. And since we don't have the bonus book riders have--it may not include certain parks as well.I will have to research it more, but I don't understand how the riders will find 50 national parks without going to Alaska and/or Hawaii?