Senecahome, I do pity you for the responses you will most likely get for your rant. Majicmaker will probably be the mildest and most sensible one you receive. That is, if anyone else bothers to even read this thread.
You must understand that this horse has been beaten to death on this forum so many times. That question has been answered over and over. This brings out the stinging sarcasm and sometimes poor humor that you are describing.
Like it or not, and sometimes I don't, this forum is used by everyone. There are those who are always serious, who only wish to deal with the technical aspect of the FJR. There are others who appear to only post some utterly useless garbage on literally every thread on the forum. Most of us are somewhere in between. The information is here, it is worth your time to find it. Just be prepared to shovel through some crap to get it. Especially if your topic is one that has been covered ad nauseum.