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R.I.P. Our Motorcycling Friend
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
Carpinteria, CA
So, I had to go to Chicago for one of my lame-ass, semi annual, week long sales meetings. Meeting was to start at 1 pm on Monday. Of, course, there are no frickin' flights on Monday that would get me there on time so I have to blow a Sunday in airports to make this meeting...

Had to fly America Worst.

First flight outta SBA: Delayed, connection would be missed. Bumped to next flight. Second flight outta SBA: Delayed, connection would be missed. Bumped to next flight. Third and final flight outta SBA: Delayed, red eye connection through Vegas would be missed. Bumped to first flight out on Monday morning. Over booked. Bumped to next flight. Holy Shit! I'm in and the flight's on time! Woooo Hoooo! Make Phoenix without fuss, make connection. However, due to Sunday's many effed-up flights, seats are scarce and OF COURSE, I get the middle seat between two fat Arizona retirees in the last row across from the shitter!


Plane pulls out to the tarmac and we stop. Ruh Ro Rorge, this ain't good. Capt'n comes on the PA... "Ah, folks, this is your captain speaking... We've just been informed by ATC that we are in a departure hold..." And... WTF does that mean?! 10 minutes later...

"Ah, folks, this is the Captain again... ATC has informed us that the Detroit area is experiencing 'weather'. We'll have to hold here until they release us for take-off. They tell us it won't be but 10 or 20 minutes... So please remain in your seats with your seat belts fastened and your seat backs in their upright and most uncomfortable positions." Detroit!? Yo, Capt'n! This plane is going to Chifriggincago!

****. Oh, and it's 110 degrees outside and the air conditioning ain't working too well. We're sweltering and the two old fat ho's that I'm seated between begin to reek and their fat sweaty blubber rolls are squeezing in on me.


TWO FRIGGIN' HOURS LATER, we're finally getting into the air! Needless to say, I miss the first day of meetings, dinner and the hotel gave my room away cuz I didn't check in before 9 pm. WTF???!!!! What kind of effed up policy is that?! After backing off my tirade when the hotel manager told me he'd call the police, they put me up across the street at Chez Fleabag with loading dock view of the Roadway terminal which operates TWENTY FOUR FUCKING HOURS A DAY! Beep, beep, beep, beep, roar, roar, roar all friggin' night long. That, on top of the fucking Navy Newbies who were partying up a storm on their last day of freedom, left me with ZERO sleep.

TWN's is not a happy camper.

Meeting starts a 7 am and I drag my weary ass across the street to the meeting hotel. Sign says meeting is being held in the "Huron Room" - no map showing location so I had to ask the Concierge for directions... "Uh, I am being new here and I today am not knowing where to direct you" said the recent immigrant from India. Anyway, after asking 5 different hotel staffers where the **** the Huron Room was, a hotel GUEST gave me the directions upon hearing me cuss out the hotel manager...

Got to the meeting, took my seat and the sales director says, "Good morning everybody! How were your evenings? Everyone all rested up? (Go **** yourself, eat shit and die! Asshole!) Good, good. Well, I have some bad, or good news, depending on how you look at it... we will be concluding this week's meeting early due to a potential major sale that needs our immediate attention. So, this meeting will conclude at noon today."


Great, all this shit for a 5 hour meeting! Ain't that a bitch? Eh, I suppose I should look at the bright side... at least now I can through my front end back together before the weekend...

Which leads me into another topic to be posted shortly...

[SIZE=8pt]*Certain happenings were embellished for content enhancement, but for the most part, the story is true...[/SIZE]

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Besides manure? :D

I'm an independent manufacturer's rep for the high-end custom kitchen and bath industry. My accounts are independent, high end kitchen and bath dealers here in California and, sigh, Vegas (of which there are none and which is the most fucked-up place in the world in which to do bidness especially in the construction industry [don't ever buy a newer or new house there]).

I would be willing to bet you are the top shit seller in the firm, hence the luxury accomodations and 1st class air flame trip... :p

I can, however, relate. Having become a savvy air traveler, I have discovered the trick to surviving the flight; I upgrade, one way or another, to first class. Either I pay myself, or find a way (and there are some creative methods) to have the outfit pay, but that is the ONLY way I'll get on an airplane any more. Period. Or else I don't go.

