FJRForum Official 2023 Iron Butt Rally Tracking/Analysis Thread

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So many people up in Maine this morning (there's likely a big bonus in Bar Harbor) with over 1,800 miles to the checkpoint (with ~36 hours left) and many still intend on taking their rest bonus tonight.

I was shocked to see how many people went for the Manhattan and Coney Island bonuses at around 5 pm yesterday.
Maybe the holiday? They thought traffic would be lighter with the markets closed?
Not necessarily.

If there are other points that could be added to the bingo card or the "menu", it may be worth it. Or seem worthy, and then seriously demolish one's hopes, aka Sucker.

To a normal rider* this is a fun ride. To someone hoping to win, it has to be a stomach churning endeavor, full of triple and quadruple guessing about the best route.
I dunno. Going on a long loop like that wouldn't have been my idea of a fun IBR, even if I was just looking to be a finisher as I was in 2011. I really enjoyed actually seeing odd things, state capitols, landmarks, etc.
Will you be there at the finish Joe?

Are you gonna go, Mike?

I was thinking about riding back out for the finish but once I looked at the cut off time I'm not so sure. If I chose to be there I'd have to ride out Thursday night and get a room nearby in order to be at the Marriot at a decent time. Scoring opens at 5:00 or 5:30 I think and after 8:00 riders are in the penalty zone.

I'm thinking aboot heading over Thursday after work and hanging out in parking lot, probably late into the night to see who rolls in.
Just read in the daily report about Lisa Rufo/Molly Hecker team hit a deer this morning around Dekalb, IL. Been chatting with Lisa and they're okay. Molly wasn't hurt, Lisa has some road rash on her right pinky finger. Lisa tells me she'll need a new helmet, face shield is toast. I'm just thankful to be texting with her and that they're okay.
Are you gonna go, Mike?

I'm thinking aboot heading over Thursday after work and hanging out in parking lot, probably late into the night to see who rolls in.
Pretty certain that I will be. Also heading out after work on Thursday, meaning that I won't arrive until most riders are back at the barn. Mostly want to see the folks later that afternoon and evening. Then hopefully ride back with some of the MN contingent.
Just read in the daily report about Lisa Rufo/Molly Hecker team hit a deer this morning around Dekalb, IL. Been chatting with Lisa and they're okay. Molly wasn't hurt, Lisa has some road rash on her right pinky finger. Lisa tells me she'll need a new helmet, face shield is toast. I'm just thankful to be texting with her and that they're okay.
that sucks, but glad they're ok...
I'm starting to look at those push-pins on the map, the checkpoint in Tulsa that penalty points start accruing in about 32 1/2 hours, and my first bit of math estimating distance and time for one of the outliers near Augusta, Maine. 1727 miles in 32.5 hours equals 53 mph. As a three time finisher of the IBR including a Top 10 in the last one....that's a solid indicator number that was in the middle of of my alley.

Note: I haven't seen what direction those souls down in Florida are headed, but know that I never went to Florida in an IBR given the propensity of Key West to be either a sucker bonus and/or in the 'ride hard...not smarter' column.

We're entering that period where we see push pins start to head for the barn and we'll start to guess whether they're a rookie that's in over their head, a veteran or solid force that may have bit off more than they can chew, or an icon that's Jim Owen or Mike Brookes and know EXACTLY what they're doing.

Throw in a rest bonus window (I'm not sure if there is one on this leg) where a push pins stalls out for 6-8 hours or an unscheduled drama like a tire, weather, traffic, or wildlife....and we're bound to hear some stories in John's write-ups.

Checkpoint #1
Wednesday night, June 21, 2023, 8pm - 10 pm CDT
Doubletree Warren Place
6110 S Yale Ave
Tulsa, Oklahoma

Penalty points accrue at 8:00:01pm
Scoring opens at 5pm

There was a rest bonus on this leg and the rest (points for at least 4 hours up to a maximum of 8) had to begin today [Tuesday] between midnight and midnight (eastern time).

I've also heard second hand that neither Mike Brooke nor Jim Owen appear on the group page 🤷‍♂️
Very very tough business happened that is reported on the Flash Updates. This one will cause some folks some pretty bad heartburn... oof! o_O

At 1:07am, Landry received a photo text, showing flag 88, hanging on a pole in Bar Harbor, looking so sad and abandoned by its hapless rider. Oh well.

Then, at 3:01am, another rider came upon the lonely flag and texted the RallyMom, asking should they bring it back. Really?!

When no text response came from a sleeping Landry, and no phone call to verify the basic rules of rallying, at 3:07 the rider announced in another text they would bring it back to Tulsa….NOOOOOOOO…….no coffee was needed for Landry when she read this at almost 5am.

