FM transmitter for wireless to helmet

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Parsimonious Curmudgeon
Jun 28, 2005
Reaction score
Shandaken, NY
I am looking for an inexpensive means to get wireless sound from my radar detector to my helmet. I want to be able to get off the bike without having to unplug, and I don't really like having the headset wire swinging in the breeze while I'm riding.

I found a FM transmitter that is made for MP3 players that uses 12v, so no batteries needed for that. I am thinking about getting the transmitter and a self contained FM headset so I can have a wireless connection to my helmet. If it works for the radar detector then it can probably be used for any other device that currently requires a wired headset.

I haven't picked out the FM headset yet and I'll probably also look at FM receivers that I can just fit in my pocket and run a wired headset to the helmet from there.

Anybody try this? Does it sound like it might be worth a shot?

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I don't know but I'm interested in a similar solution. Something out of say a MixIT, into a transmitter.

Even if the reciever is small enough that I have to secure it to the back of my helmet, I'd be good with that so that I could still use good phones.

I too hate the cord blowing around in the wind... :blink:

Geezer, if all you want is the fm receiver, how 'bout this: Totally self contained within helmet. Uses one AAA battery. I ride 2hours per day and get about 3 weeks out of the battery.

This is a Sony walkman AM/FM. (WalMart, $29) The speakers are Sony desktop speakers for same or mp3, etc. (WalMart, $10)

The Sony has a beltclip. I pop-riveted the beltclip onto helmet. I disassembled the desktop speakers and glued the speakers in the helmet. There is NO need to cut wires. They are very easily hidden in the helmet trim/weatherstripping.

I have been in many downpours with no problems. I usually cut the radio off though while it is raining. I don't know if the radio cares. Sound is pretty dang good, especially for $40.

Added bonus: When you are not speeding, you can listen to the radio! (has 5 station pre-sets)

This was actually very easy to install (bout 30 mins.) and get used to using. The buttons are easily memorized for function as you will be operating blind.





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But it gives the Officer some distraction and a point of conversation...

Really. Worked this morning.

And, this thing weighs almost nothing. And while it usually amuses the onlookers, the helmet looks no different from my point of view. But hey, I'm cruising with tunes for $40!

But it gives the Officer some distraction and a point of conversation...

Really. Worked this morning.

That's just what i was laughing at, some states it's aginst the law to have such a thing, & was wondering how you might explane it to a LEO.
Why would it be against the law? It's just a radio. It's not as big as a chatterbox. The thing is only slightly bigger than your DL and about a 1/2 inch thick.

The LEO just wanted to know what it was and how it worked and how much it cost. No question of legality or anything.

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Why would it be against the law? It's just a radio. It's not as big as a chatterbox. The thing is only slightly bigger than your DL and about a 1/2 inch thick.
The LEO just wanted to know what it was and how it worked and how much it cost. No question of legality or anything.
Got popped for speeding in PA several years ago & the LEO told me he could have issued me a ticket for having headphones in my helmet, but because he was such a good guy he didn't & had me take them off.

I never looked into which states, but i'm sure they are not the only one.

[Got popped for speeding in PA several years ago & the LEO told me he could have issued me a ticket for having headphones in my helmet, but because he was such a good guy he didn't & had me take them off.

I never looked into which states, but i'm sure they are not the only one.
Ask him how the motorscouts communicate. :blink: if it is illegal (I'm guessing becuase its dangerous)

That is another stupid law.

I went through several inspection check points in NY state this season with my radar detector and wired headphones on. I got a look and a smile from one LEO but none of them questioned my wearing headphones. I use in the ear phones that block some of the wind noise.

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Well, while some may laugh at the look, this is really quite the shit. And Geezer, if parsimonious is more than a title, it's right up your alley.

If I understand what you're trying to do -- I tried it, and didn't work too well.

I used a Garmin 2730 (has an XM receiver, and built in FM modulator).

Put a Sony walkman FM receiver and earbuds in/on the helmet -- sound quality of the XM sucks through the FM modulator.

Ended up using wired earbuds. Also FWIW -- went through multiple pairs of earbuds, and ended up liking the Etymotic ER-6i's the best -- got them from for $78 link

Although the Sure E3's sound just a tad better, the Etymotics are smaller, and for me fit better in the helmet.