Reminda me of my last trip on American... i'll just say I'm never flying American again! :angry03: :angry03: :angry03: :angry03: :angry03: :angry03: :angry03: :angry03: :angry03: :angry03: :angry03: :angry03: :angry03: :angry03: :angry03: :angry03: :angry03: :angry03: :angry03: :angry03:

Besides manure? :D
I'm an independent manufacturer's rep for the high-end custom kitchen and bath industry. My accounts are independent, high end kitchen and bath dealers here in California and, sigh, Vegas (of which there are none and which is the most fucked-up place in the world in which to do bidness especially in the construction industry [don't ever buy a newer or new house there]).
But I _like_ vegas!?!?

Besides manure?  :D
I'm an independent manufacturer's rep for the high-end custom kitchen and bath industry.  My accounts are independent, high end kitchen and bath dealers here in California and, sigh, Vegas (of which there are none and which is the most fucked-up place in the world in which to do bidness especially in the construction industry [don't ever buy a newer or new house there]).
But I _like_ vegas!?!?
"Its a great place to visit but.........."

Besides manure?  :D
I'm an independent manufacturer's rep for the high-end custom kitchen and bath industry.  My accounts are independent, high end kitchen and bath dealers here in California and, sigh, Vegas (of which there are none and which is the most fucked-up place in the world in which to do bidness especially in the construction industry [don't ever buy a newer or new house there]).
But I _like_ vegas!?!?
"Its a great place to visit but.........."
Yea, I guess so...

... I heard that prostitution is illegal in vegas??!?! That wasn't my experience though. :haha:

Again, though --- and I can't stress this enough --- I'm really kinda drunk right now, so I assume that everything I type here is just between us, right?

Again, though --- and I can't stress this enough --- I'm really kinda drunk right now, so I assume that everything I type here is just between us, right?
I want to see how many posts woody makes while drunk... Is he like the drunk in the bar who won't shut up? :bleh: :bleh: :bleh: :bleh: :bleh: :bleh: :bleh:

Again, though --- and I can't stress this enough --- I'm really kinda drunk right now, so I assume that everything I type here is just between us, right?
I want to see how many posts woody makes while drunk... Is he like the drunk in the bar who won't shut up? :bleh: :bleh: :bleh: :bleh: :bleh: :bleh: :bleh:
At the moment, yes, he is.

Tomorrow, I'm going to try and find one of those breathilizer things that locks out your car ignition, and attach it to my computer.

bro, I fly a LOT and ya know, you gotta ditch those connecting flights and do direct. may cost a little more but you can relax during the flight with those fat bittys on either side of you and catch some sleep.

Again, though --- and I can't stress this enough --- I'm really kinda drunk right now, so I assume that everything I type here is just between us, right?
I want to see how many posts woody makes while drunk... Is he like the drunk in the bar who won't shut up? :bleh: :bleh: :bleh: :bleh: :bleh: :bleh: :bleh:
At the moment, yes, he is.

Tomorrow, I'm going to try and find one of those breathilizer things that locks out your car ignition, and attach it to my computer.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

If they're really fat/homley, tell 'em you'll meet them in the toilet in 10 minutes, and while they're gone, get some shut-eye.


Do you remember the good old days when job applicants were told that, among the benefits, there was a lot of travel involved :bleh:

I still have acquaintances who tell me "you're lucky you get to travel a lot". Hah.

Man, they can keep their frequent travel sh*t. Even an airline lounge today is not exempt from screaming children, loudmouths on their friggin' cellphones and is often more crowded than a normal departure lounge.

What with the terrorist alerts. heightened security measures, crowded airports, piss-poor on board service and ghastly people all around, air travel has become the stuff of nightmares.

Woudn't that be nice if (beside gas lighters, scissors and penknives) they also banned gross, sweaty, ugly and loud people from aircraft, while children would have to go in the hold with the mutts? :bigeyes: :bigeyes: :bigeyes:

What? Did I say something wrong?

