Forum Avatars

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Darksider #16 - and Proud of it !
Sep 17, 2006
Reaction score
West end, Columbia River Gorge
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I was re reading some old posts when I came across this little gem...

Which one is Barb and which one is Tyler.

If you recall, the original was a black and white of 2 little girls with their easter dresses being inflated by an updraft.

My how these little girls have grown. :rolleyes:
and for the BETTER I might add! :clapping:

If you recall, the original was a black and white of 2 little girls with their easter dresses being inflated by an updraft.
My how these little girls have grown. :rolleyes:
Yes...some things are even more wonderful after the aging fine wine & fine FJR Forum ladies.

Thank heaven for little girls

for little girls get bigger every day!

Thank heaven for little girls

they grow up in the most delightful way!

Those little eyes so helpless and appealing

one day will flash and send you crashin' thru the ceilin'

Thank heaven for little girls

thank heaven for them all,

no matter where no matter who

for without them, what would little boys do?


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" Gentlemen "...






My original post was intended to poke a bit of embarrassing fun with 2 of the sweethearts on this FJRForum.

Can we get out of the gutter and get it back on track?

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Can we get out of the gutter and get it back on track?

Well, Brodie my friend, more like getting out of the pasture.

You know the modus operandi of the FJR forum, every thread will take on a life of its own, especially when it comes to certain members who live in Michigan. Once Bustanut arrives it is "Katie bar the door!"

who were you trying to embarrass?
Certainly not you mon cherie. :wubsmiley:

Or Miss Tyler. :wub:

I think posts # 2 and #3 clearly demonstrate that.

Perhaps "embarass" isn't exactly what he meant, more lie teasing you two or "ratlling your cages". :D

Though, for the life of me, I can't imagine why anyone would treat either of you (MEM, SilverPenguin, either of the FJRChick/Chiks or Kasey) like that!?!?!?




Speaking of changing avatars, I supose I'll have to change mine. I got rather fond of it .

Any suggestions?

Speaking of changing avatars, I supose I'll have to change mine. I got rather fond of it .
Any suggestions?
A change of clothes? I'm thinking the same model (That is you, isn't it?) a diaper, a la' the New Year baby, could be "interesting".

Speaking of changing avatars, I supose I'll have to change mine. I got rather fond of it .
Any suggestions?
A change of clothes? I'm thinking the same model (That is you, isn't it?) a diaper, a la' the New Year baby, could be "interesting".
Good one! will see what I come up (or down) with :)

Good grief .... I wonder what you've started with THAT suggestion :lol:
