Go Wings!
I gotta stop doing stuff for free!!!
Hey Ray Ray,I gotta stop doing stuff for free!!!
If you want to drain your forks and fill by the volume method you could drill a drain hole in the back of the fork. Provided they are not USDs of course.Thanks, that's what I was afraid of. I was hoping that there was an easier way to drain the fork oil than spending hours pulling the whole front of the bike apart. Remember the old days when you would just remove a drain screw at the bottom of each tube, pump the forks a few times, replace the screw , fill the forks and you're done.You drain the oil normally. That device lets you set the oil level accurately after you have re-filled them.Do you suck the old oil out with a large syringe or are you pulling the fork tubes once a year? Probably a dumb question but the last bike I changed fork oil on had drain screws on the bottom and didn't require removal of the tubes.