Geezer, if all you want is the fm receiver, how 'bout this: Totally self contained within helmet. Uses one AAA battery. I ride 2hours per day and get about 3 weeks out of the battery.
This is a Sony walkman AM/FM. (WalMart, $29) The speakers are Sony desktop speakers for same or mp3, etc. (WalMart, $10)

The Sony has a beltclip. I pop-riveted the beltclip onto helmet. I disassembled the desktop speakers and glued the speakers in the helmet. There is NO need to cut wires. They are very easily hidden in the helmet trim/weatherstripping.

I have been in many downpours with no problems. I usually cut the radio off though while it is raining. I don't know if the radio cares. Sound is pretty dang good, especially for $40.

Added bonus: When you are not speeding, you can listen to the radio! (has 5 station pre-sets)

This was actually very easy to install (bout 30 mins.) and get used to using. The buttons are easily memorized for function as you will be operating blind.




That's the craziest shit I ever did see. You ARE kidding, right?


Hell no. Tis the shit. How many of ya'll are jammin for $40? Ya'll privaledged must remember: All of us are not. I have two ex-wives and five kids. I am lucky to have the friggin bike. Forget the high-dollar farkles. If I can't make it or buy it el-cheapo from some crap hole like WalMart, it prolly ain't happening for me. I am the king of the poor-man's options. Hell, anyone can find the best solution when budgets are generous. Try finding 'em with no budget. As per an earlier post, I know that there are quite a few engineers and such running around here. And I am just as sure that shit like this amuses the hell out of 'em. But, WTF, I come from the land of "make-do". There ain't many that can. I ain't no engineer, but I am a problem solver by nature. I wanted tunes in my helmet. I got it for $40. Pose the same to an engineer and tell me what it would cost.

And, if geezer is genuine in his parsimonious-ness, then his stingy nature left all the high-dollar fixes out.

Sometimes youse guys just kill me. If it doesn't cost a shitload it can't be worth a damn. Man, please.

And if I read his original post correctly, he wanted a self-contained fm reciever for his helmet. I got it. What have ya'll got? I never, ever, snag a wire when dismounting.

All this above sounds like I am all serious and offended and shit, but I am not. :D This works for me. Hell, it just works. Ya'll want to spend more, be my guest. I ain't got the extra fundage.

And BD, you don't get to say anything. At least I ride mine. :D :D :D

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That get-up is so lame it came back from the other side of the universe as truly awesome. Buy an mp3 player that supports bluetooth 2.0 A2DP and a bluetooth A2DP headset. Integrate headset into helmet. Enjoy high quality DIGITAL stereo audio. See ebay for many A2DP bluetooth earbud and/or earmuff headsets. A2DP is a newer Bluetooth 2.0 high quality audio standard. Enjoy. See Google or Wikipedia for more info. DGfella, you keep quoting the laws, and I'll keep breaking them. That one speaker law here in NY is utter crap. Like you can hear anything over wind noise at 80 mph. This leads me to defecate on all handsfree units I see. This has become a real problem for me in public. Oh, and by the way for every animal you don't eat, I'll eat three.


/ends awesomeness

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And, if geezer is genuine in his parsimonious-ness, then his stingy nature left all the high-dollar fixes out.
Sometimes youse guys just kill me. If it doesn't cost a shitload it can't be worth a damn. Man, please.

And if I read his original post correctly, he wanted a self-contained fm reciever for his helmet. I got it. What have ya'll got? I never, ever, snag a wire when dismounting.
I am a cheap skate. I don't mind paying for top quality when I see the value in the more expensive product, but it has to be truly worth the price.

Scab, the problem with your setup is the mounting location. That radio would look a lot less, ummm. 'Darth Vader' if it was mounted on the side or back of your helmet. If I decide to go with the FM transmitter/receiver setup I think I'll either keep the receiver inside the helmet somehow if it's amall enough, or drop it in my pocket.

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Well, Geezer, you can mount the radio anywhere. The pop-rivets holding it on don't care. I put it on the front for ease of operation with either hand and so the helmet would still fit in the sidecase. It also sees very little water in this location.

Having had some of the headset fm recievers in the past, I have found their reception generally sux. The reception on this Sony is damn good.

I had though about going with mp3 but really, I like radio. No matter what kind of stereo I end up with in or on a vehicle, I always end up just listening to the radio.

"That radio would look a lot less, ummm. 'Darth Vader' if it was..."

Does that make Geezer a 'poser'?

I like Darth Vader anyway.

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