Fleeing Rider Runs Over LEO !!

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Jun 12, 2005
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Carson City NV
It was in Esparto.


ESPARTO, Calif. -- "An officer was seriously hurt one mile south of Esparto following a high-speed chase involving a motorcyclist, KCRA 3 reported Thursday.

According to Officer Gruidl with the Woodland CHP, the incident began as a high-speed pursuit that started in the north end of Yolo County.

The CHP officer was chasing a motorcyclist for about 40 minutes at speeds up to 140 mph.Two CHP units set up a road block at County Road 23 and County Road 86A in which there was a small gap between two CHP vehicles.

As the motorcycle began to approach the road block, it appeared to begin to slow down and go toward an officer, at which point the motorcycle sped up, went past road block at 80 mph and struck one of the CHP officers standing outside of their vehicle at the road block.

The CHP officer flew 30 feet in the air upon impact and sustained major injures.

The officer was flown to the UC Davis Medical Center in Sacramento by CHP helicopter with a broken femur and broken ribs.

The motorcyclist flew 100 plus feet in air after the collision. That person was life-flighted to the UC Davis Medical Center and does not have life-threatening injuries.

It is unknown why the vehicle was being pursued and the name of the officer has yet to be released. "


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The motorcyclist flew 100 plus feet in air after the collision. That person was life-flighted to the UC Davis Medical Center and does not have life-threatening injuries, despite having the much-deserved dog-**** beat out of this dumb ass upon his apprehension.
There, likely improved story accuracy a little.....

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Ya know, I hope this dog turd truly gets what's coming to him, but I can't help but wonder............................

What the hell was that CHP officer doing so that he put himself in a position to be hit at a roadblock?


Resisting arrest..Assault with a deadly weapon on a police officer..etc., etc., etc. :dribble:

Goodbye Mr. biker-squid-lowlife-bottom feeding-scum sucking-biker trash-idiot! Thanks for giving the rest of us a great reputation amongst the average citizens. Enjoy your new "digs", and pray the officer lives.... :eek:

Edit, 1105 PM: Officer is out of surgery. 2 broken legs, fractured foot and fractured skull.

The motorcyclist is a "local" to the area and the chase started as a speeding violation on I-5 in Dunnigan (30+ miles North).

I'm with you Skooter, what was the officer doing, except they report the cyclist was slowing approaching the roadblock, then accelerated toward the officer. Still, training should tell him not to "trust" a perpetrator, but I'm not a policeman nor have I ever played one.

This "idiot" rider could be charged with "attempted murder on a police officer". Uhm...that'd be really high on the ungood meter!

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Resisting arrest..Assault with a deadly weapon on a police officer..etc., etc., etc. :dribble:
Goodbye Mr. biker-squid-lowlife-bottom feeding-scum sucking-biker trash-idiot! Thanks for giving the rest of us a great reputation amongst the average citizens. Enjoy your new "digs", and pray the officer lives.... :eek:

There are so many variables on how they could have had their vehicles positioned, who knows the how/why right now. I'm sure that'll be part of the investigation. I'm also sure the defense attorney will argue that his client was only trying to get away and wasn't trying to hurt anyone, yadda, yadda, yadda.

While I fully recognize the need for "intent" in many of our laws, when you are intentionally breaking the law already, IMO, all other intent issues should go out the door.

This guy was fleeing for whatever reason. ANYTHING that happens as a result is HIS fault. I'm not saying this would give the cops carte blanche to behave recklessly, they have to face up to their actions as well, but if he hits a car (or in this case, a cop) but he never "intended" to, tough ****, he shouldn't have been fleeing in the first place!

While I fully recognize the need for "intent" in many of our laws, when you are intentionally breaking the law already, IMO, all other intent issues should go out the door.
This guy was fleeing for whatever reason. ANYTHING that happens as a result is HIS fault.
Yeah, speeding on I-5 @ 100+ mph... Once the officer lights you up, things can quickly get stupid, but it was in his control. They had a helicopter on him, lighting him up in the twilight and buzzing him, yet he continued to run. What part of his brain thought they couldn't follow him or get his license plate number with the "bird".

This wasn't a kid. IIRC, a report last night said that he's 35 yrs. old. Surely part of his cognizant reasoning should have come to the conclusion: Game Over! Pull over and "pay the piper".

Ponyfool, the CHP cars were parked near an intersection (it looked like "just" short of the cross street) and in a "Vee" shape, so the approaching speeder would be entering the "cone/funnel" shape. The officers were out of the vehicles. From the accounts, he was slowing then sped up to split the cars. That will show intent, regardless of what his lawyer says.

What the hell was that CHP officer doing so that he put himself in a position to be hit at a roadblock?
It could be something similar to what a friend of mine is facing right now. The long story short.

From Alabama, riding through Oklahoma (FZ6). Having fun in a sweeper (75 in a 55-what the ticket said). Sees three cops pulled off the road having a chat amongst themselves. One Spots him and runs onto the road waving his arms and STANDS INFRONT OF HIM. He said he had to swerve quickly to avoid a colision as he didn't think he would actually step into the road - down to around 40 at this time.

The cop looses it,cusses him out, writes him for wreckless endangerment, failure to obey, yada, yada. He is fearful of getting his Lic pulled and trying to work with the OK DA of the county. He said he would pay the speeding ticket, but the other stuff was unethical on the Cops behalf. No pretty blue lights were ever turned on.

That is the SHORT version, but at least in my friends case, the cop created the situation (as told to me)

While this is just hypothetical as to what could have happened in the CA case, I in no way release the rider (of this case) from the cause of the accident. He was a runner and had intent.


