Florida's New Law to Combat Speeding

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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2006
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Louisville, KY
*Note* This applies to all vehicles. The report makes it sound like it is for motorcycles only, but it pertains to any transportation vehicle.

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Dude. It's Faux News. If they said the Atlantic was wet, I'd stick a toe in it before I believed 'em.

Welcome to my world. Here in Ontario if you are caught speeding 50km over the limit you lose your ride on the spot. Fines and demerrit points to follow. I'm not sure how/if and when you get your ride back. The charge is Racing. 50km is about 30mph!!! If they are talking about it then you're getting it.

Welcome to my world. Here in Ontario if you are caught speeding 50km over the limit you lose your ride on the spot. Fines and demerrit points to follow. I'm not sure how/if and when you get your ride back. The charge is Racing. 50km is about 30mph!!! If they are talking about it then you're getting it.
It's already passed, but it's only in florida. I will say that Fl. does have a large population of squids. There are tons of rich kids who's stupid parents buy them whatever the hell they want. These kids then stunt the bikes and ride like idiots to be cool with their friends, and since there are no twisties, all they do is go fast. Really Fast!!!

I kinda don't blame the legislature for trying to stop some of this, but the cops are screwed.

My brother is an LEO in Ft. Lauderdale, and they are not allowed to pursue.... pretty much ever... unless it's like a known suspect for something pretty hanous. And the kids know that. It's a tough situation to remedy, but I'm not sure if this will help or not.

Everyone of the guys they interviewed display an attitude that is an embarrassment to all motorcyclists.

They feel entitled to ride in a reckless manner in and around innocent passersby. That entitlement leads to a complete and total disregard to all laws. The riding they showed should be criminal on public roads with traffic around.

To me, while I know the law doesn't necessarily recognize it, most officers will, there is a big difference between a guy doing a buck thirty through traffic than a guy who revs it up to a buck thirty on a long, deserted stretch of road. The difference is, someone who only puts them self in danger is not the same as someone who puts everyone in danger.

While both are still illegal, and both "deserve" tickets, one is much more egregious than the other.

Everyone of the guys they interviewed display an attitude that is an embarrassment to all motorcyclists.
They feel entitled to ride in a reckless manner in and around innocent passersby. That entitlement leads to a complete and total disregard to all laws. The riding they showed should be criminal on public roads with traffic around.

To me, while I know the law doesn't necessarily recognize it, most officers will, there is a big difference between a guy doing a buck thirty through traffic than a guy who revs it up to a buck thirty on a long, deserted stretch of road. The difference is, someone who only puts them self in danger is not the same as someone who puts everyone in danger.

While both are still illegal, and both "deserve" tickets, one is much more egregious than the other.
Cool... I can haul ass through Pony's jurisdiction as long as I'm not in traffic. :rolleyes:

I hear what you're saying though, risking just your own life is one thing, risking others lives is much worse.

Since this is a growing problem, is it feasible to just snap photos of the license plates as they rip down the highways? It seems like it would be relatively easy to set "traps" for them in their common areas by running a motorcycle cop up and down the road and giving chase just long enough to get a photo.

In Baton Rouge, the squids gather at the local bike shop across from the street from my house every Thursday night. I can hear them racing on Hwy 61 until 2 in the morning. They also seem to come out on Sunday afternoon to wheelie down the interstate. Either one seems like an opportunity to catch a plate number to mail a ticket or at least build a database of the routine offenders so they could be dealt with on a different day... like when they get caught drunk driving in their cages on Saturday night.

New laws don't seem to matter much if they can't be caught or identified...

My brother is an LEO in Ft. Lauderdale, and they are not allowed to pursue.... pretty much ever... unless it's like a known suspect for something pretty hanous.
Thanks for that information. Good to know.


Since this is a growing problem, is it feasible to just snap photos of the license plates as they rip down the highways? It seems like it would be relatively easy to set "traps" for them in their common areas by running a motorcycle cop up and down the road and giving chase just long enough to get a photo.
Not really, no. Since they are already at a level of lawlessness, switching plates, running without plates, or as they've already done, move the plates all the way under the tail section so they aren't visible would immediately "solve" that problem. In addition, unless said tickets were to be treated as parking tickets, it would be impossible to identify the operator of the bike, only the owner.
Setting up traps wouldn't be feasible either since they are doing this on public roadways, in and amongst traffic and there is no way to know when any of them would open up and do their moronic stunts.

If it would be utilized by the masses, I'm all for cordoning off sections of isolated highways, making a closed circuit, and letting them go hog wild. As long as it is a closed course where the only ones who have the potential to get hurt are the participants, and to a lesser degree, the spectators specifically out there to watch (similar to rally races, etc), I'd support and encourage such things. However, my experience has been, any type of organized event wouldn't solve the problem on the street. It would only draw a small fraction of the crowd responsible for this reckless behavior.

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My brother is an LEO in Ft. Lauderdale, and they are not allowed to pursue.... pretty much ever... unless it's like a known suspect for something pretty hanous.
That's ironic, the differences. We are NOT allowed to chase known persons because we have already identified that person and can make an arrest later. It's the people we don't know we're allowed to chase.

It's a shame that their actions also endanger others, otherwise I would just say let 'natural selection' weed them out. Life's hard, it's harder/shorter when you're stupid. B)

My brother is an LEO in Ft. Lauderdale, and they are not allowed to pursue.... pretty much ever... unless it's like a known suspect for something pretty hanous.
That's ironic, the differences. We are NOT allowed to chase known persons because we have already identified that person and can make an arrest later. It's the people we don't know we're allowed to chase.
Not so much that it's a known suspect, but for instance, someone who just shot a person and is still armed, possibly going to shoot more....

Everyone of the guys they interviewed display an attitude that is an embarrassment to all motorcyclists.
They feel entitled to ride in a reckless manner in and around innocent passersby. That entitlement leads to a complete and total disregard to all laws. The riding they showed should be criminal on public roads with traffic around.

To me, while I know the law doesn't necessarily recognize it, most officers will, there is a big difference between a guy doing a buck thirty through traffic than a guy who revs it up to a buck thirty on a long, deserted stretch of road. The difference is, someone who only puts them self in danger is not the same as someone who puts everyone in danger.

While both are still illegal, and both "deserve" tickets, one is much more egregious than the other.

Plenty of good stuff said. These morons will help cleans the gene pool.