One of the pitfalls of being rally staff is that it’s easy to ASSUME that riders understand basic Rally 101 concepts. Like never touch another rider’s flag. Ever. Ever. Moving a flag is something you just don’t do.

Now, the sad rider can no longer use his flag for the rest of the rally, has wasted hours of time, AND is out 5,000 points. All while said sad rider may have discovered the oversight and could be backtracking to retrieve the lost item, which is no longer where it was left. This is exhausting for rally staff in more ways than one.

The sad rider called the RallyMom at 7:48am to announce the lost flag status. He was on his way back to the bonus location to retrieve the flag and try to salvage his rally. But the flag was not there waiting on their reunion.

8:00am local time update: The riders have managed to connect and they are working on a handoff location to return the wayward rally flag to its owner. Hopefully, this will be resolved without further disruption.
I've also heard second hand that neither Mike Brooke nor Jim Owen appear on the group page 🤷‍♂️
Very plausible. That was an option to riders when I rode last as well.

However, I'm sure there's also a Rally Mom view we don't get to see that likely has all the ducklings listed....they made tracking worth a lot of points in the packets. ;)
Very plausible. That was an option to riders when I rode last as well.

However, I'm sure there's also a Rally Mom view we don't get to see that likely has all the ducklings listed....they made tracking worth a lot of points in the packets. ;)
Yep, I wasn't suggesting that the rally staff didn't have access to their tracks
Leg 1 has been exciting to watch. Shame on the one who picked up another riders flag! Everyone should know that is a big NO NO.
It has been very fun to watch everyone move about the country and try to guess what some of the bonus locations are. Even when I participated in '19 everyone was heavily encourage to have a gps tracking device (based on the points it was worth) but you were not required to be a part of the public page.

I too hope Lisa and Molly are all well. I also hope Steve can continue to stay focused on his job at hand and not worry to much about Lisa & Molly. I'm assuming that Steve & Lisa/Molly were a declared team and by splitting up Steve will receive a hit to his score.
That first checkpoint in Tulsa may be disastrous. 240,000 without power since Saturday night. 100 mph straight winds have trees down, power poles down, and general chaos as you might imagine. All intersections are stop signs and a good possibility the hotel will be without power. It's like a warzone in Tulsa right now.
Just checked the address of the Hotel. It is in one of the hardest hit parts of town. They may have a backup power but getting to and from it may be a problem. I stay at a Hilton Garden Inn midtown that is very near checkpoint one and it is closed due to storm damage. Check point one is one block south of where I stay.
This will be interesting.
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That first checkpoint in Tulsa may be disastrous. 240,000 without power since Saturday night. 100 mph straight winds have trees down, power poles down, and general chaos as you might imagine. All intersections are stop signs and a good possibility the hotel will be without power. It's like a warzone in Tulsa right now.
Just checked the address of the Hotel. It is in one of the hardest hit parts of town. They may have a backup power but getting to and from it may be a problem. I stay at a Hilton Garden Inn midtown that is very near checkpoint one and it is closed due to storm damage.
This will be interesting.
Just scanned some local news there, and there are lots of mentions of gas shortages as well?
We have a sales guy and office in Tulsa. Worked with him today in Ponca City, OK. No power at his house so he is staying at his brothers house. Power off there three different times today. He said some stations are selling 89 octane gas at 87 octane prices because they are running out. Power not scheduled to be back until 5:00 pm next Saturday. One person died there on a ventilator because of no power. It like a tornado hit town but weather service claimed straight winds.
This is next door to our guy. He said three more like that on their block. He got lucky with no trees down on him. It's a mess there. Don't know how this will affect the rally. Checkpoint one is a block south of where I usually stay. Can't imagine it is in good shape if where I usually stay is closed.
8:20 pm and there are still some riders in upstate NY and NY City. Yikes! They will have some hard riding ahead of them. Hopefully they have already taken their rest bonus.
We have a sales guy and office in Tulsa. Worked with him today in Ponca City, OK. No power at his house so he is staying at his brothers house. Power off there three different times today. He said some stations are selling 89 octane gas at 87 octane prices because they are running out. Power not scheduled to be back until 5:00 pm next Saturday. One person died there on a ventilator because of no power. It like a tornado hit town but weather service claimed straight winds.
This is next door to our guy. He said three more like that on their block. He got lucky with no trees down on him. It's a mess there. Don't know how this will affect the rally. Checkpoint one is a block south of where I usually stay. Can't imagine it is in good shape if where I usually stay is closed.
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The storm damage would have been known at the start yesterday, so I suspect if the Tulsa site wasn't available they would have made other arrangements before the start.

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