This just in

An email from my friend on his situation

The tickets got reduced down to "...pay a fine and it wont go on your record..." Thank God! I'll tell you all about it later.
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The 36 yr. old. Motorcycle rider is now charged with:

Attempted murder on a police officer

Evading arrest


DUI/controlled substance

Driving w/o a license

"Happy trails tew yew....." and good riddance, hairball!

The officer had 3 compound fractures of his legs but is awake and alert. At least THAT's good news.

Evidently the CHP helicopter that was following/chasing the biker immediately transported the officer to UC Davis hospital.

The biker was revived and stabilized by EMT, then airlifted in a separate copter.

My question: Was it worth it?

The guy was likely just a speeder until he made the mistake of trying to run. Usually it's just innocent people in the wrong place at the wrong time who suffer the consequences of these highly endangering activities. This time it was one of the cops. Maybe they'll reexamine their policy now that one of their own was injured.

I hate pursuits. Anybody worth chasing, as in a menace to society (like a murder suspect), should be worth chasing with bullets and anybody that runs should expect to be dodging them. JMHO. Equip the CHP helicopter with military armament or an EMP device to disable vehicles and people will think twice about evading.

What part of "To Protect" is served by creating vehicular missiles on public streets?

This guy was fleeing for whatever reason. ANYTHING that happens as a result is HIS fault. I'm not saying this would give the cops carte blanche to behave recklessly, they have to face up to their actions as well, but if he hits a car (or in this case, a cop) but he never "intended" to, tough ****, he shouldn't have been fleeing in the first place!
I'm no expert on the law, but IMHO the throttle on a motorcycle only does what a rider intends it to do. Twist one way for faster and the other way for slower. If you're still aboard the bike after the first 100 yards, you've got it. You know it. You understand it. This DA intended to go fast. He was asked by the authorities to slow down (and even pull over) but he chose not to. If he INTENDED to do as he was told, he'd have twisted that throttle thingummy in the opposite direction.

I do hope he gets his just rewards for this stunt. :rolleyes:


My first thought is that the reported distances are ********. I'm sorry, but the office flew 30 feet in the air? That's *10 yards* in the air, and nobody weighing 170+ pounds is gonna be launched ten yards in the air. Same thing or worse with the driver, 100 feet in the air? Think about it, that's 33 yards? Bull-farking-sheet. Reporters are such a-holes these days. It's all about juice, nothing about fact...

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My first thought is that the reported distances are ********. I'm sorry, but the office flew 30 feet in the air? That's *10 yards* in the air, and nobody weighing 170+ pounds is gonna be launched ten yards in the air. Same thing or worse with the driver, 100 feet in the air? Think about it, that's 33 yards? Bull-farking-sheet. Reporters are such a-holes these days. It's all about juice, nothing about fact...
I wondered about that too. Perhaps thirty and a hundred feet horizontally but vertically? There is no way that the perp could escape serious or even fatal injury if there was enough force to launch him that high, and then land on a hard surface.


My first thought is that the reported distances are ********. I'm sorry, but the office flew 30 feet in the air? That's *10 yards* in the air, and nobody weighing 170+ pounds is gonna be launched ten yards in the air. Same thing or worse with the driver, 100 feet in the air? Think about it, that's 33 yards? Bull-farking-sheet. Reporters are such a-holes these days. It's all about juice, nothing about fact...
I would tend to agree there's a lot of ******** involved but I also think the reporters just repeated the "facts" as stated by the cops on scene.

Well, surprise. Turns out the dirtbag rider was already on felony probation for receiving stolen cars, and drug possession. Sounds like a classic meth-head loser living in the desert.

I'm thinking the Judge isn't going to be pleased that Attempted Murder of a Police Officer occurred while Mr Biker was on *felony* probation.

I'm thinking Mr Biker might have some time in the Big House coming. Sweet. Couldn't happen to a more deserving douche-bag. He should start those rectum-stretching exercises now. :blink:

My first thought is that the reported distances are ********. I'm sorry, but the office flew 30 feet in the air? That's *10 yards* in the air, and nobody weighing 170+ pounds is gonna be launched ten yards in the air. Same thing or worse with the driver, 100 feet in the air? Think about it, that's 33 yards? Bull-farking-sheet. Reporters are such a-holes these days. It's all about juice, nothing about fact...
Well, I'd believe the story was probably interpreted from the CHP responses. If you remove the "in the air" from the reporter's story it would/could probably be more accurate.

IOW, if the officer was truly struck by a motorcycle travelling 65-80 mph, that would mean he was "thrown" about half way across my front yard (about the width of standard tract front yards in my area). I've witnessed a pedestrian struck in a 25 mph zone, the car screeching to a stop, that flew 10 ft. :blink:

The collision took place on remote 2-lane roads in farm country (rice and tomatos are the 2 largest crops, w/ some hay & straw. So the farmland is "flat" in that area, no orchard crops.). Photos of the "scene" show the motorcycle remains in a field, some distance off the road. So the motorcycle/rider combo could easily have tumbled 100'. Who knows how long the rider was airborne? He survived but is CCU (at our expense). But as Warchild so eloquently stated...... :dribble:

At least the officer is recovering and the bad guy has sealed his fate/future.

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What part of "To Protect" is served by creating vehicular missiles on public streets?
Of course, the other side of that coin is, what part of "To Protect" is left if all anyone who doesn't want to go to jail has to do is flee. Where is the protection in that?

While I won't publicly advocate for shooting fleeing drivers, I am all for making them rot in jail. The problem is, our system won't do that unless they actually hurt someone in the process.
