For the Birds...

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Well-known member
Aug 5, 2011
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Lafayette, LA
I enjoy bird watching. I’m not very good at it, but I’m particularly fond of raptors. The Bald Eagle is coming back in big numbers along the Gulf Coast and that makes me very happy. My father is a free lance shutterbug and his primary focus is on landscapes, flowers, and birds. About once a year, he is nice enough to let me tag along on an adventure. It provided some quality time together that is really hard to describe.

This year we decided to shoot eagles from my boat. We launched at Flat Lake near Morgan City, where the majestic national bird is known to be seen. We were not disappointed – in a couple of hours, we saw about 20 eagles and a few other birds of prey as well. I drove the boat and when we spotted one with our binoculars, I killed the big engine and trolled in closer and quietly while my dad did his thing.

My father has high standards. That day, he shot 457 pictures and only 9 made the “final cut”. Even so, none were good enough for him to enter into a photo contest, so if at first we don’t succeed, we’ll just have to try try again.

These low res versions of his “finalists” were shot at no less than 50 yards from a floating (and bobbing) boat, some of which with no tripod. It takes a very steady hand, an EXTREMELY expensive camera, and a little bit of luck.


It’s easy for me to see why the early Americans chose this as our national bird.



Dad says that immediately after a bird craps, it takes off. He was a little too slow on the shutter for this one.


We got fairly close to a couple of young Ospreys as well. This one was hollering for its momma.


On the other hand, its sibling was more easy going.



I had a blast and quite frankly, can’t wait to do it again.

Stay thirsty, my friends….

Saw a bald eagle for the first time ever in Alaska four years ago -- Mendenhall Glacier National Park. They're badass-looking birds, but what most surprised me was how big they are: as big as a small dog!

Nice photos for your aquatic ride report. Tell your Dad thanks!

They have definitely come a long way. Once a rare sight, they are now common in Idaho. I've seen one soaring right over town, and last fall there was one sitting on top of an irrigation pivot in a field just out of town. I've floated under them on the river here, and yes if you ever get close, they are really, really big. Occasionally I see a golden eagle and they are even bigger.

Beautiful pictures. They must be making a comeback. There are even a few mating pairs with nests up here in southern NJ along the water ways. A rare sight but beautiful.

Good stuff Pants. Haven't seen one in awhile but what a sight. Now if we could just get to that scenic byway on our motors....

And WHY does it have to be a BALD eagle? Why can't it just be an eagle?

As a "follicley challenged" (bald) person I take serious offense to you continually referencing the bird as bald.

And just in case any of you are wondering, eagle tastes almost exactly like owl.

Those are jokes by the way, you don't have to call the federal game wardens.

Seriously, great photos. There are a few on the River Road between my house and New Orleans and it is always a thrill to see one.

Great pics. I occasionally see these awesome raptors cruising along the river.

Last year I saw a gold eagle sitting on a fence post just off the road. Those are seriously large birds. Startled me a little.

A couple of years ago I had a close encounter of the Great Horned kind, during my late night ride home along the pitch dark country highway.

I guess the owl was so intent on nailing whatever target locked prey, it failed to at first notice the onrushing fjr, only managing to pull up at the last moment. A Great Horned owl is absolutely huge when it's deploying white feathered air brakes within arm's length of you at the edge of your headlights.

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We did see one golden eagle that day and it was HUGE. But it didn't stay put long enough for us to get some decent pictures.

Recently, I was fishing with my dad and a friend and we hear some distinct "peeping" above us. When we looked up, we found 3 young eaglets training to soar. The parent would find the thermal and peep once of twice to the little ones. Then they would move over to it, peeping all the way. We watched them in amazement for about 5 minutes - it was incredible.

Thanks for the pics! We used to get a rare glimpse of an eagle or two down east in the wetlands but over the yrs they have been slowly moving up our way toward the center of the state. We catch sight of one once in a while near the house.

I don't often find good things to say about **** hole that is the "Coastal Bend"... (OK this is my personal opinion only cause there good things here, some where)...But the one thing I do like about this place is the fall and spring bird migration. This area is a key migration route for North America. We see a wide variety of birds. Seen various Raptors, but not sure I've been seen a Bald Eagle. Humming Birds are just amazing to watch around feeders. Am still absolutely amazed by the sight of hundreds of Canadian Geese flying way high up there in formation....what is it called?? Is it called an echelon?

Anyway.....great photos Mr Hppants Dad..


I don't often find good things to say about **** hole that is the "Coastal Bend"... (OK this is my personal opinion only cause there good things here, some where)...But the one thing I do like about this place is the fall and spring bird migration. This area is a key migration route for North America. We see a wide variety of birds. Seen various Raptors, but not sure I've been seen a Bald Eagle. Humming Birds are just amazing to watch around feeders. Am still absolutely amazed by the sight of hundreds of Canadian Geese flying way high up there in formation....what is it called?? Is it called an echelon?

Anyway.....great photos Mr Hppants Dad..


Sorry about that

Sorry about that

Sorry about that

The winters here are fantastic for bird watching. I've gone with my dad on a still, but cold morning and in a couple of hours, counted 50 species. I hear that in bird watching circles, that's significant.

Eagles are majestic birds, all right. We have plenty of them here. Along with owls and various sizes of hawks. But raptors are less fun to have around when you've got chickens and ducks.
