foot brake tension spring?

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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2009
Reaction score
Springfield, MO
I have a 2003 FJR and I believe that I am missing the foot brake (rear) tension spring that brings the foot lever back into the upward position. Can anyone tell were it connects to on each end or show me a picture of it on the bike? I have looked at the parts microfiche and it doesn't really show where or to what it connects to. Thanks

Missing spring? Or dirty pivot binding up and not letting lever return? That is common - it needs to be cleaned and re-lubed on a periodic basis.

Missing spring? Or dirty pivot binding up and not letting lever return? That is common - it needs to be cleaned and re-lubed on a periodic basis.
Yeah! What He Said! :D Gotta Lube ALL the Pivot Points. Just wait and you'll see what happens when the Side and Center Stand don't wanna go Up! :rolleyes:

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BTDT. Got the t-shirt. The pivot gums up and the lever sticks, causing the rear brake to drag and heat up. Also leaves your brake lights on.

Once a year or so actually take the thing apart and clean it, but for touch-up lube, use the spray white grease you can get at Walmart. Penetrates well, doesn't dry out and leave un-lubed like WD-40 will.

Same with the shift lever on the left side, but that's considerably more involved to get to.

Yup was just at NERDS and Alan pointed out that my brake light kept staying on. Its not a big job at all but heres a hint,,,,,,when you have it off and your putting it back together, put the springs on BEFORE you put the cover back in place. Its a real knuckle scraper if you dont! :angry2:

I have a Gen II but I suspect it's the same set up. I'll try to take a pic tomorrow morning and post it up. Looking from the bottom of the bike you should see 2 springs,the larger one that does the heavy lifting and a skinny one that works the lights. The larger one looks to be the same size as the kickstand spring.

The spring you are talking about is behind the panel the lever sits on. I you're looking at the assembly you see where the master cylinder's rod connects to the end of the pedal. Use you left index finger to feel around behind the mechanism. The top of the spring is attached at the back of the master cylinder, and the bottom of the spring is attached to a small arm off of the brake pedal. The spring is contained in a tube, so it won't feel like you're touching a spring. Just looking at the bike you'll never be able to actually put an eyeball on the spring, it's that well concealed.

I seriously doubt that it's missing. The stuck pedal from a gunked-up pivot shaft is a well-know malady on this bike, and is very common.

The spring you are talking about is behind the panel the lever sits on. I you're looking at the assembly you see where the master cylinder's rod connects to the end of the pedal. Use you left index finger to feel around behind the mechanism. The top of the spring is attached at the back of the master cylinder, and the bottom of the spring is attached to a small arm off of the brake pedal. The spring is contained in a tube, so it won't feel like you're touching a spring. Just looking at the bike you'll never be able to actually put an eyeball on the spring, it's that well concealed.

I seriously doubt that it's missing. The stuck pedal from a gunked-up pivot shaft is a well-know malady on this bike, and is very common.

Listen to what Wfoosie and ScooterG are telling you here. There is NO Way on earth just short of having your bike get hit by a Runaway Freight Train,

That the Spring is going to pop out of there for No Apparent Reason! You can't see the Spring even if it's still in there. Pressure Douche the Shit out of the Pivot

Point until there is No More Black Ooze coming off of it and Lube the Hell out of it! This Place is FULL of a Bunch of Old Salty Dogs that, (In Wfooshie's Words)

Been There, Done That and Got the Tee Shirt! Trust Us on This One. It's Gummed Up!! :rolleyes: Ok, I'm Going to Have a Beer and go to sleep now! JESUS!! :unsure:

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Brake pedal return spring is #5 in the parts breakdown fiche here.

As for the common problem of the rear brake sticking on due to lack of lubricant, I have a solution that doesn't require complete dis-assembly. I use Dupont Multiuse Teflon spray lubricant. I happen to always have the stuff on the shelf, as this is the same stuff that makes drive chain maintenance quick, clean and easy. It sprays on as a light penetrating fluid and dries quickly to a waxy, teflon, grease-like consistency. It is so easy to apply that I do it at every oil change and have not had the dreaded sticky brake pedal since. Also makes a very good cable lube.

Available at Lowe's stores for around $5 or many places on-line.

I Stand Corrected. You Can see it but, You need a mirror Looking Up at it! :rolleyes: And That Dupont Multiuse Teflon Spray Lube is Awesome Stuff!! :clapping:

Okay, I think I got it now! I thought you should be able to see the spring! It does return on it's own but not as fast as I want so no doubt it's dirty and gummed up! You guys are the guru's I'm just a simple new guy! Thanks again for the help! :big_boss:

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