Fork rebound adjuster problem?

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Mar 4, 2006
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I was putting new springs and buffer kits (Traxxion Dynamics) in my 2003 FJR forks and found there was a difference between the two rebound adjusters.

One had a total travel of 47 clicks, the other had 26. I also noticed that on the one with only 26 clicks, the black knob does not travel nearly as far up and down, implying that the size of each click is the same regardless of the total number.

The one with 47 clicks also had a questionable thread and didn't want to screw all the way down on the damper rod so I bought a new one, thinking the old one was screwed up on the inside because it was forced together during the original assembly.

The new part showed up and it has 50 clicks.

Do the number of clicks not matter because you only use the first 10 or so, or should I use the two adjusters with close to the same range of adjustment?

In other words, which 2 of the 3 adjusters I have should I use?


When replacing the top fork cap on the dampner rod assembly did you run the lock nut down the dampner rod, then run the fork cap down on the dampner rod till it stopped by hand? Then run the lock nut up and tighten it. The rebound adjuster stops when it hits the top of the damner rod. So if one side is not as far into the fork cap you will have different settings. Most any time you remove the fork caps the settings will change a click or two. So you just bottom out the adjuster and reset to the same clicks. It is best to back off the adjuster several clicks before removing the caps. When you replace the cap you want the dampner rod to bottom out against the cap, not the adjuster.

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When replacing the top fork cap on the dampner rod assembly did you run the lock nut down the dampner rod, then run the fork cap down on the dampner rod till it stopped by hand?
Yup. Did that on both forks. Also, the big difference in the number of clicks on the various cap assemblies is true even with the caps off the forks.

I just wish I had done something so simple and stupid and your suggestion would solve my problem. I'd rather be riding than be right. heh.
